Dems Are Upset That Bill Barr Called Spying On The Trump Team ‘Spying’

But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?
Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
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Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled.

The only other instance was the use of informant to probe the campaign for possible Russian ties.
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

When Trump was charging this:


He was pedling baseless horseshit, unsupported by ANYHTING in over a year and a half since he claimed it.

This is exactly the lies Barr was trying to give credence to with his rediculous language.
No they were treated like a competitor and questionable at best tactis were used to spy on them. If you truly feel nothing questionable, improper or illegal was done then if the DOJ and intelligence community under Trump does the same thing to his 2020 opponent then you will have no problem at all with it.

Horseshit for the reasons I already laid out, so you can go back and read it again and respond.

You couldn’t shake a tree in Trump campaign without a Russian falling out. If any other campaign acts this shady while a foreign power is trying to subvert our elections I expect our intelligence and enforcement to get on them like white on rice.
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Slander of a 32 year veteran who has served our nation under enemy fire. He was thoroughly examined by the SC counsel and they found no grounds to charge him with anything of the sort.
Dang, and here I thought he pleaded guilty.
By LAW the Special Counsel report is released confidentially to the AG. He is under no duty to release it to anyone. When Ken Starr released his report, he first prepared it for public release by removing all Grand Jury Testimony, sources and methods, classified information, and information on uncharged persons, as is required by Law and Procedures. Mueller did not do this. Barr is doing that now, in consultation with Rosenstein and Mueller and working to get the report out the public as quickly as possible.
And you know Mueller did not prepare this report because...?
Oh the spying was unfortunately quite real, and the lies and fraud that appear to have been perpetuated on the FISA Court make Watergate look like child's play.
Pshaw! Trump said it so you take it as gospel. And Trump lies a lot.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.
Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
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They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.

What other corroborating evidence?

No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
With access to the memory on their devices, and the 3 hop rule, they spied on the campaign. And if they concealed evidence from the FISA Court and lied to get the warrants, the spying was illegal.
Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
With access to the memory on their devices, and the 3 hop rule, they spied on the campaign. And if they concealed evidence from the FISA Court and lied to get the warrants, the spying was illegal.

You are a wishful idiot full IFs and no actualls.

NSA has always had any metadata their phones could have had. Nor do the phones store actual voice conversations.

Come back when there is any finding of any wrong doing by anyone in our intelligence or FBI.
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They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
again, a person with absolutely no objectivity. a rock is smarter.
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
With access to the memory on their devices, and the 3 hop rule, they spied on the campaign. And if they concealed evidence from the FISA Court and lied to get the warrants, the spying was illegal.

You are a fucking idiot.
projecting much?
Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
With access to the memory on their devices, and the 3 hop rule, they spied on the campaign. And if they concealed evidence from the FISA Court and lied to get the warrants, the spying was illegal.
well technically, the spying was allowed by the FISA judge, however, the FISA judge was lied to to get the warrant to spy. And that is the crime. And BTW, for all you stupid ass leftists, surveillance and spying are the mthr fking same thing. Fk, I hate stupid.
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They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?
Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.

What other corroborating evidence?

Read up for yourself

Page testified to House investigators that he met with Russian government officials during his trip to Russia in July 2016.

Carter Page met with Russian officials on 2016 trip: report

So we have a total nobody, who is a known Russian intelligence asset, being named along with Papadopolous (who himself has been lying to FBI about stolen emals he knew of as far back as April 2016) as Trumps top foreign policy advisors.

This guy spends time with the campaign and then runs off to Moscow where he meets with Gaprom big cheeses who are known to be close to Putin.

You are going to tell me that there is not enough here for a warrant?
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Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


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