Dems Are Upset That Bill Barr Called Spying On The Trump Team ‘Spying’

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.

What other corroborating evidence?

Read up for yourself

Page testified to House investigators that he met with Russian government officials during his trip to Russia in July 2016.

Carter Page met with Russian officials on 2016 trip: report
so, it isn't illegal. why do you think something was wrong? what do you think you need a warrant for?

why didn't we get one then for this?

MSNBC Host Can't Remember When Obama Promised Russians "More Flexibility"

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.
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I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:
I kid you not, there you go.
I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.
/----/ "destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within."
You mean like trying to overturn the Electoral College and banning candidates from the ballot who don't release their tax returns? You mean traditions like that?
Mueller water plug.jpg
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

Nope, he was full of shit, it is 100% fake news and you are a total idiot for believing it.

There is absolutely no evidence to date that anyone, let alone POTUS, wiretapped Trump tower or anyone on the campaign staff.

Trump was lying because he knows idiots like you will swallow that bullshit uncritically.
You are unaware of the FISA warrants?

I am 100% aware of the FISA warrants.

What about them? Niether Manafort nor Carter were on the campaign at the time they were LEGALY surveiled.
With access to the memory on their devices, and the 3 hop rule, they spied on the campaign. And if they concealed evidence from the FISA Court and lied to get the warrants, the spying was illegal.
...NSA has always had any metadata their phones could have had. Nor do the phones store actual voice conversations...
The phones don't but our Intelligence Community does. These are not normally available for examination but they are with a FISA warrant. With a FISA warrant they then ask for transcripts. And the transcripts protect the civil rights of any American Person caught up in the intercept by masking them as "US Person" rather than their name, and then with the right clearance one may ask for unmasking of that person. Which is likely why the Obama Administration went on a unmasking orgy after Trump unexpectedly won the election. So they most certainly can go back in time, and with the "3-Hop Rule" throw a blanket over everyone.

These are very powerful authorities, that is why it is so important that all the rules governing their access are followed to the letter.
...Come back when there is any finding of any wrong doing by anyone in our intelligence or FBI.
If you can't see that concealing that the dossier was purchased with Crooked Hillary Cash is wrong doing, then you don't strike me as even open to the idea.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.
/----/ "destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within."
You mean like trying to overturn the Electoral College and banning candidates from the ballot who don't release their tax returns? You mean traditions like that?
View attachment 255977

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Difference between what goes on in your little crazy head and a squirrel's? Not much.

There is no evidence Obama, or any other politico had any input on this warant-in-hand surveilance.
You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Difference between what goes on in your little crazy head and a squirrel's? Not much.

The equivalent of an "Oh, yeah??? Sez you!" post.

Liberal brilliance on display.
BTW, that is exactly what it was SPYING. How wasn't it?


Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Difference between what goes on in your little crazy head and a squirrel's? Not much.

The equivalent of an "Oh, yeah??? Sez you!" post.

Liberal brilliance on display.

I felt more cheritable suddenly and edited it some to explain to you why your post is bullshit.

Yep, Peeping Tom looking into an open window is "spying" :rolleyes:

Everything is spying doncha' know, so when Trump says he was spied on and Trump tower was wiretapped during camapaign he was 100% correct, because even looking at someone the wrong way could be spying doncha' know.

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Difference between what goes on in your little crazy head and a squirrel's? Not much.

The equivalent of an "Oh, yeah??? Sez you!" post.

Liberal brilliance on display.

I felt more cheritable suddenly and edited it some to explain to you why your post is bullshit.

I don't use language like that....nor make those spelling errors.

Come back when you can write like an adult.
"Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
April 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Attorney General Barr suggested that the FBI and other agencies spied on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, former FBI director James Comey fired back.

"We did not spy," he told reporters as he stretched for his morning yoga class. "We just observed and reported secretly without the subject's knowledge or consent."

"See, I've never considered that spying," he added as he formed the "downward dog" pose. "That's just kind of secret watching. It's definitely not the same thing. When you spy, you watch someone without their knowledge. When you secret-watch, you just kind of secretly watch them."

"If we redefined spying to include all secret watching, we would have to include all the watching of American citizens on a daily basis as spying, and that probably wouldn't be good for our public image."

He then asked reporters if they would take a picture of him looking pensively up at the trees."
Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.


Which law did Barr ACTUALLY claim was broken?

Go watch the testimony and see what he said.


I DID dumbass, thats how I KNOW Barr did not claim any law was broken.

Yep, but he did say there was spying and he was completely correct. The only question is if there was a fraud committed on the FISA court. According to McCabe there most likely was, he said without the fictional dossier there would have been no warrant. So the folks that signed those warrant requests will be looking over their shoulders for a while. Hiding the fact that the dossier was political oppo research and only including a footnote that it might have been political in nature could have Comey, Yates and Rosenstein in hot water.

Congress needs to change the FISA procedures, to have a court appointed advocate. for the target, in the room when an ex parte warrant is requested, it's too easy for prosecutors to fudge on their duties of full disclosure.

Then did you see Camey's response to Barr, he said it was court ORDERED surveillance, which doesn't exist in the country. The boy is as bad as maobama when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth. Judges approve surveillance, they don't order it.


You seriously got no clue what you are talking about.

1. Barr said WRONGLY AND INTENTLY that there was spying. We spy on enemies, not citizens. Barr knows that distiction very well and would never use that languge if it wasn't for a political purpose. There was legal, warrant in-hand surveilance of people no longer with the campaign and use of an informant to probe compaign for Russia contacts.

2. Barr made NO COMMENT about FISA court, you made that up.

3. Dossier is NOT FICTIONAL and it's central thesis of Kremlin trying to influence the election and get Trump elected has been proven 100%. It was unverified, raw material, but TOGATHER WITH OTHER CORRABORATING EVIDENCE, it made for plenty of basis for surveilance on people with known Russian dealings.

Carter in particular, who's FISA warrant caught particular interest has been previously A KNOWN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET of a busted New York ring. He traveled to Moscow often and was considered by Russian intelligence as a useful idiot.

The bar to get one more warrant to surveil him was apropriately low, especially condering that at that point HE WAS NOT WITH THE CAMPAIGN.
Surveillance is spying.
"Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
April 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Attorney General Barr suggested that the FBI and other agencies spied on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, former FBI director James Comey fired back.

"We did not spy," he told reporters as he stretched for his morning yoga class. "We just observed and reported secretly without the subject's knowledge or consent."

"See, I've never considered that spying," he added as he formed the "downward dog" pose. "That's just kind of secret watching. It's definitely not the same thing. When you spy, you watch someone without their knowledge. When you secret-watch, you just kind of secretly watch them."

"If we redefined spying to include all secret watching, we would have to include all the watching of American citizens on a daily basis as spying, and that probably wouldn't be good for our public image."

He then asked reporters if they would take a picture of him looking pensively up at the trees."
Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
/——/ I didn’t kill the guy, your Honor. I just stopped his heart from beating.
"Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
April 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Attorney General Barr suggested that the FBI and other agencies spied on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, former FBI director James Comey fired back.

"We did not spy," he told reporters as he stretched for his morning yoga class. "We just observed and reported secretly without the subject's knowledge or consent."

"See, I've never considered that spying," he added as he formed the "downward dog" pose. "That's just kind of secret watching. It's definitely not the same thing. When you spy, you watch someone without their knowledge. When you secret-watch, you just kind of secretly watch them."

"If we redefined spying to include all secret watching, we would have to include all the watching of American citizens on a daily basis as spying, and that probably wouldn't be good for our public image."

He then asked reporters if they would take a picture of him looking pensively up at the trees."
Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
/——/ I didn’t kill the guy, your Honor. I just stopped his heart from beating.
From the same gang that started the Orwellian a BJ is not sex.
"Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'
April 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Attorney General Barr suggested that the FBI and other agencies spied on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, former FBI director James Comey fired back.

"We did not spy," he told reporters as he stretched for his morning yoga class. "We just observed and reported secretly without the subject's knowledge or consent."

"See, I've never considered that spying," he added as he formed the "downward dog" pose. "That's just kind of secret watching. It's definitely not the same thing. When you spy, you watch someone without their knowledge. When you secret-watch, you just kind of secretly watch them."

"If we redefined spying to include all secret watching, we would have to include all the watching of American citizens on a daily basis as spying, and that probably wouldn't be good for our public image."

He then asked reporters if they would take a picture of him looking pensively up at the trees."
Comey: 'We Did Not Spy---We Just Observed And Reported Secretly Without The Subject's Knowledge Or Consent'

“You think ‘spying’ has negative connotations? Good, govt surveilling American citizens without their knowledge, especially through the FISA Court, should have negative connotations. Crapper lied under oath to Congress about *spying* on American citizens by drag-netting our data.”
Finding it very hard to listen to people who sneered ‘collusion’ for 2 yrs now complain that ‘spying’ has a sinister connotation.
They will attack barr anyway they can.
I saw 3 CNN anchors claiming barr misled finding of a 1989 investigation.

I want to see republicans start using the clinton defense what differance does it make now.

Well well hillary said that proudly ignoring the deaths of Americans

But with barr from 1989 really what differance does it make now.
or trumps tax returns no law he had to show them .
Hes already president and will be for 6 more years to bad so sad hillary.
And we all know there are probally dozens of democrats left there from the obama days who are pooring through his tax returns looking for a 1 cent mistake but really as hillary what differance it makes now
They will attack barr anyway they can.
I saw 3 CNN anchors claiming barr misled finding of a 1989 investigation.

I want to see republicans start using the clinton defense what differance does it make now.

Well well hillary said that proudly ignoring the deaths of Americans

But with barr from 1989 really what differance does it make now.
or trumps tax returns no law he had to show them .
Hes already president and will be for 6 more years to bad so sad hillary.
And we all know there are probally dozens of democrats left there from the obama days who are pooring through his tax returns looking for a 1 cent mistake but really as hillary what differance it makes now

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