Dems Are Upset That Bill Barr Called Spying On The Trump Team ‘Spying’

But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
I don't see how it ends well for America. I don't see how so many Americans cannot see the cleverness behind this campaign to destroy an independent DOJ and FBI and Judicial to be replaced by 'loyalists'.
Independent of who? The voters? In our system NO ONE is independent of the voters. The only person in the entire Executive Branch who wields power is the President. All the powers in Article II are vested in the President of the United States. Only Trump stood before the Voters. All the FBI and DOJ's powers are derived from the President. We have no Lords or Nobles. No one in America has an inherent right to power. All power is derived from the People, and in the case of the FBI and DOJ, their power is derived from Trump's.

And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
...These service members used to swear an oath to the Constitution...
Of course. And Article II starts with this sentence: The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States. You are asking for a DOJ and FBI that is independent of the President's power and that is simply not allowed in our form of government.
WE must have gone to different schools. I was taught that there are three branches of American Government, each independent of the other that hopefully work together. You give Supreme Power the Trump and expect the other branches to fall into line (which they did til 2018).
I did no such thing. Trump has all of the power of the Executive Branch.
... How come you didn't feel that way about Presidential power before 2016? ...
It's not about how I "feel" this how our Constitution was drafted and ratified.
... you completely negated Legislative and Judicial power as secondary...
Untrue. Reread my post. I quite clearly posted this: And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
But their oath is not to the President, nor in the past has their loyalty expected to be.
I never said it was. I said their AUTHORITY was DERIVED from the President. They have no authority INDEPENDENT of the President. You started off by grieving over the "loss" of FBI and DOJ "Independence".

A good exercise is diagramming it. First, in our system ALL sovereignty resides in the People. We rule ourselves. We GRANT some of our authority to handle certain duties that are spelled out in our governing documents. Our Constitution splits our Federal Government into 3 areas of power:

Article 1 invests Legislative Authority into Congress and then describes the process by which the voters select them.

Article II invests Executive Power into ONE PERSON, the President.

Article III describes the Judicial Branch.

Everyone with power in the Federal government operates from within one of these 3 branches. There are no exceptions. The President is accountable to US and stands before us to obtain office and then has one additional opportunity.

Congress has the power to impeach and the power to conduct an impeachment inquiry. The DOJ and the FBI do not. They are subordinate to the President.

If they are subordinate to the president they derive their authority from him. The president is the only person charged by the Constitution to enforce our laws.

I don't see how it ends well for America. I don't see how so many Americans cannot see the cleverness behind this campaign to destroy an independent DOJ and FBI and Judicial to be replaced by 'loyalists'.
Independent of who? The voters? In our system NO ONE is independent of the voters. The only person in the entire Executive Branch who wields power is the President. All the powers in Article II are vested in the President of the United States. Only Trump stood before the Voters. All the FBI and DOJ's powers are derived from the President. We have no Lords or Nobles. No one in America has an inherent right to power. All power is derived from the People, and in the case of the FBI and DOJ, their power is derived from Trump's.

And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
...These service members used to swear an oath to the Constitution...
Of course. And Article II starts with this sentence: The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States. You are asking for a DOJ and FBI that is independent of the President's power and that is simply not allowed in our form of government.
WE must have gone to different schools. I was taught that there are three branches of American Government, each independent of the other that hopefully work together. You give Supreme Power the Trump and expect the other branches to fall into line (which they did til 2018).
I did no such thing. Trump has all of the power of the Executive Branch.
... How come you didn't feel that way about Presidential power before 2016? ...
It's not about how I "feel" this how our Constitution was drafted and ratified.
... you completely negated Legislative and Judicial power as secondary...
Untrue. Reread my post. I quite clearly posted this: And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
But their oath is not to the President, nor in the past has their loyalty expected to be.
I never said it was. I said their AUTHORITY was DERIVED from the President. They have no authority INDEPENDENT of the President. You started off by grieving over the "loss" of FBI and DOJ "Independence".

A good exercise is diagramming it. First, in our system ALL sovereignty resides in the People. We rule ourselves. We GRANT some of our authority to handle certain duties that are spelled out in our governing documents. Our Constitution splits our Federal Government into 3 areas of power:

Article 1 invests Legislative Authority into Congress and then describes the process by which the voters select them.

Article II invests Executive Power into ONE PERSON, the President.

Article III describes the Judicial Branch.

Everyone with power in the Federal government operates from within one of these 3 branches. There are no exceptions. The President is accountable to US and stands before us to obtain office and then has one additional opportunity.

Congress has the power to impeach and the power to conduct an impeachment inquiry. The DOJ and the FBI do not. They are subordinate to the President.
I got the impression you think the FBI and DOJ subordination to the President means they work for the President instead getting their marching orders from the Constitution they swear to uphold. So if a President or any member of his staff, say a Flynn who lobbied the US as a paid illegally undocumented procurer of a foreign entity, the FBI and DOJ has to stand down if ordered by the President? And if said agencies find enough reason to support an investigation into the plethora of said campaign and Executive branch employee's pre-presidential activities, the report of findings should be filtered thru the more-loyal-to-the-man-than-the-office AG who thinks a President is above the law and cannot be held accountable? You admit it is Congress that has the power to impeach, which I am against, yet you have no problem with the AG holding off presenting the Report to the House until the admin has had enough time to fully soak the Admin's advocates with lies, more lies and damn lies. Lies like "spying' for example. Like 'total exoneration' for example, even after all the convictions.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.

Will this happen before the world ends I
in 12 years?
Don't know, but I think so. I am also wondering what your reaction will be when Trump goes for the "President for Life" title. I'm thinking there should be a banner over the WH front door that says something like.."Abandon hope, all who enter here"

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No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.

Will this happen before the world ends I
in 12 years?
Don't know, but I think so. I am also wondering what your reaction will be when Trump goes for the "President for Life" title. I'm thinking there should be a banner over the WH front door that says something like.."Abandon hope, all who enter here"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Drama queen much?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.
Last edited:
Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you fucking stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.

Barr simply talking about surveilance and saying he has no evidence of anything improper, but is just reviewing if everything was done by the book would have been 100% proper and not intentionally misleading.
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.
Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled.

The only other instance was the use of informant to probe the campaign for possible Russian ties.
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

When Trump was charging this:


He was pedling baseless horseshit, unsupported by ANYHTING in over a year and a half since he claimed it.

This is exactly the lies Barr was trying to give credence to with his rediculous language.
Trump: Okay you want to give sanctuary to illegals in California, fine here have them all.

Pelosi: :aargh:

Trump: What's the matter Nancy? :auiqs.jpg:

Pelosi: Somebody shut Trump up he's exposing our hypocrisy. :aargh:

Trump: I destroyed the left's narrative again, am I the best president ever or what.

Pelosi: ALARM I'm calling an emergency meeting of the liberal narrative exec committee, CNN HELP! :aargh:
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled.

The only other instance was the use of informant to probe the campaign for possible Russian ties.
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

When Trump was charging this:


He was pedling baseless horseshit, unsupported by ANYHTING in over a year and a half since he claimed it.

This is exactly the lies Barr was trying to give credence to with his rediculous language.
No they were treated like a competitor and questionable at best tactis were used to spy on them. If you truly feel nothing questionable, improper or illegal was done then if the DOJ and intelligence community under Trump does the same thing to his 2020 opponent then you will have no problem at all with it.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.

They did, and breaking laws to get their insurance policy wasn't a real concern. Like McCabe said, there would have been no FISA warrant without the fictional dossier. Don't you think it strange that the person they got the warrant on, is one of the few that walked away unscathed by the special counsel? It's now known that a special counsel was being discussed long before Comey was fired.

Independent of who? The voters? In our system NO ONE is independent of the voters. The only person in the entire Executive Branch who wields power is the President. All the powers in Article II are vested in the President of the United States. Only Trump stood before the Voters. All the FBI and DOJ's powers are derived from the President. We have no Lords or Nobles. No one in America has an inherent right to power. All power is derived from the People, and in the case of the FBI and DOJ, their power is derived from Trump's.

And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
Of course. And Article II starts with this sentence: The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States. You are asking for a DOJ and FBI that is independent of the President's power and that is simply not allowed in our form of government.
WE must have gone to different schools. I was taught that there are three branches of American Government, each independent of the other that hopefully work together. You give Supreme Power the Trump and expect the other branches to fall into line (which they did til 2018).
I did no such thing. Trump has all of the power of the Executive Branch.
... How come you didn't feel that way about Presidential power before 2016? ...
It's not about how I "feel" this how our Constitution was drafted and ratified.
... you completely negated Legislative and Judicial power as secondary...
Untrue. Reread my post. I quite clearly posted this: And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
But their oath is not to the President, nor in the past has their loyalty expected to be.
I never said it was. I said their AUTHORITY was DERIVED from the President. They have no authority INDEPENDENT of the President. You started off by grieving over the "loss" of FBI and DOJ "Independence".

A good exercise is diagramming it. First, in our system ALL sovereignty resides in the People. We rule ourselves. We GRANT some of our authority to handle certain duties that are spelled out in our governing documents. Our Constitution splits our Federal Government into 3 areas of power:

Article 1 invests Legislative Authority into Congress and then describes the process by which the voters select them.

Article II invests Executive Power into ONE PERSON, the President.

Article III describes the Judicial Branch.

Everyone with power in the Federal government operates from within one of these 3 branches. There are no exceptions. The President is accountable to US and stands before us to obtain office and then has one additional opportunity.

Congress has the power to impeach and the power to conduct an impeachment inquiry. The DOJ and the FBI do not. They are subordinate to the President.
I got the impression you think...
You are attributing your mental construct to me.
... Flynn who lobbied the US as a paid illegally undocumented procurer of a foreign entity...
Slander of a 32 year veteran who has served our nation under enemy fire. He was thoroughly examined by the SC counsel and they found no grounds to charge him with anything of the sort.
... the report of findings should be filtered thru the more-loyal-to-the-man-than-the-office AG who thinks a President is above the law and cannot be held accountable?...
More slander. Barr stated that if the President committed clear crimes, like Nixon and Clinton did that would be obstruction of justice, and then warned Mueller against pursuing Obstruction Charges based on an incorrect untested reading of the stature that misapplies post Enron changes in the stature. The major problem being that it would allow prosecutors to charge as "crimes" lawful acts that they disagreed with politically, after the fact, by not just the President, but anyone in the Administration!
...You admit it is Congress that has the power to impeach...
What I admit, or fail to, has no bearing this is the plain reading of the Constitution and precedent.
... yet you have no problem with the AG holding off presenting the Report to the House...
By LAW the Special Counsel report is released confidentially to the AG. He is under no duty to release it to anyone. When Ken Starr released his report, he first prepared it for public release by removing all Grand Jury Testimony, sources and methods, classified information, and information on uncharged persons, as is required by Law and Procedures. Mueller did not do this. Barr is doing that now, in consultation with Rosenstein and Mueller and working to get the report out the public as quickly as possible.
...Lies like "spying' for example...
Oh the spying was unfortunately quite real, and the lies and fraud that appear to have been perpetuated on the FISA Court make Watergate look like child's play.
...Like 'total exoneration' for example, even after all the convictions.
Trump has been through a witch hunt and examination like few have ever experienced and not a single charge was brought against him. Few in DC would be able to withstand an examination like that. He may be the cleanest guy in DC.

Now the apple turns, and the Witch Hunters, Comey, McCabe, The Ohrs and the rest of the Obama Administration that was in on this vile misuse of the authority we grant them, in order to witch hunt their political opponents, will be just as carefully and closely examined.

Is this a great country or what!?


Robespierre launched the French Revolution with it's orgy of beheadings, the French Revolution ended when public approval turned against him and he died on the guillotine.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.

Actually all covert surveillance is spying.

  1. noun form of spy

  1. a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.
Umm exactly dumbass. By saying that our inteligence spied on Trump's campaign implies that they treated him like an enemy.
Umm exactly dumbass. Coup attempt is treason, and I look forward to the firing squads.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.
Buy yourself a dictionary. Surveillance is spying.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
You haven’t provided anything to prove he is you simply can’t deal with the fact he’s checking to see if any illegal tactics were used to start an investigation into a President you don’t like. Your whole argument is based on nothing but your election result buthurt.

Are you stupid or something?

I specifically explaned the difference between simply "looking into it" and using very specific, loaded words to mislead the public into thinking Trump was somehow improperly spied on.
No you haven't you have just ranted endlessly about the word spying being used.
Spy. work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
Sure as hell sounds like what was done to the Trump campiagan nothing loaded in the use of the word spying sorry if the truth hurts stupid. Rather what was done was illegal or improper is still to be determined.

Trump campaign WAS NOT treated like an enemy, they were relatively speaking treated with kid gloves.

NO ONE OFFICIALLY ON THE CAMPAIGN WAS SURVEILED. Carter and Manafort WERE NOT on the campaign staff at the time they were surveiled...
The FISA Warrant allows search of the HISTORY of electronic devices, so included the period during involvement with the campaign. And with the "3-hop rule" this is thousands of American being spied on.

With 3 'Hops,' NSA Gets Millions Of Phone Records

And following this was the Unmasking Orgy in the WH during the outgoing Obama Administration desperately searching for wrongdoing to overturn the election results. These are POWERFUL authorities we grant through FISA and they need to be handled and applied with careful adherence to the laws rules and regulations that apply.


He was completely right. Remember all the denials by the fake news folks at the time?

Finally with Barr we will have accountability. You should be excited. If Obama and his minions acted as lawfully as you claim, the examination will exonerate them of any crime, just like it did Trump.

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