Dems Are Upset That Bill Barr Called Spying On The Trump Team ‘Spying’

It's like those funny mirrors at the carnival.

Democrats and their fake news media adjunct are trying to deny that the Obama administration spied on the Trump presidential campaign. This despite multiple FISA warrants obtained to spy on Carter Page. The fake Fusion “dossier” that was the basis for those FISA warrants. We all read the many news reports of federal agencies recruiting multiple human intelligence assets to report on the Trump campaign.


I don’t see a way this ends well for the Democrats.
I don't see how it ends well for America. I don't see how so many Americans cannot see the cleverness behind this campaign to destroy an independent DOJ and FBI and Judicial to be replaced by 'loyalists'.
Independent of who? The voters? In our system NO ONE is independent of the voters. The only person in the entire Executive Branch who wields power is the President. All the powers in Article II are vested in the President of the United States. Only Trump stood before the Voters. All the FBI and DOJ's powers are derived from the President. We have no Lords or Nobles. No one in America has an inherent right to power. All power is derived from the People, and in the case of the FBI and DOJ, their power is derived from Trump's.

And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
...These service members used to swear an oath to the Constitution...
Of course. And Article II starts with this sentence: The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the United States. You are asking for a DOJ and FBI that is independent of the President's power and that is simply not allowed in our form of government.
WE must have gone to different schools. I was taught that there are three branches of American Government, each independent of the other that hopefully work together. You give Supreme Power the Trump and expect the other branches to fall into line (which they did til 2018).
I did no such thing. Trump has all of the power of the Executive Branch.
... How come you didn't feel that way about Presidential power before 2016? ...
It's not about how I "feel" this how our Constitution was drafted and ratified.
... you completely negated Legislative and Judicial power as secondary...
Untrue. Reread my post. I quite clearly posted this: And Trump is accountable, Congress has the power of Impeachment. The DOJ and FBI aren't part of the Legislative Branch, they are part of the Executive Branch.
But their oath is not to the President, nor in the past has their loyalty expected to be.
I never said it was. I said their AUTHORITY was DERIVED from the President. They have no authority INDEPENDENT of the President. You started off by grieving over the "loss" of FBI and DOJ "Independence".

A good exercise is diagramming it. First, in our system ALL sovereignty resides in the People. We rule ourselves. We GRANT some of our authority to handle certain duties that are spelled out in our governing documents. Our Constitution splits our Federal Government into 3 areas of power:

Article 1 invests Legislative Authority into Congress and then describes the process by which the voters select them.

Article II invests Executive Power into ONE PERSON, the President.

Article III describes the Judicial Branch.

Everyone with power in the Federal government operates from within one of these 3 branches. There are no exceptions. The President is accountable to US and stands before us to obtain office and then has one additional opportunity.

Congress has the power to impeach and the power to conduct an impeachment inquiry. The DOJ and the FBI do not. They are subordinate to the President.
Stupid democrats being upset at using the correct word will push even more people to trump and away from democrats...
This is a very recent conversion for them. Up until now they used the term "spying" to describe what FISA authorized, with regularity.








It's striking how consistent the @nytimes was in its use of the term "spying" prior to the Obama administration's efforts to aggressively spy on the Trump campaign.




CNN's meltdown over Barr's accurate use of the word "spying" is even more curious given that CNN described a previous GOP AG's testimony regarding the exact same DOJ program as "domestic spying."


'Member that time CNN referred to FBI agents secretly collecting communications of American citizens as spying? And 'member how there was so much spying via video games that the FBI worried it might be accidentally spying on its own agents? I 'member.



But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics and was deceiving the public on Trump’s behalf.

Barr has now pissed away any shred of credibility he had left. He is without any doubt a man fit for the job Trump wanted to fill - his very own Ray Cohn.
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But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these deceitful words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics on Trump’s behalf and pissing away any shred of credibility he had left in the process.
Quite common and he's quite right.

The Fake News Media That is Now Freaking Out Over Barr Using The Term Spying Used to Call Government Surveillance of People -- Even Terrorists! -- "Spying" as a Routine Matter.

Now That The Spying is Directed at ORANGEMANBAD, They're Freaking Out Over Semantics.

Government spying was government spying, until Trump called government spying "spying."

Then the Fake News media, like an obstreperous child, feels obligated to contradict Trump on every single simple point, began shrieking that spying was no longer spying, because they said so.

But a look back at their previous reporting on spying sees them calling spying "spying" in every single instance.

Except now that Trump says that spies did in fact spy on him, they've decided to play the infantile liberal game of redefining basic vocabulary.

No one is fooled.

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How embarrassing that the NYT used to call spying spying and will no longer ever be able to call spying spying, if they wish to remain consistent with their utterly ridiculous new standard that the use of wiretaps, overseas intelligence assets, other surveillance is not spying.

6:30 AM - Apr 12, 2019

Sean Davis


Really makes you think, @CillizzaCNN.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind

Dumbass, Barr called ALL SURVEILLANCE, legal or not, spying.

When he said “spying happened” what he ACTUALLY meant in correct wording was that “surveillance happened” and he just wants to look into it to make sure “it was properly predicated” (aka legal)

He used these deceitful words not because he is ignorant or stupid, but because he was playing shameless politics on Trump’s behalf and pissing away any shred of credibility he had left in the process.
Quite common and he's quite right.

The Fake News Media That is Now Freaking Out Over Barr Using The Term Spying Used to Call Government Surveillance of People -- Even Terrorists! -- "Spying" as a Routine Matter.

Now That The Spying is Directed at ORANGEMANBAD, They're Freaking Out Over Semantics.

Government spying was government spying, until Trump called government spying "spying."

Then the Fake News media, like an obstreperous child, feels obligated to contradict Trump on every single simple point, began shrieking that spying was no longer spying, because they said so.

But a look back at their previous reporting on spying sees them calling spying "spying" in every single instance.

Except now that Trump says that spies did in fact spy on him, they've decided to play the infantile liberal game of redefining basic vocabulary.

No one is fooled.

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How embarrassing that the NYT used to call spying spying and will no longer ever be able to call spying spying, if they wish to remain consistent with their utterly ridiculous new standard that the use of wiretaps, overseas intelligence assets, other surveillance is not spying.

6:30 AM - Apr 12, 2019

Sean Davis


Really makes you think, @CillizzaCNN.

There is NOTHING common about an AG bullshitting the country.

There was no spying on Trump campaign. There was LEGAL SURVEILLANCE and not a single word Barr has uttered to date was to tell us there was anything illegal or even improper going on.
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG of the United States of America - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
So what I don't like seeing guys walking around with their pants or shorts hanging halfway down their ass but I still have to live with it so the Democrats can live with this.

New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.
New standard for AG - guys who walk around with pants hanging halfway down their ass.

Welcome to Trumplandia
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
As usual the point of something goes over your head you really need to try thinking before you post.

Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.
Your point is bullshit.

It’s wrong for AG to partake in shameless deception of the public and you ought to call it what it is instead of deflecting to pants down some punk’s ass.
No it's your whinning that is bullshit every time someone say's something you or your far left loony liberal brothern don't like or agree with you whine like a little bitch. Here is a little news flash for you you are not going to like everything you see or hear that's life so grow the fuck and deal with it. Barr believes there might have been illegal activity taken against the Trump campiagn in 2016 so he is looking into it if he finds there is nothing to it that is a good thing it means that the intelligence community was not doing anything illegal and did not become political in the way they did their job if he finds out there was illegal activity going on that is a bad thing and we need to know that as well and hold those responsible accountable other wise the next time it occurs it might be against the campiagn of someone you support and then you would be on here raising holy hell about it demanding an investigation.

Did you know they invented paragraphs some time ago? Look into that ;)
Did you know you didn't dispute a thing I posted? Pretty telling.

Dispute? I didn't even read that never ending pile of words. Hurts my eyes.
Typical response from those who can’t dispute something your failure has been noted and your surrender accepted better luck next time.

Dispute what? You haven’t said one fucking word refuting that Barr was purposefully bullshitting the public.

All you got is “deal with it” as if it is somehow a problem isolated to Democrats that our AG has just publicly shit himself.

Barr can go look for whatever he wants to look, but until he found ANY wrongdoing he got no bussiness using loaded words to mislead the public into thinking that President’s campaign was inappropriately surveilled. He is attacking the very credibility of our intelligence and enforcement agencies, eroding public trust in them to give credence to Trump’s lies.
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But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.

Will this happen before the world ends I
in 12 years?

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Barr is trump's attorney now....

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

He will cover as much as possible for the Liar in Chief...

Yeah. Forget the 41 million dollars the investigations cost, all the subpoenas, and a team of the brightest legal minds in the world that investigated for corruption. Now that you dicks didn’t get what you wanted, and you just can’t admit that you are losers. Kinda sorta like Election Day, 2016.

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But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.
I look forward to Obama’s sworn testimony on the Russia lies.

Tell me about it.

Unless Lynch or Comey or both went rogue...a counter-intelligence agency investigating a presidential political campaign can only be
authorized by the POTUS.

Counter-Intel provides info to the POTUS. Obama is at the heart of this entire fiasco.

And all the people whining about Barr saying the FBI spied on the Trump campaign. The entire Country already knows that the FBI
launched a counter-intel investigation of the Trump campaign and did not inform the campaign. That is the textbook definition of

The FBI found zero Collusion and still persisted with getting FOUR FISA warrants to continue to spy on the campaign and the

Th only thing still in doubt is who will have the best odds to rat out former Pres Zero...Lynch or Comey.
Your entire screed is very smelly bullcrap! Good God Gertie, you're so easily led by the nose. Your talking points were all laid out for you by Trumpbots and you grabbed them up and swallowed like they are some comforting opioid.

Guess they left that out of the report, Gertie. You must be smoking a special dim blend.

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