Dems Are Upset That Bill Barr Called Spying On The Trump Team ‘Spying’

But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

Poor Bullwinkle.......

View attachment 255239
You got it! That's me thinking about how dumbed down and accepting of 3rd (maybe 4th) rate government that enriches itself and family and destroys traditions and thinks itself moral and keepers of a Constitution, albeit selectively. Suckers!
Brennan, Clapper, Power, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, with a supporting cast of spooks from “allied” foreign agencies are only there as humble servants to protect the Constitution and have no delusions of power and control!

Indeed, and that is why we will likely never find out.
The government will never allow the people to know just how deep and high this corruption is.
How could anyone have ANY faith in the system anymore.
And yet - you fucking wait - the same fucking people will get elected again. Just how fucking stupid the American people have become.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.

AG Barr's testimony has nothing to do with covering the President's butt.

He just commented that Trump and the Trump campaign were surveilled, and Mr. Trump's New York homestead was indeed tapped.

The only question that Barr brought up was to question whether or not it was done properly or not.

Would you agree that if the FBI did violate the rights of men like Carter Page and unlawfully violated them, that they should have to answer for it? And if there were violations of criminal law, those FBI should be sent to the Penitentiary, no?

We are a nation of laws, and the AG is very well respected.
Hey, my prince! Good morning!

Sorry, the AG WAS very well respected, but so far all he has done is echo Trump while burying the Mueller Report long enough for his Bots to prep the diciples with a belly full of counter-crap even before they see a word of the actual report. I realize how well steeped you are in the brewed concoction of corruption this admin covers in an aura of patriotism, old friend, but I am hoping it will all go the way of men's spats and sock garters. I'm thinking it will take at least one generation to wash away the smell of this admin.

Mr. Barr didn't decide the timing of his testimony yesterday. He was brought to the committee to testify under oath by the Democrats. If he's lying as you are suggesting, that should call for an investigation and charges being filed but I don't think he is lying.

As far as the President actually TIMING the release of this report- well sure, he's definitely doing that. And nothing wrong with that, to try and maximize the good vibes and minimize the bad ones. That's what President Obama did when he timed the announcement that Osama Ladin was whacked for 10:45 p.m. Eastern Time just as Mr. Trump was coming out for the climax of his old Apprentice program.

Consider the fact that the FBI supposed used its extraordinary investigative powers to literally spy on a Presidential candidate and bug his humble home. Why shouldn't that be looked at? And if it was done for partisan reasons to try and rig an election, why shouldn't those responsible be held to account?

When you are seeking to seize power, and you fail, there are consequences. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die" to quote the great woman leader, Cersei Lannister.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

Guess his investigation will reveal what happened. It should be quite interesting.

Benghazi was a State Department fuck up that cost four men their lives.

You obviously couldn't care less about those dead men so your thoughts aren't worth shit.
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But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

No. That is not what he said.
He said there was investigating done, he just wants to find out if it was done improperly.
He walked back nothing, you just fell for media spin...again.
How could he have evidence of something before he looks into it?

Last edited:
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.
For two years we’ve been hearing all about collusion with zero evidence.

But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

The "worm" of Western civilization is so damn close to turning from being based on individual freedom and liberty to draconian authoritarianism that one can almost smell the coming collapse of our American Age on the prevailing winds. On one side, we the patriotic Americans who believe in our Founding Fathers' foundation pray for some sanity to emerge in our leaders' minds . . . some desire to preserve our civilization and nation, while on the other side the radical American Left makes all speed ahead toward the cliff of a new Dark Age. Our nation hasn't quite gone into the ground yet and American Leftists are already dancing on Her grave. They are anti-American, anti-patriotic, communist atheist cultists and they will slaughter our civilization and carry around the entrails of its corpse as trophies if war is not soon declared to stop them.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

The "worm" of Western civilization is so damn close to turning from being based on individual freedom and liberty to draconian authoritarianism that one can almost smell the coming collapse of our American Age on the prevailing winds. On one side, we the patriotic Americans who believe in our Founding Fathers' foundation pray for some sanity to emerge in our leaders' minds . . . some desire to preserve our civilization and nation, while on the other side the radical American Left makes all speed ahead toward the cliff of a new Dark Age. Our nation hasn't quite gone into the ground yet and American Leftists are already dancing on Her grave. They are anti-American, anti-patriotic, communist atheist cultists and they will slaughter our civilization and carry around the entrails of its corpse as trophies if war is not soon declared to stop them.
Friend....corporatism has already taken America.
We have little to no actual representation in Washington anymore.
Even Obama, the left held up as the savior of everything - was a global elitist to the core. As well as a corporatist. PERIOD.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

No. That is not what he said.
He said there was investigating done, he just wants to find out if it was done improperly.
He walked back nothing, you just fell for media spin...again.
How could he have evidence of something before he looks into it?

what Barr said was quoted right in there.
"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I am saying that I am concerned about it and I’m looking into it."

The collusion is simple:

Trumps campaign was explicitly told that the Russian government was offering them dirt for the express purpose of helping Trump win the election. The campaigns response was to condone the effort (“If it is what you say I love it...”), direct it for maximum effectiveness (“...especially later in the summer.”), and then arrange secret meetings with top level campaign officials to discuss the effort further. Then Trump himself blatantly lied to the American about the meeting, while continually denying that Russia was doing anything at all.

And for the cherry on top, all of those details have been admitted to by people named Donald Trump.
Sorry, the AG WAS very well respected, but so far all he has done is echo Trump while burying the Mueller Report long enough for his Bots to prep the diciples with a belly full of counter-crap even before they see a word of the actual report. I realize how well steeped you are in the brewed concoction of corruption this admin covers in an aura of patriotism, old friend, but I am hoping it will all go the way of men's spats and sock garters. I'm thinking it will take at least one generation to wash away the smell of this admin.

Its a bit disingenuous for people to complain about President Trump timing his responses and revealing of news, when Trump himself was the victim of the most notorious October Surprise in Presidential Election history. The far left NBC television network as the Bush Family held on to the infamous Access Hollywood tape until it was basically election eve before it was unveiled. They held it for a full decade, waited until the precise moment when it would have the max impact on the election and Trump would not have time to recover..

It wouldn't have been a dirty move if the Access Hollywood tape had been revealed a year earlier, or even during the primary season when the people could have had time to change their minds about nominating Trump if they thought that was a good idea. But it was an obvious attempt to use timing to fix the election for Hillary R. Clinton.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

Guess his investigation will reveal what happened. It should be quite interesting.

Benghazi was a State Department fuck up that cost four men their lives.

You obviously couldn't care less about those dead men so your thoughts don't mean much to me.

How many indictments did we get from a 72 month benghazi investigation?
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

Comey was fired because of his incompetence, and at the insistence of top DOJ people like Rod Rosenstein and Sen. Chuck U. Schumer.

Not because Trump wanted to squelch anything, except incompetence.

The fact that the investigation went on anyhow puts the lie to your assertion here. And remember , the 2 year investigation revealed that Trump was an innocent as a newborn babe in regards to alleged collusion according to Mueller's own report.
I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

Guess his investigation will reveal what happened. It should be quite interesting.

Benghazi was a State Department fuck up that cost four men their lives.

You obviously couldn't care less about those dead men so your thoughts don't mean much to me.

How many indictments did we get from a 72 month benghazi investigation?
How many indictments you get doesn't prove jack squat....especially when you consider the fact that everyone doing the investigating was covering up what happened.
It was bad enough that it happened. The problem is they all lied about what caused it. Then they covered up what was going on in Benghazi.

So what were they hiding and why did Hillary refuse to protect State Department operators in a hostile foreign country when every other country chose to close their operations due to the high security risks?
I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

No. That is not what he said.
He said there was investigating done, he just wants to find out if it was done improperly.
He walked back nothing, you just fell for media spin...again.
How could he have evidence of something before he looks into it?

what Barr said was quoted right in there.
"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I am saying that I am concerned about it and I’m looking into it."

The collusion is simple:

Trumps campaign was explicitly told that the Russian government was offering them dirt for the express purpose of helping Trump win the election. The campaigns response was to condone the effort (“If it is what you say I love it...”), direct it for maximum effectiveness (“...especially later in the summer.”), and then arrange secret meetings with top level campaign officials to discuss the effort further. Then Trump himself blatantly lied to the American about the meeting, while continually denying that Russia was doing anything at all.

And for the cherry on top, all of those details have been admitted to by people named Donald Trump.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

No. That is not what he said.
He said there was investigating done, he just wants to find out if it was done improperly.
He walked back nothing, you just fell for media spin...again.
How could he have evidence of something before he looks into it?

what Barr said was quoted right in there.
"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I am saying that I am concerned about it and I’m looking into it."

The collusion is simple:

Trumps campaign was explicitly told that the Russian government was offering them dirt for the express purpose of helping Trump win the election. The campaigns response was to condone the effort (“If it is what you say I love it...”), direct it for maximum effectiveness (“...especially later in the summer.”), and then arrange secret meetings with top level campaign officials to discuss the effort further. Then Trump himself blatantly lied to the American about the meeting, while continually denying that Russia was doing anything at all.

And for the cherry on top, all of those details have been admitted to by people named Donald Trump.
View attachment 255245
Manafort - GRU ties are documented here.

Assange - GRU ties are documented here.

Kushner was expecting dirt on Hillary.

My commitment is only to objective truth.
Well give them some time. Their world crashed down on them today. They’ll be back to the same shrill liars they’ve always been soon.

You mean the one about Mueller being a Russian agent?

No the Treasury secretary refused to turn over Trump's tax returns, they are having a conniption fit. :21:
The illegal spying was a thunderclap for the Left:

“Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.”
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
Weather, the day will come when you will regret your support for covering Trump's sizable butt by destroying so many of the safeguarding traditions our FF tried to provide for us to prevent dictatorship and tyranny within. Barr's mission is now clear. Trump's corrupting and corroding leadership is above any law those old guys made up and evidently you concur. But it will turn on you, weather, sooner or later, and I'll bet you'll wonder how it came to be. Probably blame Obama.
I look forward to Obama’s sworn testimony on the Russia lies.

Tell me about it.

Unless Lynch or Comey or both went rogue...a counter-intelligence agency investigating a presidential political campaign can only be
authorized by the POTUS.

Counter-Intel provides info to the POTUS. Obama is at the heart of this entire fiasco.

And all the people whining about Barr saying the FBI spied on the Trump campaign. The entire Country already knows that the FBI
launched a counter-intel investigation of the Trump campaign and did not inform the campaign. That is the textbook definition of

The FBI found zero Collusion and still persisted with getting FOUR FISA warrants to continue to spy on the campaign and the

Th only thing still in doubt is who will have the best odds to rat out former Pres Zero...Lynch or Comey.
Your entire screed is very smelly bullcrap! Good God Gertie, you're so easily led by the nose. Your talking points were all laid out for you by Trumpbots and you grabbed them up and swallowed like they are some comforting opioid.

I beg your pardon. Do you have a different definition of spying? Do you have a different definition of FISA warrants obtained illegally? Are you suggesting
that Strozg's text to Page that read..."Obama wants to know everything we're doing..." was simply Obama asking about Page's ability to give a

You don't have long to answer. The IG's report will be out in roughly 6 weeks.
I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

LMAO The investigation went on in case you missed it.

Mueller cleared Trump and all I've seen is a bunch of whinny little shits complaining non stop about the Mueller report. The Mueller report they were oh so sure would hang Trump.

Now Barr is going to investigate the entire shit show. If I were the Dems I'd be quacking in my boots. No telling what that investigation will reveal.

I can hardly wait to see. LOL
Barr walks back claim that law enforcement spied on Trump campaign

so, Barr is saying no evidence that investigation was improper. But they're going to investigate the investigation anyway.
Reminds me of the benghazi truthers.

Guess his investigation will reveal what happened. It should be quite interesting.

Benghazi was a State Department fuck up that cost four men their lives.

You obviously couldn't care less about those dead men so your thoughts don't mean much to me.

How many indictments did we get from a 72 month benghazi investigation?

Did you think anyone would be indicted?? I sure didn't.

Nah. The incompetent State Department, run by her majesty Hitlery, was at fault.

Unfortunately incompetence isn't a crime. So no indictment.
Well, if Obama's folks were justified in spying on the Trump Campaign, I'm sure they will fully cooperate with the Investigation.

  • What "evidence" did the feds have to claim Page was a foreign asset? A special counsel investigation that involved 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents yielded nothing. I don't know what was redacted from the memos but Mueller's team certainly does. Page is a free man; presumably, he's not a RUSSIAN spy
  • There were human assets, Mifsud and Halper, deployed overseas by the ringleader of this operation, CIA's Johnny "The Commie" Brennan. This information is all public, so why are the media and the Democrats so shocked?
The narrative now coming from crazy conspiracy theorists who peddled the evidence-less collusion hoax for years is that Barr is simply regurgitating a conspiracy theory himself. The fact that the media and Democrats are melting down is merely a sign that Barr is correct to begin an investigation.
But when you’re engaged in illegal surveillance of a political candidate on behalf of the opposing political party, “spying” is the nicest word that comes to mind.

Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI

I can just imagine what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet the Dems will be screaming like stuck pigs.

Should be interesting.
Screaming louder that what we've been hearing from Republicans since Trump told Holt he fired Comey to squelch the investigation? Not sure we got the lungs for that.

Comey was fired because of his incompetence, and at the insistence of top DOJ people like Rod Rosenstein and Sen. Chuck U. Schumer.

Not because Trump wanted to squelch anything, except incompetence.

The fact that the investigation went on anyhow puts the lie to your assertion here. And remember , the 2 year investigation revealed that Trump was an innocent as a newborn babe in regards to alleged collusion according to Mueller's own report.

“Old and busted: Domestic spying is inconsistent with the values of this country.

New hotness: Spying is very consistent with the values of this country because Orange Man Bad.”

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