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Dems charged with voter fraud...IN CALIFORNIA!!!

If dems cheat in LA, what do we think they did in Miami, Los Angeles and Phoenix?
Yup, the DA has charged 9 people with felony voter fraud in the supposed solid democrat city of Los Angeles

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

What does that say?

Where’s your link Frankie?
Yup, the DA has charged 9 people with felony voter fraud in the supposed solid democrat city of Los Angeles

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

What does that say?

In reading the article, it says that the scheme involved bribing the homeless to sign PETITIONS to have right wing initiatives added to the ballot in California - like banning cash bail.

California law requires registered voters to sign these petititions which is why the homeless signed other people’s names.

Nowhere does the article even suggest that those arrested are Democrats and considering that the stuff they wanted on the ballot was right wing stuff, I highly doubt that they were.

So while the usual suspects and Russian trolls are celebrating proof positive of election fraud in California, it doesn’t involve voting, illegal immigrants or Democrats. It’s the basic dishonesty of the right yet again.

Oh I needed to make you liars tell the truth so here It was about many felonies. Including registering fake names and paying people to sign a fraudulent registration form. We don’t have to lie your side is committing crimes from murder treason and fraud harassment theft perjury and election fraud and most are arrogant enough to do it in the open or just stupid like anyone who would vote for one.

SO here: https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/a...homeless&year=2018&month=11&date=21&id=891532

Altogether now WWWaaaaaaaaahhhhh Bubu bubu HWWAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Say it ain’t true they are fine upstanding lying criminal shit!!! Waaaaaaah. dimshits are all murdering worthless trash.
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Yup, the DA has charged 9 people with felony voter fraud in the supposed solid democrat city of Los Angeles

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

What does that say?

Where’s your link Frankie?
Yup, the DA has charged 9 people with felony voter fraud in the supposed solid democrat city of Los Angeles

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

What does that say?

In reading the article, it says that the scheme involved bribing the homeless to sign PETITIONS to have right wing initiatives added to the ballot in California - like banning cash bail.

California law requires registered voters to sign these petititions which is why the homeless signed other people’s names.

Nowhere does the article even suggest that those arrested are Democrats and considering that the stuff they wanted on the ballot was right wing stuff, I highly doubt that they were.

So while the usual suspects and Russian trolls are celebrating proof positive of election fraud in California, it doesn’t involve voting, illegal immigrants or Democrats. It’s the basic dishonesty of the right yet again.

Oh I needed to make you liars tell the truth so here It was about many felonies. Including registering fake names and paying people to sign a fraudulent registration form. We don’t have to lie your side is committing crimes from murder treason and fraud harassment theft perjury and election fraud and most are arrogant enough to do it in the open or just stupid like anyone who would vote for one.

SO here: https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/a...homeless&year=2018&month=11&date=21&id=891532

Altogether now WWWaaaaaaaaahhhhh Bubu bubu HWWAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Say it ain’t true they are fine upstanding lying criminal shit!!! Waaaaaaah. dimshits are all murdering worthless trash.

All together now, these cheaters were trying to get right wing initiatives on the ballot. It was election fraud, not voter fraud, and it was perpetrated by the right not the left.

If you still want to "neener, neener, neener" this news item, feel free but you look like a complete idiot in doing so.
So it's not "9 votes" as you said, it's 9 dems cheating collecting hundreds of signatures to pass Progressive initiative in a supposedly Far Left lalaland.

If that's in LA, what did you guys do in Phoenix, Miami, Milwaukee and Detroit?
try reading your own links: There were 18 propositions on the ballot in 2016, and 16 in 2018. Some of the best-known ones this year would have expanded rent control and repealed a gas tax, but prosecutors declined to reveal which initiatives were involved in the fraud cases.


I lived there and many signature collectors collect sigs for initiatives that are business interests, anti progressive etc..

They are paid by how many sheets of signatures they turn in.

Majority overwhelmingly do not give two shits what the initiative is about. Why?

getting an initiative on a ballot does not equate with a guarantee of being made into law.

Most initiatives in CA you would be hard pressed to tell what they are .. prog con lib .. because they all play with the wording, before they are approved.

So the signature gathering process is ripe for disinformation, and more

You're flailing.

In LA, where nonliving democrat voters outnumber Republicans by 5 to 1 and Illegals are encouraged to vote, there is election fraud.
And investigation after investigation says - nope
People, before you respond .. read the friggin article

They are a familiar sight at farmers’ markets and public squares across California every election season: workers gathering signatures needed to place voter initiatives on the ballot.

Nine people have been charged with felony election fraud after they went to a different part of town to collect signatures: Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles district attorney announced on Tuesday that the nine had been charged with paying homeless people off — with one dollar bills and stray cigarettes — in exchange for signing fake names on petitions for the initiatives or on voter registration forms. (People who sign petitions are required to be registered voters.)

Sounds like they were charged correctly, felony election fraud, let’s hope they do time.
I agree. Criminals in the WH should be next
Yup, the DA has charged 9 people with felony voter fraud in the supposed solid democrat city of Los Angeles

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

What does that say?

Can you imagine dems having to cheat in Los Angeles?

The link did not mention party. However, if they were Democrats, my speculation would have to center on currying votes to support this vapid idea of destroying the present college of electors that was designed to give small states a say-so in governing. It could be that DNC-friendly polling places have a quota of overvotes to make in order to create a huge national stink over the claim of marginalizing votes in large states to curry more power for themselves and their holy grail of foisting a one-world government. What they're not telling you is that this will corrupt the founders' wisdom of self-rule and giving our power away to people exactly like Charles III, the kingpin who categorically taxed us without giving us representation in his realm.

If we cow-tow to the DNC idiocy, we will indeed be subjects to foreign governments, and no kidding, but Sharia law is growing outside our borders into a green-eyed monster of totalitarianism in which past dictators in Sharia lands have sarin-gassed people living within their own borders, and in the Case of Iran-Iraq wars, they sarin-gassed their enemies next door, too. this ain't gonna go away just because the DNC gets butt-hurt when they don't win elections to the point of their conspiracy to pull out the stops on propriety at the polls and go for the gold, to hell with the majority of voters who may disagree with their strong-arming ways at the polls.

Because of the threat globalism brings about, even if it is painted to be a paradise of global equality, it will actually tailspin what this nation built into being a Communist country with the same problems the Union of Soviet Socialists' Republic had--outrageous inflated prices for everyday commodities, long lines to get them, no choice of picking better cuts or fewer spoilage spots on meat and vegetables, and low-level graft that spoils a sense of trust in other people. That's already coming on if you look at the sheer animosity of polarization between socialists and nationalists in this nation.

We may need to take a state-by-state approach to our problem and separate rather than to wage a war between the states, since so many people no longer trust politicians who have in years past guaranteed that people will receive social security as an excuse for taking away 7% or more from worker and a matching amount from employer to establish Social Security, not to mention what the IRS takes from people who have an income.

We either learn to get along, or we need to separate and place people who want to do abortions on one coast and those who are against killing baby Americans on the other. The murdering of the unborn is intolerable to some of us women, and the failure to have an abortion is intolerable to other women. We are not one nation of high morals any more. So I'm saying that instead of killing each other off, Let states determine whether they are blue states that promote the sexual practice of aborting children they don't care to care for from the red states, most of whose women think killing the unborn is not only wrong, it is a form of untenable murder, killing somebody to weak to fight back for their own life.
Nobody wins, but at least we don't have to kill off half the population to do right by the unborn. Let the doozies kill all their own kids they want. Just keep them out of the faces of those of us who love and would never kill their own baby inside the body of their mother, due to what the Bible says. We will need the most productive lands since we will be having the most children to take care of the future. So shove off, baby-killing assholes. We're done with your hateful, intolerance of the unborn and the bullying way you treat them.
You socks all sound alike. I keep telling you to take lessons from mal

Dems charged with voter fraud...IN CALIFORNIA!!!

Here's the link, Jake
Nice. You still haven't linked proof of your assertion.

Look Jake, this is just the start.

The prosecution will squeeze these low level operatives to turn in people higher up the food chain. Maybe we'll even raid their lawyers offices, grab the cell phones and emails? Who knows what we'll find?
Look Jake, this is just the start.

The prosecution will squeeze these low level operatives to turn in people higher up the food chain. Maybe we'll even raid their lawyers offices, grab the cell phones and emails? Who knows what we'll find?

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