Dems, don't let other Dems bamboozle you, America IS a republic.

there are also people that want to discount and gaslight that we are a democracy where the mob rules and rights are negotiable,,

by going with a constitutional republic with democratic processes covers it pretty good.

the key should always be we have a constitution that limits the government and the majority be damned.

one big example I will point to is the electoral college and how dems and progs want to get rid of it,,
The minority the electoral college was supposed to protect were the minority of slavers. What minority population do you want to protect from the majority today? How come none of you people interested in protecting the minority from the majority never seem interested in a electoral college to give Black voters protection against a majority of white voters.
Who said it wasn't? I haven't even seen that on this message board.
Go ahead. Who said it? Who failed junior high and high school civics. link us a quote and if somebody defended that rather than just say something in passing, I will make derogatory comments on their education also. By the same measure, if you can't find any, you should come back and say "Well, it's just what I heard". Sounds fair, eh?
Hmmmm. It is a common misnomer. We are factually a representative republic as our very Pledge of Allegiance to our flag states "and to the republic, for which it stands". We elect representatives to represent us. We (the people) do not decide issues, policy or laws governing this country, only electing those that represent (or more correctly, those we think will or should or might represent) us, whether they do or not us. Those people represent us to an extent, when they aren't having culture war food fights, posting on twitter, or pandering for money from their base, that keeps slopping the hogs at the national trough
If anybody disagrees or doesn't like it, they can write their representative in Congress, or complain to their elected Senator, in the Senate, the body that tempers the lower house of our Federal bicameral legislative branch of Government.
We aren’t a democracy. We ARE a republic.

If you don’t like that fact you can change it. But I doubt you’ll win that battle.

“We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.”

Notice it doesn’t say “to the democracy ….”

For very good reason. We aren’t one.
the intent of the constitution is to define the country as a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 establishes elections.
Hmmmm. It is a common misnomer. We are factually a representative republic as our very Pledge of Allegiance to our flag states "and to the republic, for which it stands". We elect representatives to represent us. We (the people) do not decide issues, policy or laws governing this country, only electing those that represent (or more correctly, those we think will or should or might represent) us, whether they do or not us. Those people represent us to an extent, when they aren't having culture war food fights, posting on twitter, or pandering for money from their base, that keeps slopping the hogs at the national trough
If anybody disagrees or doesn't like it, they can write their representative in Congress, or complain to their elected Senator, in the Senate, the body that tempers the lower house of our Federal bicameral legislative branch of Government.
I'm aware, tell Rumpole.
the intent of the constitution is to define the country as a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 establishes elections.
Election of representative who make laws. The people don’t make the laws. Even the laws which the representative are allowed to pass are limited by the Constitution.

Plainly, we aren’t a democracy. That is not an accident. The United States was created as republic and is bounded by the Constitution. And the reason for that is also clear. The Framers viewed democracy as dangerous to our liberties.

Also, I challenge you to point to the word “democracy” anywhere in our Constitution.
Yep. A republic.


Election of representative who make laws. The people don’t make the laws. Even the laws which the representative are allowed to pass are limited by the Constitution.

Plainly, we aren’t a democracy. That is not an accident. The United States was created as republic and is bounded by the Constitution. And the reason for that is also clear. The Framers viewed democracy as dangerous to our liberties.

Also, I challenge you to point to the word “democracy” anywhere in our Constitution.
elections only happen in a democracy.
We are a constitutional republican government that chooses representatives to govern us, from local school boards and commissions to legislatures to the House and the Senate.

It is what it is.

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