Dems, don't let other Dems bamboozle you, America IS a republic.

A democracy is achieved by conducting free elections in which eligible people 1) vote on issues directly, known as a direct democracy, or 2) elect representatives to handle the issues for them, called a representative democracy.
A republic is defined as “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” Sound familiar? It should.

You see, many of today’s democracies are also republics, and are even referred to as democratic republics. So, the US and France are considered both democracies and republics—both terms point to the fact that the power of governance rests in the people, and the exercise of that power is done through some sort of electoral representation.
A democracy is achieved by conducting free elections in which eligible people 1) vote on issues directly, known as a direct democracy, or 2) elect representatives to handle the issues for them, called a representative democracy.
A republic is defined as “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” Sound familiar? It should.

You see, many of today’s democracies are also republics, and are even referred to as democratic republics. So, the US and France are considered both democracies and republics—both terms point to the fact that the power of governance rests in the people, and the exercise of that power is done through some sort of electoral representation.
you just gave proof we are not a democracy,, but have some democratic tenets

wake up little boy the world is going on around you and youre missing it,,
The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.
dude if you havent seen the dozens if not hundreds of claims and arguments about the claim we are a democracy I cant help you,,,

and you can go suck a cock,,,
Nah. You are just being nasty because you lost. You get no points for nasty without proving your point.
The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.
didnt woodrow support the KKK??

yeah I wouldnt use that POS as a source,,
Nah. You are just being nasty because you lost. You get no points for nasty without proving your point.
you know how I know youre lying??
because right next to our comments you will see me arguing with someone thats claiming we are a democracy,,,

anymore stupid lies you want to tell???
We are a republic. We are not a democracy. We created our government with a pronounced awareness of the tyranny of a majority. Therefore we installed lots of checks and balances including:

the individual sovereignty of the states;
the imposition of different branches government so as to impede anything which a temporary majority might wish;
a court system charged with the power to review laws for Constitutional fidelity;
a Constitution which delineates individual rights of the people;
areas of limited authority for the federal government to even address;
Our Bill of Rights;
Our own say coming through representation instead of a direct vote on political matters;
etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, although we employ certain aspects of a democracy (like voting for our representatives and Senators) we also distance the people from a direct say by that type of representation by people who do have the direct vote. We don’t even directly vote for the President. That too is distanced via the Electoral College.

Regardless of the fantasy spun by liberal Democratics and its handmaiden media, it is clear that we are not a “democracy.” Nor should we tolerate the imposition of a democracy. We are a republic bounded by a Constitution.
And what is a republic?

A representative democracy

Just stop with this stupid shit
And what is a republic?

A representative democracy

Just stop with this stupid shit
since there is such a thing as a democracy thats different than our constitutional republic the most accurate thing to say is we are a constitutional republic,,

to say we are a democracy is gas lighting

But the educated citizen knows how much more there is to know. He knows that "knowledge is power," more so today than ever before. He knows that only an educated and informed people will be a free people, that the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all - John F. Kennedy

Hey, G. Are you the one that ProgHunt says is an example of someone that insists the United States is an example of a democracy? He and I have been having a somewhat heat conversation on this same thread. You do know that the US is a representative republic founded on principles of democracy, not a true democracy, right?
Hey, G. Are you the one that ProgHunt says is an example of someone that insists the United States is an example of a democracy? He and I have been having a somewhat heat conversation on this same thread. You do know that the US is a representative republic founded on principles of democracy, not a true democracy, right?
a constitutional republic,, if we didnt have a constitution you would be right,,,
Hey, G. Are you the one that ProgHunt says is an example of someone that insists the United States is an example of a democracy? He and I have been having a somewhat heat conversation on this same thread. You do know that the US is a representative republic founded on principles of democracy, not a true democracy, right?
My posts to this point have more than covered this.

Convincing the tard herd we aren't a democracy is the first step toward dictatorship.
My posts to this point have more than covered this.

Denying we are a democracy is the first step toward dictatorship.
not when its a constitutional republic is the claim,,

a democracy is what leads to a dictator,, read some history,,
its what a republic is,, so it is repeating the same thing

Are you asking me to rephrase my question to G or just trying to needle my ass? Let's see what she says or do I really need to rephrase to get her actual beliefs?
We are a republic. We are not a democracy. We created our government with a pronounced awareness of the tyranny of a majority. Therefore we installed lots of checks and balances including:

the individual sovereignty of the states;
the imposition of different branches government so as to impede anything which a temporary majority might wish;
a court system charged with the power to review laws for Constitutional fidelity;
a Constitution which delineates individual rights of the people;
areas of limited authority for the federal government to even address;
Our Bill of Rights;
Our own say coming through representation instead of a direct vote on political matters;
etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, although we employ certain aspects of a democracy (like voting for our representatives and Senators) we also distance the people from a direct say by that type of representation by people who do have the direct vote. We don’t even directly vote for the President. That too is distanced via the Electoral College.

Regardless of the fantasy spun by liberal Democratics and its handmaiden media, it is clear that we are not a “democracy.” Nor should we tolerate the imposition of a democracy. We are a republic bounded by a Constitution.
So who exactly says it isn’t a republic? Oh no one? I thought so.

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