Dems, don't let other Dems bamboozle you, America IS a republic.

My posts to this point have more than covered this.

Convincing the tard herd we aren't a democracy is the first step toward dictatorship.
I am hardly part of the tard herd, but I know the only true democracy I have ever seen was a Cub Scout pack meeting with all parents in attendance voting on a specific issue of approving funding. Other than that, nada.
accuracy is always important,, more so in this case since theres so much confusion,,
OK, OK, I'll ask, but it will probably just piss her off needlessly, and she's done nothing to me or to piss me off, unlike you at times, though I don't read all of either one of you.
not when its a constitutional republic is the claim,,

a democracy is what leads to a dictator,, read some history,,
Hey, G. I am asking specifically, is The United States of America a democracy or a constitutional republic?

Edited because somebody is being a pain in the ass.
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constitutional republic,,,

it makes a big difference because the constitution limits the government where a straight republic doesnt,,
Yes. But Constitutional tells us what the modifier is. We already know it. If an apple is a big apple and you compare it to a small apple, the thing they have in common is that they are apples.

We are a republic. I happen to agree that we are a Constitutional republic. But we’re still a republic.
I would recommend you read this book, but I know you are too stupid to understand the big words.

I did. A couple of times. Long ago. And we are still a republic.
Oh. My. God.

This idiotic meme has been parroted on this forum at least once a week for around a year now.

The tard echo chamber is real.
It’s only “idiotic” to pitifully ignorant twats — like you.
Yes. But Constitutional tells us what the modifier is. We already know it. If an apple is a big apple and you compare it to a small apple, the thing they have in common is that they are apples.

We are a republic. I happen to agree that we are a Constitutional republic. But we’re still a republic.
but for accuracy we are a constitutional republic,,
I find it important because its the constitution that protects our rights from the government,, without it they can pick and choose what rights we can have,,
We are a republic. We are not a democracy. We created our government with a pronounced awareness of the tyranny of a majority. Therefore we installed lots of checks and balances including:

the individual sovereignty of the states;
the imposition of different branches government so as to impede anything which a temporary majority might wish;
a court system charged with the power to review laws for Constitutional fidelity;
a Constitution which delineates individual rights of the people;
areas of limited authority for the federal government to even address;
Our Bill of Rights;
Our own say coming through representation instead of a direct vote on political matters;
etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, although we employ certain aspects of a democracy (like voting for our representatives and Senators) we also distance the people from a direct say by that type of representation by people who do have the direct vote. We don’t even directly vote for the President. That too is distanced via the Electoral College.

Regardless of the fantasy spun by liberal Democratics and its handmaiden media, it is clear that we are not a “democracy.” Nor should we tolerate the imposition of a democracy. We are a republic bounded by a Constitution.
We are both of course. A republic is defined as a representative democracy. A true democracy is like ancient Athens where everybody goes to the arena and votes on things.
I would recommend you read this article, but I know you are too dumb to understand the big words.

“Democracy” vs. “Republic”: Is There A Difference?

Is the US a "democracy" or a "republic"? This question is coming up a lot during election season, so read up on the difference while you cast your ballot.
I know you don’t care for accuracy. And I’m indifferent to your ignorance. We are a republic, not a democracy. It’s simply a fact
but for accuracy we are a constitutional republic,,
I find it important because its the constitution that protects our rights from the government,, without it they can pick and choose what rights we can have,,
I initially noted that we are a Constitutional republic. So I don’t know why you’re still worrying about it. It rarely happens, but here you’re correct.

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