Dems, don't let other Dems bamboozle you, America IS a republic.

Seriously. Tell us what the fact that we are a republic (which is essentially the same as a representative democracy) means to you folks?

Does it mean that only SOME people have the right to chose our representatives? People who think like you?

Is THAT it?
I have addressed the point of this thread and not one single "republican" can respond to it
You’re an idiot. Of course a republic is a representative democracy. You dispute that it is representative form of government? Of course not.

That means elections and elections mean democracy.

Representative democracy.
We are a republic. We are not a democracy. We created our government with a pronounced awareness of the tyranny of a majority. Therefore we installed lots of checks and balances including:

the individual sovereignty of the states;
the imposition of different branches government so as to impede anything which a temporary majority might wish;
a court system charged with the power to review laws for Constitutional fidelity;
a Constitution which delineates individual rights of the people;
areas of limited authority for the federal government to even address;
Our Bill of Rights;
Our own say coming through representation instead of a direct vote on political matters;
etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, although we employ certain aspects of a democracy (like voting for our representatives and Senators) we also distance the people from a direct say by that type of representation by people who do have the direct vote. We don’t even directly vote for the President. That too is distanced via the Electoral College.

Regardless of the fantasy spun by liberal Democratics and its handmaiden media, it is clear that we are not a “democracy.” Nor should we tolerate the imposition of a democracy. We are a republic bounded by a Constitution.
Whoever is telling you this is giving you bad information. They also may be giving you dangerous information, because the "We're not a democracy" argument is often used to try and undermine our government and move it toward authoritarianism.

We are both a republic and a democracy. The terms are not mutually exclusive, because they measure two different things. A "republic" means that the power to operate lies in the hands of representatives of the people, as you say. This is in contrast to an absolute monarchy, where everything is done in the name of one person. All of the things you list support our being a constitutional, federal republic with a presidential system, which we are.

We are also a democracy, because the power to change who those representatives are lies in the hands of the people. We are an indirect, representative democracy, but still a democracy. This is in contrast to an autocracy (in which only one person can make change) or an oligarchy (for a small group). None of the things you list disqualifies us from being a democracy.

This has nothing to do with left or right or party politics; this is the same no matter which levers you pull. Everyone should have been taught this in about tenth grade.
Whoever is telling you this is giving you bad information. They also may be giving you dangerous information, because the "We're not a democracy" argument is often used to try and undermine our government and move it toward authoritarianism.

We are both a republic and a democracy. The terms are not mutually exclusive, because they measure two different things. A "republic" means that the power to operate lies in the hands of representatives of the people, as you say. This is in contrast to an absolute monarchy, where everything is done in the name of one person. All of the things you list support our being a constitutional, federal republic with a presidential system, which we are.

We are also a democracy, because the power to change who those representatives are lies in the hands of the people. We are an indirect, representative democracy, but still a democracy. This is in contrast to an autocracy (in which only one person can make change) or an oligarchy (for a small group). None of the things you list disqualifies us from being a democracy.

This has nothing to do with left or right or party politics; this is the same no matter which levers you pull. Everyone should have been taught this in about tenth grade.
You’re mistaken and you are the victim of educational malpractice.

Go study a little history. You might discover why we are a Constitutional republic and why we were very studiously managed to avoid being a democracy.

Again, we do have limited aspects of democracy. We get to select our representatives. But obviously, we the People don’t get to vote directly on almost any laws.
You’re mistaken and you are the victim of educational malpractice.

Go study a little history. You might discover why we are a Constitutional republic and why we were very studiously managed to avoid being a democracy.

Again, we do have limited aspects of democracy. We get to select our representatives. But obviously, we the People don’t get to vote directly on almost any laws.

We’re not a DIRECT democracy. We’re a representative democracy. Ok

So why all the sturm und drang? What’s the point?

We’re not a DIRECT democracy. We’re a representative democracy. Ok

So why all the sturm und drang? What’s the point?
youve been given the legal definition and all you give us is your opinion,,


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