Dems, don't let other Dems bamboozle you, America IS a republic.

Seriously. Tell us what the fact that we are a republic (which is essentially the same as a representative democracy) means to you folks?

Does it mean that only SOME people have the right to chose our representatives? People who think like you?

Is THAT it?
Still no response to this

We’re not a DIRECT democracy. We’re a representative democracy. Ok

So why all the sturm und drang? What’s the point?
We are not a representative democracy. That’s just how the People get representation. But our form of government itself, you dope, remains a Constitutional republic.

The strum and drang shit emanates from you and your dopey ilk, alone.
We are not a representative democracy. That’s just how the People get representation. But our form of government itself, you dope, remains a Constitutional republic.

The strum and drang shit emanates from you and your dopey ilk, alone.
You failed to respond. Why are you going on about this? Why is it important to you?
You failed to respond. Why are you going on about this? Why is it important to you?
I did respond. I denied your strum and drang claim. You now ask a different question.

Now you ask why the distinction matters. It’s actually pretty obvious. I’m tired of hearing about any alleged threats to “our democracy.”

Fucking recognize that we’re a republic.
Nope. We aren’t. Not of course. Not at all.

No. It isn’t.

Nobody is claiming we are a true democracy. Even most libs aren’t that ignorant.
of course, you listen to propaganda only and everything you know is wrong. A Republic is simply a representative democracy.

  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
of course, you listen to propaganda only and everything you know is wrong. A Republic is simply a representative democracy.

  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
Zzz. You’re repetitive but unpersuasive.

I forgive you your ignorance.
You’re mistaken and you are the victim of educational malpractice.

Go study a little history. You might discover why we are a Constitutional republic and why we were very studiously managed to avoid being a democracy.

Again, we do have limited aspects of democracy. We get to select our representatives. But obviously, we the People don’t get to vote directly on almost any laws.

  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Zzz. You’re repetitive but unpersuasive.

I forgive you your ignorance.
i'll go with the dictionary and my Masters in history over your Masters in crap GOP propaganda.


  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
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I did respond. I denied your strum and drang claim. You now ask a different question.

Now you ask why the distinction matters. It’s actually pretty obvious. I’m tired of hearing about any alleged threats to “our democracy.”

Fucking recognize that we’re a republic.
. We know DUHHH also a democracy and constitutional. The brainwash is strong with you LOL
. We know DUHHH also a democracy and constitutional. The brainwash is strong with you LOL
You don’t know. You’re in full derp mode.

We are a republic. Very happy to disappoint you with reality. 👍
Nope. We aren’t. Not of course. Not at all.

No. It isn’t.

Nobody is claiming we are a true democracy. Even most libs aren’t that ignorant.
You won't say we are a democracy because 'dem' is in the word (derpa derpa). Welp, yes we are. I won't debate facts with you. :dunno: You aren't smart enough to have conversations about the government when you haven't the first clue about the mechanisms and machinations of how it works. Thus, your opinion here is useless, because you live in dumb dumb land. :itsok:
I did respond. I denied your strum and drang claim. You now ask a different question.
Denial by itself is a non response. I asked the same question.

Why is claiming we are a republic and NOT a democracy so important to you?
Now you ask why the distinction matters. It’s actually pretty obvious. I’m tired of hearing about any alleged threats to “our democracy.”
That's a weak response considering the lengths you are going to here
Duhhhh. And a representative democracy and a constitutional representative democracy and a constitutional republic. all the same damn thing Einsteinlol
Nope. We are a republic not a democracy. It’s just that straightforward. You’re just a fucking moron.
Denial by itself is a non response. I asked the same question.

Why is claiming we are a republic and NOT a democracy so important to you?

That's a weak response considering the lengths you are going to here
Your ignorance and dishonesty are showing. Again.
False. I say we are a republic because that’s what we are. A Constitutional republic.

You deny it because you’re retarded.
I didn't deny anything, dipshit. I simply stated factual information, you fucking trolling ass magaturd troll.

constitutional republic
democratic republic
representative democracy
constitutional representative democracy

However, It seems tardboy HackAgain gets triggered by words. So emo and smart (pedantic). :auiqs.jpg:

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