Dems, don't let Repubs bamboozle you, America IS a democracy.

Orangecat Remodeling Maidiac badbob85037 scruffy

Transcript of Trump’s speech at rally before US Capitol riot

We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.

Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to walk down, we’re going to walk down.

Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear. You want to hear it?

They also want to indoctrinate your children in school by teaching them things that aren’t so. They want to indoctrinate your children. It’s all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no. This crowd is, again, a testament to it.


When was the last time we all voted on raising the debt or participating in proxy wars? We are not a democracy.
“Democracy” is an emotional trigger used to manipulate simple minds.
Think better.
When did some Americans become so retarded that they don't even know we live in a democracy!?!?

I think you were born that way, felicia...
When was the last time we all voted on raising the debt or participating in proxy wars? We are not a democracy.
“Democracy” is an emotional trigger used to manipulate simple minds.
Think better.

Guano isn't capable
Orangecat Remodeling Maidiac badbob85037 scruffy

Transcript of Trump’s speech at rally before US Capitol riot

We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.

Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you, we’re going to walk down, we’re going to walk down.

Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear. You want to hear it?

They also want to indoctrinate your children in school by teaching them things that aren’t so. They want to indoctrinate your children. It’s all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no. This crowd is, again, a testament to it.


Interesting none of that comes from the Constitution

Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

“A republic, if you can keep it.”
--Benjamin Franklin's response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

What Republicans claim to fear and what we are not… is a pure democracy

What they WANT… is rule by the minority
A pure democracy is nothing better than a mob lynching as it regards freedom and individual rights.
No one is arguing that point.

We are not a pure democracy nor does anyone want us to be
It's really more a question of how much power the majority should have. Democrats seemingly want everything decided by majority rule. I'd rather reserve democracy for issues where it's necessary. In most cases, it's not.
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It's really more a question of how much power the majority should have. Democrats seemingly want everything decided by majority rule. I'd rather reserve democracy for issues where it's necessary. In most cases, it's not.
Actually Republicans want everything fixed by MINORITY rule (since they are on the minority).

No thank you.
USMB is a MESSAGE board. A message is a short, concise communication. You post fiction novelettes that are boring, wrong and waste of time to read.
We know you Trumptards want him back in as a clone of Mussollini.

Think he's going to solve your angst over the changes that have occured in this Country over the past 50 years or so? Think Trump is the answer? Put him back in & your problems have only just begun.
Actually Republicans want everything fixed by MINORITY rule (since they are on the minority).

No thank you.
Ok, let's talk about that. I know it's talking point #1 for Democrats, but what the hell is 'minority rule'?

Near as I can tell, it's just what you call it when the majority can't get its way.
Actually Republicans want everything fixed by MINORITY rule (since they are on the minority).

No thank you.
Meh, nature has selected Democrats for extinction so in time they will no longer exist. Earth will celebrate.
We know you Trumptards want him back in as a clone of Mussollini.

Think he's going to solve your angst over the changes that have occured in this Country over the past 50 years or so? Think Trump is the answer? Put him back in & your problems have only just begun.
Any American who doesn't want the country destroyed by the Democrat Regime should vote for the alternative. Donald Trump worked FOR America and pushed back on our enemies and a secure border. I personally don't care if the nominee is Trump, as long as he/she wins back the White House and gets the Biden stench out of there.
Any American who doesn't want the country destroyed by the Democrat Regime should vote for the alternative. Donald Trump worked FOR America and pushed back on our enemies and a secure border. I personally don't care if the nominee is Trump, as long as he/she wins back the White House and gets the Biden stench out of there.
For America to be fixed the unelected rule making bureaucracies need to be gutted. Or they can only make recommendation for regulations Congress should vote on those regulations
Ok, let's talk about that. I know it's talking point #1 for Democrats, but what the hell is 'minority rule'?

Near as I can tell, it's just what you call it when the majority can't get its way.
Minority rule is rule by Republicans who can’t seem to get enough votes to control the House without massive gerrymandering.

Who have a near equal number of Senators in spite of the fact that the states represented by them have far fewer people in them.

Who have a 6-3 majority in the SC in spite of being appointed by the above mentioned minority
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Minority rule is rule by Republicans who can’t seem to get enough votes to control the House without massive gerrymandering.

Who have a near equal number of Senators in spite of the fact that they states represented by them have far fewer people in them.

Who have a 6-3 majority in the SC in spite of being appointed by the above mentioned minority
You do realize democrats gerrymander in those blue controlled states
Minority rule is rule by Republicans who can’t seem to get enough votes to control the House without massive gerrymandering.
Is it "rule" though? Are they actually passing legislation this way? Or are they just blocking Democrat's ambitions?
Any American who doesn't want the country destroyed by the Democrat Regime should vote for the alternative. Donald Trump worked FOR America and pushed back on our enemies and a secure border. I personally don't care if the nominee is Trump, as long as he/she wins back the White House and gets the Biden stench out of there.
Let's vote for the disgrace who blackmailed a foreign leader, tried a coup & got people killed doing so, stole nuclear & other top secret intel & shared that intel with his billionaire pals at MAL & probably elsewhere, raped a woman in a dept. store changing room, committed multiple acts of real estate & bank fraud, conned his supporters out of over $200 million in a "stop the steal" scam, hates Democracy & the Constitution that reigned him in, hates our military & veterans & on & on & on.

The only person who Trump EVER worked for is himself, hypocrite. Trump leaves a scar & a stench on this Country that will take decades to recover from.

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