Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

You should make up your mind. The OP says nobody cares, and now you say liberals are screaming. Of course Barr's hiding the report is receiving push back. You didn't expect a stunt like that to pass without a response did you? Barr's note means nothing. We will see the full report.
You desperate, childish haters are so pathetic.

You just can't admit to yourselves that there was no Russian Collusion, and Hillary lost because she sucks.

See if I get this right.....

No matter what the Mueller report says, no matter that there has never, ever been a single shred of evidence of Russian/Trump collusion, you'll find a way to convince yourself Putin stole the election for Trump, right?

As I have always said, I will trust the findings of Mueller's report in the matter. Barr's notes aren't Mueller's report.

#MuellerDenier lmao

No you won't...what was redacted????????????????????????????


Of course and when the mueller report states the same thing as barr has already released, they'll move the goal posts around. Every one has moved on. Libs are still crying over their losing 2016. That is all this is.
So fox didn't mention that to you, so you think it didn't happen. You're funny.

So what you're saying is that Mueller's "team" leaked yet again?

This was the downfall of the Grand Inquisitor. I suspect the first meeting between Torquemada and Barr went something like this;

Bob, the jig is up. This farce of a witch hunt you're conducting is finished. You have one month to wrap it up and release your so-called findings. Oh and Bob, your findings better be based on verifiable facts. Because if not, I'm bringing in a team to do a leak investigation, we will polygraph everyone involved in this farce, including you. When we find the leakers, we're going to put them in prison Bob. We're going to offer them deals Bob, to reveal who instructed them to leak. You feel me, Bob?
Trump is pro Trump. If he has to pander to religious nuts, gun nuts, and all those that align with them to advance his pro Trump stance, he will.
Pandering? How so? I'm old enough to remember when Democrats supported religious freedom. When they thought executing a newborn child was unthinkable. When antisemitism was not rewarded.

Yes, Trump is pro-Trump. But I'm ok with that as long as he wants his fate to be tied to America's. Democrats, OTOH, oppose anything that helps America, because it also helps Trump.

Have you notice how pissy Democrats were at the SOTU when Trump bragged about the historic low minority unemployment? They were visibly upset.

Democrats were upset because they knew that it was good for America, which meant it was good for Trump, which meant it was bad for Democrats.

You align yourself with a party that loves power more than it loves America.
Is that a yes or a no?

I get it, you're a hack and don't want this to haunt you. You have a few days in which you can continue to lie.

Then you will lie "I never questioned the Barr summary," which is ALL you have done.

One lie after another with you. You have no integrity.

Without the report to compare Barr's note to, are is no grounds to say he lied. Given Barr's previous writings, there are no grounds to believe his note is accurate..
"Given Barr's previous writings..."

You misspelled "Given what Democrats told me to believe".

READ: Bill Barr's 19-Page Memo Ripping Mueller Probe | National Law Journal
View attachment 255758
The Mueller Probe was always motivated by revenge, not justice. Don't even pretend otherwise.

That is the Trump line. If I was in his position, I would probably say the same thing.
It's reality. The only Russian collusion was by Democrats.
These are the only people on the freaking planet who could turn Donald Trump into a harassed victim.

This is a mania. A psychosis.

You have a point.

Trump is an obnoxious ass, but he's pro-America. That alone makes him better than Democrats.

Trump is pro Trump. If he has to pander to religious nuts, gun nuts, and all those that align with them to advance his pro Trump stance, he will.
But remember, kids, Hillary cared about you personally as a person.
A lot of voters did care about the Mueller report in the 2018 midterms, when it was "Mueller time" and arrest and impeachment were inevitable for both Trump and his family. Now that the hoax is over, Trump is a lock for 2020. And, with Pelosi losing control and the House going off the rails, I expect those swing districts to swing back toward the GOP and House control to be retaken.

Remember, the major news networks & many Dem leaders were basically promising that Trump had committed treason and Robert Mueller was a super hero coming to save the day. That strategy did win them the House. But, not that all the air is out, I wonder how well "Mueller Time" will age going into 2020.
A lot of voters did care about the Mueller report in the 2018 midterms, when it was "Mueller time" and arrest and impeachment were inevitable for both Trump and his family. Now that the hoax is over, Trump is a lock for 2020. And, with Pelosi losing control and the House going off the rails, I expect those swing districts to swing back toward the GOP and House control to be retaken.

Remember, the major news networks & many Dem leaders were basically promising that Trump had committed treason and Robert Mueller was a super hero coming to save the day. That strategy did win them the House. But, not that all the air is out, I wonder how well "Mueller Time" will age going into 2020.

I hate to disagree with you Mike, but I did some research into it. It turns out that both parties had record turnouts for midterms. Republicans (Trump) inspired their base, but the Democrats did the same.

We all know what brought Republicans out: best economy since the 90s, lowest unemployment rates in almost 50 years, median household income on the rise now to it's highest level, Trump's never ending fight for border security. But what brought out the Democrats?

One answer: Hate. Hate won over this time. Hate from Democrat politicians, hate from the media with over 90% negative reporting on Trump, hate using lies like Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, or that Trump called white supremacists good people. Just unadulterated hate.

Democrats know this which is why they will try using the same formula in 2020. Like any other battle, I say fight fire with fire.
A lot of voters did care about the Mueller report in the 2018 midterms, when it was "Mueller time" and arrest and impeachment were inevitable for both Trump and his family. Now that the hoax is over, Trump is a lock for 2020. And, with Pelosi losing control and the House going off the rails, I expect those swing districts to swing back toward the GOP and House control to be retaken.

Remember, the major news networks & many Dem leaders were basically promising that Trump had committed treason and Robert Mueller was a super hero coming to save the day. That strategy did win them the House. But, not that all the air is out, I wonder how well "Mueller Time" will age going into 2020.

Never say "It's a lock". Statistikhenfucker, del, and vegas giants said Hillary was a lock.

I know enough to learn from their mistakes.
A lot of voters did care about the Mueller report in the 2018 midterms, when it was "Mueller time" and arrest and impeachment were inevitable for both Trump and his family. Now that the hoax is over, Trump is a lock for 2020. And, with Pelosi losing control and the House going off the rails, I expect those swing districts to swing back toward the GOP and House control to be retaken.

Remember, the major news networks & many Dem leaders were basically promising that Trump had committed treason and Robert Mueller was a super hero coming to save the day. That strategy did win them the House. But, not that all the air is out, I wonder how well "Mueller Time" will age going into 2020.

I hate to disagree with you Mike, but I did some research into it. It turns out that both parties had record turnouts for midterms. Republicans (Trump) inspired their base, but the Democrats did the same.

We all know what brought Republicans out: best economy since the 90s, lowest unemployment rates in almost 50 years, median household income on the rise now to it's highest level, Trump's never ending fight for border security. But what brought out the Democrats?

One answer: Hate. Hate won over this time. Hate from Democrat politicians, hate from the media with over 90% negative reporting on Trump, hate using lies like Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, or that Trump called white supremacists good people. Just unadulterated hate.

Democrats know this which is why they will try using the same formula in 2020. Like any other battle, I say fight fire with fire.

You might be right. But, without "Mueller Time" and with the probability of a very weak candidate, the Dems are likely toast in 2020.
A lot of voters did care about the Mueller report in the 2018 midterms, when it was "Mueller time" and arrest and impeachment were inevitable for both Trump and his family. Now that the hoax is over, Trump is a lock for 2020. And, with Pelosi losing control and the House going off the rails, I expect those swing districts to swing back toward the GOP and House control to be retaken.

Remember, the major news networks & many Dem leaders were basically promising that Trump had committed treason and Robert Mueller was a super hero coming to save the day. That strategy did win them the House. But, not that all the air is out, I wonder how well "Mueller Time" will age going into 2020.

I hate to disagree with you Mike, but I did some research into it. It turns out that both parties had record turnouts for midterms. Republicans (Trump) inspired their base, but the Democrats did the same.

We all know what brought Republicans out: best economy since the 90s, lowest unemployment rates in almost 50 years, median household income on the rise now to it's highest level, Trump's never ending fight for border security. But what brought out the Democrats?

One answer: Hate. Hate won over this time. Hate from Democrat politicians, hate from the media with over 90% negative reporting on Trump, hate using lies like Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, or that Trump called white supremacists good people. Just unadulterated hate.

Democrats know this which is why they will try using the same formula in 2020. Like any other battle, I say fight fire with fire.

You might be right. But, without "Mueller Time" and with the probability of a very weak candidate, the Dems are likely toast in 2020.
I'll say this: It would be better for America if they were. They've devolved into total fruitcake commies. People like that being in power leads to destruction.
At least if they're gone, corrupt Republican's feet can held to the fire on the issues alone. Really elections are about issues to me.
You should make up your mind. The OP says nobody cares, and now you say liberals are screaming. Of course Barr's hiding the report is receiving push back. You didn't expect a stunt like that to pass without a response did you? Barr's note means nothing. We will see the full report.
You desperate, childish haters are so pathetic.

You just can't admit to yourselves that there was no Russian Collusion, and Hillary lost because she sucks.

See if I get this right.....

No matter what the Mueller report says, no matter that there has never, ever been a single shred of evidence of Russian/Trump collusion, you'll find a way to convince yourself Putin stole the election for Trump, right?

As I have always said, I will trust the findings of Mueller's report in the matter. Barr's notes aren't Mueller's report.

#MuellerDenier lmao

No you won't...what was redacted????????????????????????????


Of course there will be some legitimate redactions. That's why a qualified credible source has to see the full report to verify that only necessary redactions are made. A Trump appointee is not that qualified credible source.

In other words a hard leftist has to do it.

Who is more qualified than Barr?

Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.
You desperate, childish haters are so pathetic.

You just can't admit to yourselves that there was no Russian Collusion, and Hillary lost because she sucks.

See if I get this right.....

No matter what the Mueller report says, no matter that there has never, ever been a single shred of evidence of Russian/Trump collusion, you'll find a way to convince yourself Putin stole the election for Trump, right?

As I have always said, I will trust the findings of Mueller's report in the matter. Barr's notes aren't Mueller's report.

#MuellerDenier lmao

No you won't...what was redacted????????????????????????????


Of course there will be some legitimate redactions. That's why a qualified credible source has to see the full report to verify that only necessary redactions are made. A Trump appointee is not that qualified credible source.

In other words a hard leftist has to do it.

Who is more qualified than Barr?

Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.

That hurt your pussy, huh?
As I have always said, I will trust the findings of Mueller's report in the matter. Barr's notes aren't Mueller's report.

#MuellerDenier lmao

No you won't...what was redacted????????????????????????????


Of course there will be some legitimate redactions. That's why a qualified credible source has to see the full report to verify that only necessary redactions are made. A Trump appointee is not that qualified credible source.

In other words a hard leftist has to do it.

Who is more qualified than Barr?

Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.

That hurt your pussy, huh?

He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.
#MuellerDenier lmao

No you won't...what was redacted????????????????????????????


Of course there will be some legitimate redactions. That's why a qualified credible source has to see the full report to verify that only necessary redactions are made. A Trump appointee is not that qualified credible source.

In other words a hard leftist has to do it.

Who is more qualified than Barr?

Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.

That hurt your pussy, huh?

He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.

Thus claimeth Twatimous Hurtimous.
He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.
He condemned the basis of the investigation, as did many Constitutional scholars.

Imagine for a minute that Trump put a special prosecutor on a Democrat with no evidence of a crime.

Would you be ok with that?
Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.
For pity's sake....

Do you ever think for yourself?

Is this the excuse you're going to use to support your Collusion Trooferism?
Of course there will be some legitimate redactions. That's why a qualified credible source has to see the full report to verify that only necessary redactions are made. A Trump appointee is not that qualified credible source.

In other words a hard leftist has to do it.

Who is more qualified than Barr?

Their political leaning doesn't matter. Credibility does. Barr threw his away with that 19 page letter.

That hurt your pussy, huh?

He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.

Thus claimeth Twatimous Hurtimous.

That would have made you look dumb even if it would have been funny. You taking pointers from Mikey again?
He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.
He condemned the basis of the investigation, as did many Constitutional scholars.

Imagine for a minute that Trump put a special prosecutor on a Democrat with no evidence of a crime.

Would you be ok with that?

Every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered in our election by helping Trump and hurting Hillary. There was a crime.

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