Dems floor tantrum used for campaigning is an ethics violation

Constitutional?...because Roberts CHANGED it to a TAX which UNDER THE CONSTITUTION he is NOT ALLOWED to do!

Recoiless rifles are perfectly fine if not an AUTOMATIC, or for your dumb ass, an ASSAULT RIFLE!

No, fund raising is not illegal, just BOTTOM OF THE BARREL stuff we would expect from your party! Fund raise ON THE DEAD...didn't happen with OIL, assholes!

Didn't you put up your new avatar?
One, ACA is constitutional: all rants against it are merely wrong and uninformed.

Two, no one is trying to take away your guns, Vigilante. However, you have no need for a recoiless rifle.

Three, fund raising is not illegal.

Four, the southern Democrats on race are now southern Republicans, the filth Lewis will not march with on civil rights.

Five, you are no constitutional scholar, Vigilante: it took a night for you to learn how spell your name correctly eight of eleven times.

Pull in your trunk, you idiot.

Constitutional?...because Roberts CHANGED it to a TAX which UNDER THE CONSTITUTION he is NOT ALLOWED to do!

Recoiless rifles are perfectly fine if not an AUTOMATIC, or for your dumb ass, an ASSAULT RIFLE!

No, fund raising is not illegal, just BOTTOM OF THE BARREL stuff we would expect from your party! Fund raise ON THE DEAD...didn't happen with OIL, assholes!

Didn't you put up your new avatar?
One, ACA is constitutional: all rants against it are merely wrong and uninformed.

Two, no one is trying to take away your guns, Vigilante. However, you have no need for a recoiless rifle.

Three, fund raising is not illegal.

Four, the southern Democrats on race are now southern Republicans, the filth Lewis will not march with on civil rights.

Five, you are no constitutional scholar, Vigilante: it took a night for you to learn how spell your name correctly eight of eleven times.

Pull in your trunk, you idiot.

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WRONG, ACA us UNCONSTITUTIONAL...THE SCOTUS was required to either send it back, or to make it VOID, there is NO PRECEDENT for them to CHANGE A LAW, that is up to Congress!

You are a shithead, if you think Fast and Furious and GUNWALKING wasn't about taking away the 2nd amendment...I can't believe even you are THIS FUCKING STUPID!


Didn't say it was illegal, it was UNETHICAL to FUNDRAISE off the DEAD.... Or do you think that is just fine?

I'm sure ALL SOUTHERN DEMORATS will appreciate your WARPED VIEW of them!

I've been called everything on here, BUT NEVER a JakeASS!!!!
What about the previous oil tantrum by Republicans...?

Republicans Sat In For Oil. Democrats Are Sitting In For Gun Control.

The Dems were sitting in for something that was unconstitutional. I don't expect idiots to get that.

You apparently don't know jack shit about the Constitution. Both were sit-ins on the floor of the House.
and in one instance they (the democrats) used the sit in as a means to rasie funds.
In the other instance, (the republicans) did not use the sit in to raise funds.
By the way, can you post a link to the pictures of the republicans sitting on the floor?
You know what they say, pictures or it didnt happen.
Of course, they'll think it's unfair and will probably accuse the right of picking on them. Fact is that the sit-in turned into a campaign fundraiser and official resources were used, which is clearly a violation. Why does this group think they are above the law?

It's bad enough that they were throwing tantrums because their stupid bill went against the constitution and had no chance of passing. Law means nothing to these big babies.

"A conservative-leaning ethics watchdog group filed an ethics complaint on Monday against House Democrats who participated in last week’s sit-in to push for votes on gun legislation.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) calling for an investigation into multiple Democrats

The group pointed to fundraising emails from House Democrats’ campaign arm, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) soliciting campaign donations during the sit-in. The email signed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) implored supporters: "The Republicans refuse to lift a finger. It’s shameful. I need your help to defeat them once and for all."

Another email sent by Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) asked supporters to sign a petition in support of the sit-in and included a photo of the House floor.

House ethics rules state that lawmakers cannot use official resources — including locations in the Capitol complex — for campaign or political activities. Campaign ads, for instance, cannot be filmed or photographed in congressional offices.

"Not only do these email solicitations tied directly to official acts reflect poorly on the House of Representatives, the emails are directly contrary to the purposes and prohibitions of the Ethics Rules," Matthew Whitaker, the group’s executive director, wrote."

who threw a "tantrum"?

vocabulary is clearly not your strong suit.

but thanks for the rant from the rightwingnut blogosphere
Vigilante has thrown a tantrum.

"WRONG, ACA us UNCONSTITUTIONAL...THE SCOTUS was required to either send it back, or to make it VOID, there is NO PRECEDENT for them to CHANGE A LAW, that is up to Congress!", according to dimwit, Vigilante.

Pull in your trunk, asshole. :lol:

Trump is in such deep shit.

The pubs have been raising on the dead of Benghazi for two years.

Southern pubs can talk to Lewis.

You are a traitor.
Vigilante has thrown a tantrum.

"WRONG, ACA us UNCONSTITUTIONAL...THE SCOTUS was required to either send it back, or to make it VOID, there is NO PRECEDENT for them to CHANGE A LAW, that is up to Congress!", according to dimwit, Vigilante.

Pull in your trunk, asshole. :lol:

Trump is in such deep shit.

The pubs have been raising on the dead of Benghazi for two years.

Southern pubs can talk to Lewis.

You are a traitor.


The Manchurian Republican....FINALLY out of the closet as a full fledged psychopathic DemoRAT!!!!!! PRICELESS!
What about the previous oil tantrum by Republicans...?

Republicans Sat In For Oil. Democrats Are Sitting In For Gun Control.

The Dems were sitting in for something that was unconstitutional. I don't expect idiots to get that.

You apparently don't know jack shit about the Constitution. Both were sit-ins on the floor of the House.

It doesn't matter where the sit-ins were, nimrod. What made it illegal when Dems did it was turning it into a fund raiser. There were pics online on fund raising sites and they used other official sources in the building, which is not allowed for any campaigning. Pay attention.

Funny. Republicans also did fund raising based on their oil sit-in. It's legal.

They aren't allowed to use any official resources in campaigns. Period. The Dems did that. Plus, what they were asking for was unconstitutional. They've admitted it was all a show to get people riled and send in money. That would be fine except that they used pics and other means of communicating for the fund raiser that were official. If other Dems outside the sit-in discussed it and used it, then fine. Sleazy to use an unconstitutional request, but legal.

The ethics violation was using official resources. There were pictures of them sitting on the floor used in the fund raising ads. No photos inside the building are allowed for any campaign materials or fund raising. They hate it when rules get in their way and they ignore them.
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One female lib fund-raised from the House floor, an obvious violation of House rules. She should immediately be CENSURED.

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