Dems hate voter suppression but want to deprive entire states of their right to vote via the compact

Na, not really
Rural America would lose every single presidential election... because the numbers just are not there. Fact
Fact: there are rural Americans in every state. Do rural CA or NY voters now have a meaningful voice? Getting rid of the winner take all EC would give them one.
That why this is supposed to be an republic, Founding fathers were genius.

They knew without the electoral college urban America would just roll over rural America.
Like I said the numbers are not there… Not even close
Looks like you're way off base.
The US population is currently 80% urban. In 1800 it was about 5% urban. Seems to me the system has not kept up with the changes in the US. I'd prefer to see evolution and not revolution.

Quote by Confucius:
“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”​
Thank God for the electoral college

Everyone’s vote would count as ONE vote for the candidate. Regardless of which state you live in
Nope. That would make us a democracy and not a republic.


Mob rule.

No thanks.
We would still be a Republic with the Senate and House decided by the state

Only the President would be elected by popular nationwide vote
With a pure popular vote rural America would zero say in presidential elections... fact

Rural America will have less and less say in any elections as the years pass. That’s because Rural America is disappearing. As areas become more urbanized, voters shift from Republican to Democrat.

I live in a conservative rural area. Very white. Many people share the same attitudes towards the poor and urban that we see on this board. That’s because in rural areas poor people are lazy bums who milk the system. The crew that hangs around the town square all day are welfare mooches and drug addicts.

In the city, people are poor because the cost of living is high and wages are low. It’s poverty born of a system that continues to force taxpayers to subsidize corporate wages to keep prices low and shareholder profits high.
Today, rural clout is far in excess of their population.

They would lose some of that clout in voting for President but would maintain excessive clout in the House and Senate

Why do the 600,000 people in Wyoming get TWO Senators? That is more legislative power than the 40 million in California get
The founders were far smarter than you could ever dream of being…
Na, not really
Rural America would lose every single presidential election... because the numbers just are not there. Fact
Fact: there are rural Americans in every state. Do rural CA or NY voters now have a meaningful voice? Getting rid of the winner take all EC would give them one.
That why this is supposed to be an republic, Founding fathers were genius.

They knew without the electoral college urban America would just roll over rural America.
Like I said the numbers are not there… Not even close
Looks like you're way off base.
The US population is currently 80% urban. In 1800 it was about 5% urban. Seems to me the system has not kept up with the changes in the US. I'd prefer to see evolution and not revolution.

Quote by Confucius:
“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”​
Thank God for the electoral college
I would love to see all states split their EC votes like Nebraska and Maine do now.

California would end up getting 30 Democrat votes, about 18 Republican votes, and 7 Libertarian/Green/Whatever votes. That is much more representative of each district, rather than getting fucked over by the winner-take-all.

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While we're at it, can we do proportional representation?

(The Duopoly would NEVER allow it without a civil war. About the only non-partisan issue is their mutual fear/hatred of a third party.)

Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.
Not in the case of the first and second amendments...
Thank God for the electoral college
The Constitution wasn't written on stone tablets and there have been plenty of amendments so far.
A pure popular vote is mob rule... end of story
While the EC is a restriction on some voters power to give that power to others. Is there anything between mob rule and a more egalitarian democracy?
Don’t like the area you live in? Move to one that better suits you…
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.
Not in the case of the first and second amendments...
That is not true. If you have the right to say anything you can slander and libel anyone. If the SCOTUS determines cities or states can't limit gun rights, the cities and states are limited in their ability to do what the majority of their citizens want (I'm not advocating either, just saying).
Thank God for the electoral college
The Constitution wasn't written on stone tablets and there have been plenty of amendments so far.
A pure popular vote is mob rule... end of story
While the EC is a restriction on some voters power to give that power to others. Is there anything between mob rule and a more egalitarian democracy?
Don’t like the area you live in? Move to one that better suits you…
Not your call, thankfully. If your house needs a new roof do you move?
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.


C'mon dude. Just say it.

"I want democrats to always win the white house without regard to the system our founders put in place."

It's okay. We already know. You can go ahead and say it.


It's the reverse that terrifies you and drives your resistence to the idea of a popular vote.

Perhaps republicans would be forced to court a much more diverse demographic in order to get elected.

I believe it would force both parties to more centrist, reasonable positions. I see that as a good thing in divided times.
Thank God for the electoral college
The Constitution wasn't written on stone tablets and there have been plenty of amendments so far.
A pure popular vote is mob rule... end of story
While the EC is a restriction on some voters power to give that power to others. Is there anything between mob rule and a more egalitarian democracy?
Don’t like the area you live in? Move to one that better suits you…
Not your call, thankfully. If your house needs a new roof do you move?
No, I move to wherever the predominant thinking is that political correctness is childish and immature And has no grasp on reality... Which obviously it is
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.

What's your point? If it's that we control things by our selection of state legislators and governor then I agree. My personal view is I wouldn't support any representative to our state legislature if they were for a national popular vote bill.
No, I move to wherever the predominant thinking is that political correctness is childish and immature And has no grasp on reality... Which obviously it is
Google Translate:
I want to be able to discriminate against Americans of other races, political persuasions, religions, sexual identities, and national identities. I like a political system that maintains my power at the expense of the power of people not like me.
No, I move to wherever the predominant thinking is that political correctness is childish and immature And has no grasp on reality... Which obviously it is
Google Translate:
I want to be able to discriminate against Americans of other races, political persuasions, religions, sexual identities, and national identities. I like a political system that maintains my power at the expense of the power of people not like me.
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.

What's your point? If it's that we control things by our selection of state legislators and governor then I agree. My personal view is I wouldn't support any representative to our state legislature if they were for a national popular vote bill.
My point is that maybe it is time to re-evaluate and possibly fix the EC before we're even more divided than we already are.
Those who say people's rights are being taken away don't seem to know how the Electoral College works.

Presently 21 states don't require their electors to vote in accordance with their own state's popular vote. And for the other 29 states that do bind their electors to the popular vote, those who know the Constitution better than I do say the only recourse the state has over these so-called "faithless" electors is a minor fine.
Rights are a zero-sum game. If you want more rights they have to be taken from someone else.

What's your point? If it's that we control things by our selection of state legislators and governor then I agree. My personal view is I wouldn't support any representative to our state legislature if they were for a national popular vote bill.
My point is that maybe it is time to re-evaluate and possibly fix the EC before we're even more divided than we already are.
The divide in this country is not race and/or financial, it’s urban and rural.
The two will never have the same needs, wants and interests.

BTW Getting along is way overrated

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