Dems have a plan to punish the Repubs for blocking USSC nominee hearings

Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked
Your turn next, and he's still the President.
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked

And Obama won two terms and has the obligation to nominate a Justice. The November election again is a National election and the turnout, unfortunately for the Repubs, is going to be very high. The Dems win back the Senate and the WH. The GOP can take a moderate SC nominee now or they can wait and let the next Dem President nominate a flaming liberal. I would hope they use the little sense they have and accept the moderate. they will NEVER get anyone as far right as Scalia again.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
From the article in your link, I gather that the "plan" is to attack vulnerable republican senators in their home state by the LGBT blitz aimed to destroy careers of those who don't follow lockstep with the cult agenda...

But remember, the people in those states voted for their republican Senators and Congressmen for a reason. All Senator McCain and others have to do is run an ad about the gay marriage decision and how it strips kids of either a mother or father for life...and that if Obama is allowed, that will be cemented in stone forever and become permanent; while if a GOP president nominates the next Justice, a review of Obergefell will happen to its demise (it is legally one of the weakest and most non-constitutionally supported fiats I've seen in my lifetime).

So the GOP has a remedy for your remedy....maybe it's time for you to strap yourself in for a very bumpy reality check on how many people supported that decision that tore away the input of the voters in states and slammed it down their throats. People don't like it when really disgusting things are slammed down their throats.

Be prepared for a backfire to be set on your "grass roots wildfire" :popcorn:
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked
Your turn next, and he's still the President.

Senate confirms SCOTUS and the People don't want what Obama's selling.

You're in luck however, the Republican Establishment joins Obama in dismantling our Constitutional rights
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
From the article in your link, I gather that the "plan" is to attack vulnerable republican senators in their home state by the LGBT blitz aimed to destroy careers of those who don't follow lockstep with the cult agenda...

But remember, the people in those states voted for their republican Senators and Congressmen for a reason. All Senator McCain and others have to do is run an ad about the gay marriage decision and how it strips kids of either a mother or father for life...and that if Obama is allowed, that will be cemented in stone forever and become permanent; while if a GOP president nominates the next Justice, a review of Obergefell will happen to its demise (it is legally one of the weakest and most non-constitutionally supported fiats I've seen in my lifetime).

So the GOP has a remedy for your remedy....maybe it's time for you to strap yourself in for a very bumpy reality check on how many people supported that decision that tore away the input of the voters in states and slammed it down their throats. People don't like it when really disgusting things are slammed down their throats.

Be prepared for a backfire to be set on your "grass roots wildfire" :popcorn:

That is a great excuse for the Senate to not do its job!
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
Well,there is some historical precedent. When the GOP refused an up or down vote on Abe Fortas's nomination to chief justice, and LBJ's term ended before he could make a second nomination, Nixon nominated Burger, who was confirmed, and was an able chief justice.

However, the payback came when Abe Fortas was forced to resign his assoc justice seat due to financial shenanigans. Nixon first nominated Clement Haynesworth. Haynesworth was probably close in outlook to my personal fav moderate, John Paul Stevens. A maj of the dems and some racially liberal gopers defeated the nomination. Nixon responded with a more conservative nominee Harold Carswell. He too was defeated, along much the same lines.

Nixon then nominated Blackmun .... who authored Roe.
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked
Your turn next, and he's still the President.

Senate confirms SCOTUS and the People don't want what Obama's selling.

You're in luck however, the Republican Establishment joins Obama in dismantling our Constitutional rights

You're correct, .....we're political orphans.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
From the article in your link, I gather that the "plan" is to attack vulnerable republican senators in their home state by the LGBT blitz aimed to destroy careers of those who don't follow lockstep with the cult agenda...

But remember, the people in those states voted for their republican Senators and Congressmen for a reason. All Senator McCain and others have to do is run an ad about the gay marriage decision and how it strips kids of either a mother or father for life...and that if Obama is allowed, that will be cemented in stone forever and become permanent; while if a GOP president nominates the next Justice, a review of Obergefell will happen to its demise (it is legally one of the weakest and most non-constitutionally supported fiats I've seen in my lifetime).

So the GOP has a remedy for your remedy....maybe it's time for you to strap yourself in for a very bumpy reality check on how many people supported that decision that tore away the input of the voters in states and slammed it down their throats. People don't like it when really disgusting things are slammed down their throats.

Be prepared for a backfire to be set on your "grass roots wildfire" :popcorn:

That is a great excuse for the Senate to not do its job!
I dare you to make an issue out of this Justice thing, after your pocket-Justices performed an illegal/unconstitutional coup on the 50 states on marriage last Summer; without children having any representation at that hearing and two of the Justices (one that loves Obama unabashedly and publicly and the other chosen by him) presided over gay weddings as the question was pending before the Court..

You can tell the people your side in the various states where you are planning on assassinating careers that don't fall lockstep in with your cult. And the GOP can tell the people how two of your pocket-Justices of which Obama will nominate an identical triplet, were blatantly biased and still sat on the case anyway, which is forbidden by law (Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal 2009)..

Go ahead, slash and blackmail. See where it gets you this time..
and I'm sure that giving all you Far left, who is party over country tingles almost into orgasms. you people don't mind that party PLAYING games with your lives, that makes you a tool/sheep.

they post this like it's something to be proud about.

...says the sheep from the party that is putting the USSC on hold so that they can have a chance to regain the majority on the Court. Just how stupid are you anyway?
If the situation was reversed YOU would be the first one to scream your useless head off demanding NO HEARING NO VOTE. We all know what a fucking hypocrite you are asshole. Go away and blubber somewhere else.
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked

And Obama won two terms and has the obligation to nominate a Justice. The November election again is a National election and the turnout, unfortunately for the Repubs, is going to be very high. The Dems win back the Senate and the WH. The GOP can take a moderate SC nominee now or they can wait and let the next Dem President nominate a flaming liberal. I would hope they use the little sense they have and accept the moderate. they will NEVER get anyone as far right as Scalia again.
Which one of your certifiability insane candidates do you think is going to beat the TRUMP?KASICH ticket?
Hillary 'The First Barking Mad Cocaine Smuggler With a Vagina? Or Sanders the 200 year old Socialist/Marxist who wants to turn America into 'Russia-Lite?
You really are delusional.
Watch what happens to Hillary in Nevada. If she doesn't initiate Sanders she's fucking over. Debbie is to blame. She told Biden and Warren to get lost because it was "Hillary's turn".
Typical LIB delusional stupidity.
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Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
From the article in your link, I gather that the "plan" is to attack vulnerable republican senators in their home state by the LGBT blitz aimed to destroy careers of those who don't follow lockstep with the cult agenda...

But remember, the people in those states voted for their republican Senators and Congressmen for a reason. All Senator McCain and others have to do is run an ad about the gay marriage decision and how it strips kids of either a mother or father for life...and that if Obama is allowed, that will be cemented in stone forever and become permanent; while if a GOP president nominates the next Justice, a review of Obergefell will happen to its demise (it is legally one of the weakest and most non-constitutionally supported fiats I've seen in my lifetime).

So the GOP has a remedy for your remedy....maybe it's time for you to strap yourself in for a very bumpy reality check on how many people supported that decision that tore away the input of the voters in states and slammed it down their throats. People don't like it when really disgusting things are slammed down their throats.

Be prepared for a backfire to be set on your "grass roots wildfire" :popcorn:

That is a great excuse for the Senate to not do its job!

The Senate is doing their job. They were put in leadership to stop DumBama--not agree with him.

YOUR President was supported by the US Communist party both elections. One of your two possible nominees is an admitted Socialist, and the other a non-admitted Socialist.

It's up to our Republicans to protect this country so we don't slip into Socialism or Communism. A liberal tilted court could do just that.
The REP Senators who are in close races know if they cave to the DEMs they are committing political suicide. They'll never be able to show their faces in Washington again. They may as well move to S. America.
They know it.
The GOP has 100% guaranteed if any Senator loses their seat because they supported the Senate leader they will be taken care of politically and financially. They will for all time be remembered as 'fallen warriors' and given the support and respect they deserve.
If the GOP tossed any losing Senator under the bus after that Senator 'went to the mattresses' for the party the GOP would never get anyone to put their career ahead of the party again.
Rember. It's always Party First.
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked
Your turn next, and he's still the President.

Senate confirms SCOTUS and the People don't want what Obama's selling.

You're in luck however, the Republican Establishment joins Obama in dismantling our Constitutional rights

You're correct, .....we're political orphans.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
No hearings. No votes

Ronald Reagan 1987, an election year. The Democratically controlled Senate held hearing. But the GOP refuses. Party before Country....GOTCHA!

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