Dems have a plan to punish the Repubs for blocking USSC nominee hearings

Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
No problem. Hillary and Obama tried to play that game of chicken with the GOP by berating them...just before they got run over by the GOP and MEDIA pointing out the hypocritical whiny bitches tried to do the same exact thing with Alito..... GOP - 1, Obama / Hillary / Libs - 0.

While I don't promote doing so, the GOP have just as much right to do so as Hillary and Obama did.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
No problem. Hillary and Obama tried to play that game of chicken with the GOP by berating them...just before they got run over by the GOP and MEDIA pointing out the hypocritical whiny bitches tried to do the same exact thing with Alito..... GOP - 1, Obama / Hillary / Libs - 0.

While I don't promote doing so, the GOP have just as much right to do so as Hillary and Obama did.

PLEASE STICK TO YOUR GUYS MITCH. Between the USSC and Trump, the GOP may not exist in 2017.
Conservatives are no more afraid of the leftists (socialists, marxists, communists, takers, all the same repressive shit) than the rest of the world is. Original post is irrelevant.
Conservatives are no more afraid of the leftists (socialists, marxists, communists, takers, all the same repressive shit) than the rest of the world is. Original post is irrelevant.
and you know this how? talk about repressive look at your post. we don't have enough space to put down everything that frightens the liberal. which seems to be everything in life, Not just conservatives.
Republicans today are like the idiot that wanted to play poker with your group in college who then sat down and started dealing "ok, 2's and kings are wild, and one eyed jacks, and you have to pass the first ace you get to your right, and whoever has the queen of clubs gets to split the pot with the winner, and......"

Hey dumbass, why don't you just play the game like the rest of the adults in the room. Poker has been around alot longer than you and will be around long after.
Republicans today are like the idiot that wanted to play poker with your group in college who then sat down and started dealing "ok, 2's and kings are wild, and one eyed jacks, and you have to pass the first ace you get to your right, and whoever has the queen of clubs gets to split the pot with the winner, and......"

Hey dumbass, why don't you just play the game like the rest of the adults in the room. Poker has been around alot longer than you and will be around long after.
And the REP controlled Senate is holding a Straight Flush.
Sorry you little creep. The REP Senate isn't interested in playing any of your pathetic games.
Go blubber your tears somewhere else!
Republicans today are like the idiot that wanted to play poker with your group in college who then sat down and started dealing "ok, 2's and kings are wild, and one eyed jacks, and you have to pass the first ace you get to your right, and whoever has the queen of clubs gets to split the pot with the winner, and......"

Hey dumbass, why don't you just play the game like the rest of the adults in the room. Poker has been around alot longer than you and will be around long after.
And the REP controlled Senate is holding a Straight Flush.
Sorry you little creep. The REP Senate isn't interested in playing any of your pathetic games.
Go blubber your tears somewhere else!

please let them withhold their vote. they'll say good bye to the senate and the white house so quickly your little wingnut heads will fall off
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
initial poll (WSJ / NBC) shows 43% of the public wants the Senate to act on the nomination and 42% do not - so maybe not so dangerous and a big nothing burger if these numbers hold up which wouldn't surprise me at all.

the screams from the left that the republicans better play ball on this if they know what is good for them are as nonsensical as when they said the same things about immigration - as if the left would advocate anything they believed is good for republicans
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

7 years of a racist, clueless, community organizer who fails to enforce laws he doesn't agree with and still blames the previous President for his complete and utter foreign, economic and domestic failure isn't punishment enough?
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.

Elections have consequences, Dems got Shellacked

And Obama won two terms and has the obligation to nominate a Justice. The November election again is a National election and the turnout, unfortunately for the Repubs, is going to be very high. The Dems win back the Senate and the WH. The GOP can take a moderate SC nominee now or they can wait and let the next Dem President nominate a flaming liberal. I would hope they use the little sense they have and accept the moderate. they will NEVER get anyone as far right as Scalia again.
Calling Scalia "far right" shows how low little sense you have.
Ronald Reagan 1987, an election year. The Democratically controlled Senate held hearing. But the GOP refuses. Party before Country....GOTCHA!

1988 was the election year, sploogy. Further, the nominee was the THIRD one named after the filthy dims had Borked the first two.

You REALLY think you'll get away with these lies?
Ronald Reagan 1987, an election year. The Democratically controlled Senate held hearing. But the GOP refuses. Party before Country....GOTCHA!

1988 was the election year, sploogy. Further, the nominee was the THIRD one named after the filthy dims had Borked the first two.

You REALLY think you'll get away with these lies?

1. Kennedy was confirmed on February 2, 1988.

2. The other two nominees got hearings and a floor vote, not the Majority Leader saying he would block ANY nomination and that they would wait for the next President.

Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!
initial poll (WSJ / NBC) shows 43% of the public wants the Senate to act on the nomination and 42% do not - so maybe not so dangerous and a big nothing burger if these numbers hold up which wouldn't surprise me at all.

the screams from the left that the republicans better play ball on this if they know what is good for them are as nonsensical as when they said the same things about immigration - as if the left would advocate anything they believed is good for republicans

WOW! Pretty Brave to put a picture of your Boy Friend as your Avatar. BUT WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT?

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