Dems kill God

^^^confirmed retard

Do you realize that if you don't quote the post you're responding to, the "arrows" point to your own screen-name and avatar? Maybe you do. :lol:

No, when you quote a post, everybody knows you're responding to the quote so no arrows are necessary.

The arrows are used to indicate the post above.

You are another confirmed retard, though, so it's no biggie. Just let it go.
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^^^confirmed retard

Do you realize that if you don't quote the post you're responding to, the "arrows" point to your own screen-name and avatar? Maybe you do. :lol:

No, when you quote a post, everybody knows you're responding to the quote so no arrows are necessary.

The arrows are used to indicate the post above.

You are another confirmed retard, though, so it's no biggie. Just let it go.

Hey, I'm just telling you how it looks. If your post had fallen to the next page, it looks even more so. I'm glad you're secure enough not to care. Good for you.
Do you realize that if you don't quote the post you're responding to, the "arrows" point to your own screen-name and avatar? Maybe you do. :lol:

No, when you quote a post, everybody knows you're responding to the quote so no arrows are necessary.

The arrows are used to indicate the post above.

You are another confirmed retard, though, so it's no biggie. Just let it go.

Hey, I'm just telling you how it looks. If your post had fallen to the next page, it looks even more so. I'm glad you're secure enough not to care. Good for you.

^^^^confirmed retard also
Yeah, no...the arrows are used to indicate the post above.

Quotes with the arrows are redundant.

Glad we straightened that out.
LOL...are you really still arguing whether an imaginary individual is a citizen or not? Have fun.

If that were it, no issue. But you don't want god to vote, you want Jesus (Hey Zeus) from Guadalajara to vote (for Obama.)

Only if they're a legal citizen of the US who have registered. If god doesn't register, affirming under penalty of perjury that she/he is a citizen, I won't send 'em a ballot.
No, when you quote a post, everybody knows you're responding to the quote so no arrows are necessary.

The arrows are used to indicate the post above.

You are another confirmed retard, though, so it's no biggie. Just let it go.

Hey, I'm just telling you how it looks. If your post had fallen to the next page, it looks even more so. I'm glad you're secure enough not to care. Good for you.

^^^^confirmed retard also

I was just trying to be nice...pointing out how it appears to the casual observer. No need for name calling. What would Sarah Palin say?

Do you pray to Jesus with that mouth?
Only if they're a legal citizen of the US who have registered. If god doesn't register, affirming under penalty of perjury that she/he is a citizen, I won't send 'em a ballot.

Yeah, but ACORN will pick him up and drive him to the polls so he can proxy vote for Obama.

Voter fraud, it's a democrat tradition.

If "he" is a legal citizen, registered to vote, it isn't a "proxy" anything.

You have a problem with giving people rides to the polls?
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

Exclusive: Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform

I am and know many Christians who vote Democrat.

I don't go to my pastor to run my country, and I don't go to my president to run my faith.
Hey, I'm just telling you how it looks. If your post had fallen to the next page, it looks even more so. I'm glad you're secure enough not to care. Good for you.

^^^^confirmed retard also

I was just trying to be nice...pointing out how it appears to the casual observer. No need for name calling. What would Sarah Palin say?

Do you pray to Jesus with that mouth?

You're a casual observer? Trying to be nice?

I've never met a rabid baby killing psycho who was casual about anything.

Or truthful about anything.
^^^^confirmed retard also

I was just trying to be nice...pointing out how it appears to the casual observer. No need for name calling. What would Sarah Palin say?

Do you pray to Jesus with that mouth?

You're a casual observer? Trying to be nice?

I've never met a rabid baby killing psycho who was casual about anything.

Or truthful about anything.

Haaaa you probably sing in the choir spreading the love on Sundays. What a major turn off to so many possibly searching for Christ. There are democrats like myself who do not agree with abortion, yet want to be able to feed the children once they are here.

"Proverbs 14:29 A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly.
A.K.A...."dishonest pro-abortion hypocrites" who as Christians know it is wrong, but who as dems don't have the strength of their conviction to actually stand against it.

Care is one of those, too.

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