Dems kill God

Joe, the Council of Nicaea did the 'book picking', not Constantine. You can claim it all you want but you're wrong.

As to HOW they picked them, I would imagine through discussion and deliberation, wouldn't you? I mean, isn't that what councils do?

Who picked the council of Nicea, dumbass?


And who wasn't invited?

Well, a few Arians were invited, but the purpose of the council quickly became to stamp out Arianism and other "heresies" that were different interpretations of the books.

Oh, and to correct a misconception. the Council did NOT settle the Canon of the Bible. However, there were bibles issued by Constatine at the time.

Fifty Bibles of Constantine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'd rather belong to the party that boos god than the one that boos a soldier...

Which party is that?????

Sounded like one or maybe two jerks.

Probably Democrat plants in the crowd.

The boo that was heard was not roundly accepted.

Also, I think that soldier was flexing his bicep a bit too much for my tastes. If I wanted to be taken to the gun show I'll ask for it. I would have booed that for sure.

Relax...we actually know they weren't booing a soldier...they were booing the fag and that's okay.

So's booing god.

I think one jerk booed the fag. The rest of them said nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the person booing wasn't even a Republican. Course you can't say that about at least half of the delegates at the DNC booing God.

This just doesn't show a valid comparison........

Oh......and I have 3253 house points for Ravenclaw.
Which party is that?????

Sounded like one or maybe two jerks.

Probably Democrat plants in the crowd.

The boo that was heard was not roundly accepted.

Also, I think that soldier was flexing his bicep a bit too much for my tastes. If I wanted to be taken to the gun show I'll ask for it. I would have booed that for sure.

Relax...we actually know they weren't booing a soldier...they were booing the fag and that's okay.

So's booing god.

I think one jerk booed the fag. The rest of them said nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the person booing wasn't even a Republican. Course you can't say that about at least half of the delegates at the DNC booing God.

This just doesn't show a valid comparison........

Oh......and I have 3253 house points for Ravenclaw.

You're right that there is no is a real thing and the other isn't. ;)

I've been a failure for my House, I'm afraid. My dueling skills have deteriorated. More practice needed!
Relax...we actually know they weren't booing a soldier...they were booing the fag and that's okay.

So's booing god.

I think one jerk booed the fag. The rest of them said nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the person booing wasn't even a Republican. Course you can't say that about at least half of the delegates at the DNC booing God.

This just doesn't show a valid comparison........

Oh......and I have 3253 house points for Ravenclaw.

You're right that there is no is a real thing and the other isn't. ;)

I've been a failure for my House, I'm afraid. My dueling skills have deteriorated. More practice needed!

I found when I don't do it enough I lose my edge. You have to do it for at lease a half hour each day and you need to make sure that you defrag your registry so that it doesn't get all herky-jerky. If you have a fast PC and a large RAM you should have an advantage over other folks like me who have slow lap-tops we bought in 1999.

I've gotten a 145 once but most of the time I get 142s which is good enough to win most of the time. If you get someone who is scoring less than 138 challenge them to a rematch so you can pad your score. Don't take on assholes that constantly get 144. That will only discourage you. Nothing pisses me off more than scoring a sure winning 143 only to have some nerd from Spain beat me with a 144.
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When there is nothing left to cling to, when you have reached to end of the line, perhaps you might have regrets for believing as you do.

It's obvious the Dems would rather not have to fool with God or any of that religious stuff. ;)

You mean, it's obvious the majority of Dems would rather leave God out of government entirely, as it should be and as the founding fathers intended.

Sweetie, the Dems are not the government. This has to do with the Dem platform, you know the party that boos God. This has nothing to do with government.

Yes the government doesn't need to endorse any religion, however the PARTY platform wants him out. Admit it, Dems don't want to mess with God or any of that religious stuff.

Thanks for typing the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

If the Dems don't make up at least part of the government, then why don't you tell us who IS the government?

Bipartisan or non-party affiliated folks working hand in hand to accomplish a common goal? Bullshit! Dems on one side, Reps on the other. Dem platform = Dem ideology = Influence on new laws = Keeping religion out of governemt. Reps want the opposite.

There's your government sweetie.
You mean, it's obvious the majority of Dems would rather leave God out of government entirely, as it should be and as the founding fathers intended.

Sweetie, the Dems are not the government. This has to do with the Dem platform, you know the party that boos God. This has nothing to do with government.

Yes the government doesn't need to endorse any religion, however the PARTY platform wants him out. Admit it, Dems don't want to mess with God or any of that religious stuff.

Thanks for typing the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

If the Dems don't make up at least part of the government, then why don't you tell us who IS the government?

Bipartisan or non-party affiliated folks working hand in hand to accomplish a common goal? Bullshit! Dems on one side, Reps on the other. Dem platform = Dem ideology = Influence on new laws = Keeping religion out of governemt. Reps want the opposite.

There's your government sweetie.

That was pretty dumb too, mainly because you drifted and didn't nail down your objections to his post.

Fact is we have an idea what Dems want but they keep telling us something different. Well this vote pretty much exposed who they are. Dems want God out of our lives because that means that along with God goes our morals and our principles. Principles to Democrats are showing favoritism to their base.

When it comes to Republicans they want less government and more freedoms for the working-class. They don't hate women, they don't collectively hate one race or another. That has nothing to do with politics. That is individuality. The GOP doesn't hide what it is but the left constantly lies about what they are and what they stand for.

Government in Washington is polarized because the Dems decided that they weren't going to work with the GOP anymore. They decided that they would make the GOP so hated that they would be considered a greater threat than people that want to kill us on sight.

It's ridiculous because the Democrats can't be trusted to do what's best for this country anymore. All they do is play lip-service to their base and to hell with everyone else.
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Sweetie, the Dems are not the government. This has to do with the Dem platform, you know the party that boos God. This has nothing to do with government.

Yes the government doesn't need to endorse any religion, however the PARTY platform wants him out. Admit it, Dems don't want to mess with God or any of that religious stuff.

Thanks for typing the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

If the Dems don't make up at least part of the government, then why don't you tell us who IS the government?

Bipartisan or non-party affiliated folks working hand in hand to accomplish a common goal? Bullshit! Dems on one side, Reps on the other. Dem platform = Dem ideology = Influence on new laws = Keeping religion out of governemt. Reps want the opposite.

There's your government sweetie.

That was pretty dumb too, mainly because you drifted and didn't nail down your objections to his post.

Fact is we have an idea what Dems want but they keep telling us something different. Well this vote pretty much exposed who they are. Dems want God out of our lives because that means that along with God goes our morals and our principles. Principles to Democrats are showing favoritism to their base.

When it comes to Republicans they want less government and more freedoms for the working-class. They don't hate women, they don't collectively hate one race or another. That has nothing to do with politics. That is individuality. The GOP doesn't hide what it is but the left constantly lies about what they are and what they stand for.

Government in Washington is polarized because the Dems decided that they weren't going to work with the GOP anymore. They decided that they would make the GOP so hated that they would be considered a greater threat than people that want to kill us on sight.

It's ridiculous because the Democrats can't be trusted to do what's best for this country anymore. All they do is play lip-service to their base and to hell with everyone else.

And you think this rambling post nails down your objective?

Thanks for typing the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

If the Dems don't make up at least part of the government, then why don't you tell us who IS the government?

Bipartisan or non-party affiliated folks working hand in hand to accomplish a common goal? Bullshit! Dems on one side, Reps on the other. Dem platform = Dem ideology = Influence on new laws = Keeping religion out of governemt. Reps want the opposite.

There's your government sweetie.

That was pretty dumb too, mainly because you drifted and didn't nail down your objections to his post.

Fact is we have an idea what Dems want but they keep telling us something different. Well this vote pretty much exposed who they are. Dems want God out of our lives because that means that along with God goes our morals and our principles. Principles to Democrats are showing favoritism to their base.

When it comes to Republicans they want less government and more freedoms for the working-class. They don't hate women, they don't collectively hate one race or another. That has nothing to do with politics. That is individuality. The GOP doesn't hide what it is but the left constantly lies about what they are and what they stand for.

Government in Washington is polarized because the Dems decided that they weren't going to work with the GOP anymore. They decided that they would make the GOP so hated that they would be considered a greater threat than people that want to kill us on sight.

It's ridiculous because the Democrats can't be trusted to do what's best for this country anymore. All they do is play lip-service to their base and to hell with everyone else.

And you think this rambling post nails down your objective?


Actually it was a much more intelligent post than the nonsense you posted. Sorry if it went over your head and seemed rambling.

"What" is horseshit? That the church structure described in Thessalonians is republican? No Comrade, that is a matter of fact.

Besides the fact I could probably beat you hands down in a bible knowledge contest (seriously, a lot of you guys don't read what's in your own holy book)


You only know what "" tells you about the bible.

fact is, Constatitine "picked" Christianity as a state religion because it supported the concept of an absolute Monarchy.



And then he picked which books were going to be in the BIble. And the guy was still a Pagan at the time.


And here I thought the council of Nicea did that.
You mean, it's obvious the majority of Dems would rather leave God out of government entirely, as it should be and as the founding fathers intended.

Sweetie, the Dems are not the government. This has to do with the Dem platform, you know the party that boos God. This has nothing to do with government.

Yes the government doesn't need to endorse any religion, however the PARTY platform wants him out. Admit it, Dems don't want to mess with God or any of that religious stuff.

Thanks for typing the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

If the Dems don't make up at least part of the government, then why don't you tell us who IS the government?

Bipartisan or non-party affiliated folks working hand in hand to accomplish a common goal? Bullshit! Dems on one side, Reps on the other. Dem platform = Dem ideology = Influence on new laws = Keeping religion out of governemt. Reps want the opposite.

There's your government sweetie.

Ah, more divisive horsecrap from a bigoted piece of shit.

Thanks for sharing.

PS...please provide evidence of Republicans trying to establish religion using government.

I won't wait, because there is none. It's just (yet another) stupid liberal slogan that the unwashed brainwashed repeat like a mantra, in their quest to establish their own particular culture of death and depravity as the "norm".
Republicans block God from voting

He doesn't have ID
therefore is not a us citizen, therefore doesn't have a right to vote.

Next extremist loon come forth for your daily dose of humiliation.
therefore is not a us citizen, therefore doesn't have a right to vote.

Next extremist loon come forth for your daily dose of humiliation.

You don't think GOD should be allowed to vote?

Typical Republican. Democrats are fine with allowing God to vote

God hates Republicans

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