Dems kill God

Y'all go ahead and keep believing what you want, I'll continue to believe in God.

I can do that you know, the Bill of Rights ensures you can't take God away from me, no matter how hard you try. :)

NOr would we want to.

Because honestly, if the only thing keeping you people on the "Christian Right" from being bigger assholes than a lot of you already are is fear of your imaginary friend in the sky, we certainly wouldn't want to take that away from you.

We just don't want you infecting our politics with your backward beliefs, superstitions and general silliness.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Oh, gee. That would be horrible. I mean, we might actually be Canadians with universal health care!

The Founders were a bunch of rich slave-holders who wanted to protect aristocracy. Thankfully, their mindset was defeated in the civil war and we were allowed to advance.
When there is nothing left to cling to, when you have reached to end of the line, perhaps you might have regrets for believing as you do.

It's obvious the Dems would rather not have to fool with God or any of that religious stuff. ;)
Y'all go ahead and keep believing what you want, I'll continue to believe in God.

I can do that you know, the Bill of Rights ensures you can't take God away from me, no matter how hard you try. :)

NOr would we want to.

Because honestly, if the only thing keeping you people on the "Christian Right" from being bigger assholes than a lot of you already are is fear of your imaginary friend in the sky, we certainly wouldn't want to take that away from you.

We just don't want you infecting our politics with your backward beliefs, superstitions and general silliness.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

LOL...WHAT!?!?! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Y'all go ahead and keep believing what you want, I'll continue to believe in God.

I can do that you know, the Bill of Rights ensures you can't take God away from me, no matter how hard you try. :)

NOr would we want to.

Because honestly, if the only thing keeping you people on the "Christian Right" from being bigger assholes than a lot of you already are is fear of your imaginary friend in the sky, we certainly wouldn't want to take that away from you.

We just don't want you infecting our politics with your backward beliefs, superstitions and general silliness.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Thoroughly confusing post.

King George and Queen Charlotte were Protestants as was just about every citizen of the English monarchy. The "firm belief in the divine" has been with this country since the Pilgrims landed and as a result, the ancestors of our founding fathers were also firm believers in the Divine, as you put it. So I do not understand this notion that our Founders "infected" this country with anything. How is that possible when what it was supposedly infected with had already existed here for over a century?

So even if the Founders hadn't infected our politics with belief in God, and had we lost our revolution and had remained citizens of the Monarchy, we would still, as a nation, believe in God because our King and Queen would.

So your point is moot.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Oh, gee. That would be horrible. I mean, we might actually be Canadians with universal health care!

The Founders were a bunch of rich slave-holders who wanted to protect aristocracy. Thankfully, their mindset was defeated in the civil war and we were allowed to advance.

Joe, you're so ignorant you'd lose an IQ contest to a pet rock. Move your sorry ass to Canada if you like them so fucking much, or crack a fucking book and educate yourself, you racist fucking simpleton!
NOr would we want to.

Because honestly, if the only thing keeping you people on the "Christian Right" from being bigger assholes than a lot of you already are is fear of your imaginary friend in the sky, we certainly wouldn't want to take that away from you.

We just don't want you infecting our politics with your backward beliefs, superstitions and general silliness.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Thoroughly confusing post.

King George and Queen Charlotte were Protestants as was just about every citizen of the English monarchy. The "firm belief in the divine" has been with this country since the Pilgrims landed and as a result, the ancestors of our founding fathers were also firm believers in the Divine, as you put it. So I do not understand this notion that our Founders "infected" this country with anything. How is that possible when what it was supposedly infected with had already existed here for over a century?

So even if the Founders hadn't infected our politics with belief in God, and had we lost our revolution and had remained citizens of the Monarchy, we would still, as a nation, believe in God because our King and Queen would.

So your point is moot.

No, it's not. Read any history of the Revolutionary War and the hand of God can be seen throughout. Without our Founders firm belief and reliance on our Sovereign God, THIS NATION WOULD NOT BE.

Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Oh, gee. That would be horrible. I mean, we might actually be Canadians with universal health care!

The Founders were a bunch of rich slave-holders who wanted to protect aristocracy. Thankfully, their mindset was defeated in the civil war and we were allowed to advance.

Joe, you're so ignorant you'd lose an IQ contest to a pet rock. Move your sorry ass to Canada if you like them so fucking much, or crack a fucking book and educate yourself, you racist fucking simpleton!

Yawn... libertarians are like the retarded children of politics... they just don't understand subtley.

Okay, guy, as another person pointed out, we'd have been MORE religious if the British had won the Revoutionary war, and the head of the Church of England had beaten those Diest Slave-rapers who revolted against the crown.

The very notion of a Republic was anti-Christian. The notion of Monarchs was that God had ordained George III was King by "Grace of God" and he was the head of the Church of England. A president elected by the people? How non-Christian could you get?

If you like the Slave-Raper version of medicine so much, maybe we should just bleed you the next time you get sick, which was the cutting edge medicine of 1799.

No, it's not. Read any history of the Revolutionary War and the hand of God can be seen throughout. Without our Founders firm belief and reliance on our Sovereign God, THIS NATION WOULD NOT BE.

I have. These guys were Deists who didn't believe in the Christian God at all.

Fundamentalist Christians are currently working overtime to convince the American public that the founding fathers intended to establish this country on "biblical principles," but history simply does not support their view. The men mentioned above and others who were instrumental in the founding of our nation were in no sense Bible-believing Christians. Thomas Jefferson, in fact, was fiercely anti-cleric. In a letter to Horatio Spafford in 1814, Jefferson said, "In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is easier to acquire wealth and power by this combination than by deserving them, and to effect this, they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon, unintelligible to all mankind, and therefore the safer for their purposes" (George Seldes, The Great Quotations, Secaucus, New Jersey Citadel Press, 1983, p. 371). In a letter to Mrs. Harrison Smith, he wrote, "It is in our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be read. By the same test the world must judge me. But this does not satisfy the priesthood. They must have a positive, a declared assent to all their interested absurdities. My opinion is that there would never have been an infidel, if there had never been a priest" (August 6, 1816).

The Christian Nation Myth
Infecting YOUR politics? YOUR politics is already infected with hatred and intolerance of anything that doesn't conform to your twisted worldview.

I, for one, am certainly glad that our Founders 'infected our politics' with a firm belief in the Divine, or you'd be living still under the King or Queen of England, you ignorant fool!

Thoroughly confusing post.

King George and Queen Charlotte were Protestants as was just about every citizen of the English monarchy. The "firm belief in the divine" has been with this country since the Pilgrims landed and as a result, the ancestors of our founding fathers were also firm believers in the Divine, as you put it. So I do not understand this notion that our Founders "infected" this country with anything. How is that possible when what it was supposedly infected with had already existed here for over a century?

So even if the Founders hadn't infected our politics with belief in God, and had we lost our revolution and had remained citizens of the Monarchy, we would still, as a nation, believe in God because our King and Queen would.

So your point is moot.

No, it's not. Read any history of the Revolutionary War and the hand of God can be seen throughout. Without our Founders firm belief and reliance on our Sovereign God, THIS NATION WOULD NOT BE.

Yeah either you're not making much sense or we're talking semantics here. We both agree that Christianity had a prominent role in the lives of our Founders. This is undisputed.

We won our revolution because we wanted freedom and independence from a tyrannical monarchy. Religion was a non-issue because both sides worshiped the same god..

That is what doesn't make sense to me with your posts. It doesn't matter how the revolution turned out. Win or lose, our founders would still have worshiped God. It's what their ancestors believed in and it's certainly what they believed in.

That is why your point is moot.
Yawn... libertarians are like the retarded children of politics... they just don't understand subtley.

Yeah, you Bolsheviks being so "subtle" and all...

Okay, guy, as another person pointed out, we'd have been MORE religious if the British had won the Revoutionary war, and the head of the Church of England had beaten those Diest Slave-rapers who revolted against the crown.

You've been trounced on the Deist meme, yet you continue with it. Out of 254 founding fathers - ONE, Benjamin Franklin, was a Deist. Of course the fact that 212 were professing Christians mean nothing to a good Bolshevik like you, one was a Deist, so all were.


The very notion of a Republic was anti-Christian.

Is that what your colon wall told you, Comrade?

The notion of Monarchs was that God had ordained George III was King by "Grace of God" and he was the head of the Church of England.

Which verse in the Bible promotes that, fucktard?

A president elected by the people? How non-Christian could you get?

You mean, the structure Paul set up for the Thessalonians, of electing representatives (elders) to run the church, shit fer brains?

If you like the Slave-Raper version of medicine so much, maybe we should just bleed you the next time you get sick, which was the cutting edge medicine of 1799.

Are all Bolsheviks as stupid as a stump, or are you special, Joeb?
Yawn... libertarians are like the retarded children of politics... they just don't understand subtley.

Yeah, you Bolsheviks being so "subtle" and all...

Okay, guy, as another person pointed out, we'd have been MORE religious if the British had won the Revoutionary war, and the head of the Church of England had beaten those Diest Slave-rapers who revolted against the crown.

You've been trounced on the Deist meme, yet you continue with it. Out of 254 founding fathers - ONE, Benjamin Franklin, was a Deist. Of course the fact that 212 were professing Christians mean nothing to a good Bolshevik like you, one was a Deist, so all were.


Is that what your colon wall told you, Comrade?

Which verse in the Bible promotes that, fucktard?

A president elected by the people? How non-Christian could you get?

You mean, the structure Paul set up for the Thessalonians, of electing representatives (elders) to run the church, shit fer brains?

If you like the Slave-Raper version of medicine so much, maybe we should just bleed you the next time you get sick, which was the cutting edge medicine of 1799.

Are all Bolsheviks as stupid as a stump, or are you special, Joeb?

The idea of a republic is anti-Christian?

The idea of a republic is anti-Christian?


Joeb has never read the Bible. His views are formed from what communist web sites tell him "Christians" are like.

The "Congregational" structure of Thessalonians is a Republic. Paul was an educated man and clearly modeled it after the Greek ideals of Republican government. Paul had read Plato and Socrates.

Joeb is a Bolshevik of the class known as "useful idiots."

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