Dems Think Civil War Is Their Only Way to Win, But They'll Lose That Too

What the Regressives are doing is madness, part of their political PTSD, and will damage the party a little. Real Democrats/Liberals are horrified by this behavior. But I'm still guessing they take the House.

You have no idea what real Democrats/Liberals think. All you know is what fox and right wing nut jobs have told you, and that is no where near correct.
then why did mad max...ine go off like she wanted one?
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.
Cool story bro
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.
Democrats don't want a war within this country....we want a president that speaks for all....but make no mistakes my friend.....this ain't the fuckin 60's. Yaw keep talking this race war shit, like your just itchin to take on brown....please be careful with this type of thinking.....I'v never seen a white crayon go after any color and mingle with it and still remain white.....but I've seen a brown crayon stay dark to the end....just sayin!! Keep in mind, brown has been around since the dark ages...DISPITE ALL THE SHIT YOU WHITE FOLKS THROUGH OUT....JUST ASK A JEW!!
then why did you vote for obammy? he never spoke for me.
When you call for the armed resistance of the government and actually do it --- it's patriotic because a black guy is president.

but if you speak about harassing a six-figured paid cabinet member at a Starbucks -- with their own personal security -- that is the same as calling for armed resistance so Maxine Waters should be arrested
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

LMAO Of course they would. None of them believe in owning guns.

It would be one short civil war though I don't think it would ever happen.

I'll bet you really believe that too. Lots of us liberals have lots of guns, but we aren't stupid enough to think there will be an actual armed conflict. A few gun nuts shooting some place up is always a possibility, but that has been a concern for quite a while.
like one of em attempting to take a sitting senator at a baseball game. yeah, we know. where's he at?
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

LMAO Of course they would. None of them believe in owning guns.

It would be one short civil war though I don't think it would ever happen.

I'll bet you really believe that too. Lots of us liberals have lots of guns, but we aren't stupid enough to think there will be an actual armed conflict. A few gun nuts shooting some place up is always a possibility, but that has been a concern for quite a while.
like one of em attempting to take a sitting senator at a baseball game. yeah, we know. where's he at?
What the Regressives are doing is madness, part of their political PTSD, and will damage the party a little. Real Democrats/Liberals are horrified by this behavior. But I'm still guessing they take the House.

I believe this November is going to a nightmare for the progressive voter when it is done.

If they lose in November the progressive will write how their voice was denied and America is lost while not realizing that California, Chicago and New York does not speak for the rest of the Country.
I can't even imagine how the Regressives would react if they don't win back the House.

They? You mean the Democratic party? Are the two terms interchangeable? If not, what percentage of the Dem party is comprised of "regressives"?
Today? All of you
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.
Look, you dumb shit for brains moronic simp....its this type of rhetoric you ingrates are feeding off from that taking this country down this dangerous path of self destruction. You elected a leader that is helping you mentally deranged white bastards believing in this shit....get off the internet, get outside and meet a black neighbor and relax.
People Questioned, Filmed And Called The Police On Black Oakland Firefighter
Kevin Moore was in uniform, with a clipboard and fire truck during a routine inspection. Residents called 911 and videotaped him.
Moore was one of the firefighters honored in 2008 for leaping into a flooded ravine to save passengers in an overturned vehicle.

Race whoring fuck. Nothing I said was about race, dick. That was you. And I voted for Gary Johnson. Leftists are simpletons. Duh, dar, drool, anyone not a leftist is a Republican. It's the black and white world you live in. And you tell me to get out more, LOL. Idiot
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.

You need to sit down and imagine that a group of right wingers motivated by a Republican politician confront you ... and your family ... They scream at you and insult you. Other Republicans are tweeting things like Peter Fonda that your kids should be kidnapped and raped and other Republicans are saying meh, Like Democrats are. Imagine Republicans were rioting and throwing things like Democrats did at Berkeley.

You'd be shaking and scared shitless, and you should be. Obviously she is calling for violence, she knows exactly what she is doing, and so do you. You'd be melting down if a Republican said to do that to Democrats. The difference between us is that so would I. Democrats are turning into actual fascists, shutting down opposition with violence.

You're a terrible liar. You didn't react to Scalise either, and she was actually shot by a leftist. Leftists are sick of having opposition
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Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.

You need to sit down and imagine that a group of right wingers motivated by a Republican politician confront you ... and your family ... They scream at you and insult you. Other Republicans are tweeting things like Peter Fonda that your kids should be kidnapped and raped and other Republicans are saying meh, Like Democrats are. Imagine Republicans were rioting and throwing things like Democrats did at Berkeley.

You'd be shaking and scared shitless, and you should be. Obviously she is calling for violence, she knows exactly what she is doing, and so do you. You'd be melting down if a Republican said to do that to Democrats. The difference between us is that so would I. Democrats are turning into actual fascists, shutting down opposition with violence.

You're a terrible liar. You didn't react to Scalise either, and she was actually shot by a leftist. Leftists are sick of having opposition

Nobody screamed at anyone. Sanders was taken aside and quietly asked to leave. Which she did.

Neilsen had people chanting. There are no “mobs”, no violence and no threats. The protestors outside her home were playing recordings of the children crying.

Waters called for non-violent resistance.

As always, right wingers try to spin this as something else. You guys believe in the Constitution don’t you?
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.

You need to sit down and imagine that a group of right wingers motivated by a Republican politician confront you ... and your family ... They scream at you and insult you. Other Republicans are tweeting things like Peter Fonda that your kids should be kidnapped and raped and other Republicans are saying meh, Like Democrats are. Imagine Republicans were rioting and throwing things like Democrats did at Berkeley.

You'd be shaking and scared shitless, and you should be. Obviously she is calling for violence, she knows exactly what she is doing, and so do you. You'd be melting down if a Republican said to do that to Democrats. The difference between us is that so would I. Democrats are turning into actual fascists, shutting down opposition with violence.

You're a terrible liar. You didn't react to Scalise either, and she was actually shot by a leftist. Leftists are sick of having opposition

Nobody screamed at anyone. Sanders was taken aside and quietly asked to leave. Which she did.

Neilsen had people chanting. There are no “mobs”, no violence and no threats. The protestors outside her home were playing recordings of the children crying.

Waters called for non-violent resistance.

As always, right wingers try to spin this as something else. You guys believe in the Constitution don’t you?

You're not spinning, you're lying.

Neilsen and other Republicans clearly were facing mobs, liar.

Waters said to "confront" them, she said nothing about "non-violent resistance." You're thinking of MLK Junior.

As for the Constitution, I didn't say what the government should do about it, you made that up. You don't even know what the Constitution is, do you?

Simple question. In what way does the Constitution protect free speech?
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.

You need to sit down and imagine that a group of right wingers motivated by a Republican politician confront you ... and your family ... They scream at you and insult you. Other Republicans are tweeting things like Peter Fonda that your kids should be kidnapped and raped and other Republicans are saying meh, Like Democrats are. Imagine Republicans were rioting and throwing things like Democrats did at Berkeley.

You'd be shaking and scared shitless, and you should be. Obviously she is calling for violence, she knows exactly what she is doing, and so do you. You'd be melting down if a Republican said to do that to Democrats. The difference between us is that so would I. Democrats are turning into actual fascists, shutting down opposition with violence.

You're a terrible liar. You didn't react to Scalise either, and she was actually shot by a leftist. Leftists are sick of having opposition

Nobody screamed at anyone. Sanders was taken aside and quietly asked to leave. Which she did.

Neilsen had people chanting. There are no “mobs”, no violence and no threats. The protestors outside her home were playing recordings of the children crying.

Waters called for non-violent resistance.

As always, right wingers try to spin this as something else. You guys believe in the Constitution don’t you?
Starbucks asked two men to leave and the left screamed bloody murder and Starbucks shutdown for a day for "training".

Now you cheer people being asked to leave.

And FYI - she was followed out to her car being hounded.

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