Dems Think Civil War Is Their Only Way to Win, But They'll Lose That Too

Don't be silly. RWNJs have been hoping for a civil war for years. Don't try to blame liberals for your crap.

Name the acts of violence and calls for acts of violence by the Right? Show us where Rightwingers were assaulting Democrats at their candidates’ rallies? How about the Rightwingers smashing windows and burining cars on Obama Inaugration day? When did Rightwingers shoot up a baseball field of Democrat Congressmen?

Actions speak loudest.
Don't be silly. RWNJs have been hoping for a civil war for years. Don't try to blame liberals for your crap.

Name the acts of violence and calls for acts of violence by the Right? Show us where Rightwingers were assaulting Democrats at their candidates’ rallies? How about the Rightwingers smashing windows and burining cars on Obama Inaugration day? When did Rightwingers shoot up a baseball field of Democrat Congressmen?

Actions speak loudest.

There are calls for a civil war by right wingers here almost daily.
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.

What a load of horseshit and lies.

The only people calling for civil war or threatening are right wingers. Maxine Waters didn’t call for violence. She called for civil disobedience. For shaming administration officials.

Right wingers are becoming unhinged with their calls for “getting rid of” liberals. You idiots are prepared to trample the Constitution underfoot to destroy liberals.
“If you see any blacks in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

See how that works and how sane the left are?
Don't be silly. RWNJs have been hoping for a civil war for years. Don't try to blame liberals for your crap.

Name the acts of violence and calls for acts of violence by the Right? Show us where Rightwingers were assaulting Democrats at their candidates’ rallies? How about the Rightwingers smashing windows and burining cars on Obama Inaugration day? When did Rightwingers shoot up a baseball field of Democrat Congressmen?

Actions speak loudest.

There are calls for a civil war by right wingers here almost daily.
More stupid lies.
Republicans can't even play baseball or mow their lawn without assasination attempts.
What the Regressives are doing is madness, part of their political PTSD, and will damage the party a little. Real Democrats/Liberals are horrified by this behavior. But I'm still guessing they take the House.
Yep, David Axlerod commented on the Sanders issue. Said it wasn't smart and will only hurt them politically

Oh the irony that you should have anything to say in this thread when YOU started a thread yesterday warning that the far right will start a civil war with liberals

Don't be silly. RWNJs have been hoping for a civil war for years. Don't try to blame liberals for your crap.

Name the acts of violence and calls for acts of violence by the Right? Show us where Rightwingers were assaulting Democrats at their candidates’ rallies? How about the Rightwingers smashing windows and burining cars on Obama Inaugration day? When did Rightwingers shoot up a baseball field of Democrat Congressmen?

Actions speak loudest.

There are calls for a civil war by right wingers here almost daily.
More stupid lies.

The radical left is flirting with disaster

There You Have It- Trump Aides Urged to Arm Themselves
Don't be silly. RWNJs have been hoping for a civil war for years. Don't try to blame liberals for your crap.

Name the acts of violence and calls for acts of violence by the Right? Show us where Rightwingers were assaulting Democrats at their candidates’ rallies? How about the Rightwingers smashing windows and burining cars on Obama Inaugration day? When did Rightwingers shoot up a baseball field of Democrat Congressmen?

Actions speak loudest.

There are calls for a civil war by right wingers here almost daily.
More stupid lies.

The radical left is flirting with disaster

There You Have It- Trump Aides Urged to Arm Themselves
Republicans can't even mow their lawn or play baseball without assasination attempts on them.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
Democrats have been waging violence since 1860.

The established elite in the South, who seceded to keep their system of slavery, were not liberal Democrats were they?. Furthermore the violence between the slave and anti-slave movement was an ongoing bloody battle for decades. Nothing like that currently but, in case you forgot which party it was that alluded to a second amendment solutions to Obama's policies, it wasn't the Democrats.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
Democrats have been waging violence since 1860.

The established elite in the South, who seceded to keep their system of slavery, were not liberal Democrats were they?. Furthermore the violence between the slave and anti-slave movement was an ongoing bloody battle for decades. Nothing like that currently but, in case you forgot which party it was that alluded to a second amendment solutions to Obama's policies, it wasn't the Democrats.
Sorry, I forgot about all those violent riots by masked Tea Party members.

Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children
The Democrats are treading in quick sand. They're desperate because their conscious recognizes they're drowning. So they're grabbing air attempting to survive.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children

One nut on the phone does not equal a Civil War movement.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children

One nut on the phone does not equal a Civil War movement.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children

One nut on the phone does not equal a Civil War movement.
Republicans can't even play baseball or mow their lawns without a Democrat trying to assasinate them.
The country has gone through periods or turbulence worse than this. The civil rights movement and such, end of slavery, etc. I can only imagine what people in the 60s were saying on all sides, with regard to civil war and such. The difference now is that because of technology and ubiquitous media, the extremes have a megaphone 24/7 in order to influence the conversation nationally and globally... and not for the better.

To a far lesser extent than "the Ds thinking civil war is their way to win" is their error in group identification, and because of that, basically going anti-white in the hopes that that all non-white people will join their side and demographics will win out. It's abhorrent. If you ever thought white people treating black people wrongly simply because of their strength in numbers, then you should feel the same way in reverse. No one is defined by their skin color, and the moment you think they are, you've then become everything you claim to hate.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children

One nut on the phone does not equal a Civil War movement.
Liberals will wage a Civil War at the Polls in November with their anti Retrumplican votes. Anyone advocating violence against our fellow citizens with whom we strongly disagree, are not really liberals are they?
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”

Stuart man charged with threatening U.S. Rep. Brian Mast's children

One nut on the phone does not equal a Civil War movement.
Republicans can't even play baseball or mow their lawns without a Democrat trying to assasinate them.

In neither of those cases did the assailants, who were indeed nut jobs, proclaim their desire for a New Civil War did they?

The games (and practices) have continued.

But do continue to insinuate that Republicans are so frightened now that they can't play baseball or do any sort of lawn maintenance.
What the Regressives are doing is madness, part of their political PTSD, and will damage the party a little. Real Democrats/Liberals are horrified by this behavior. But I'm still guessing they take the House.

Certainly you're right that the Democrats are suffering from PTSD and that certainly escallated this. But they have been going down this path all my life becoming less and less tolerant of opposition and more and more open to violence to shut it down. It's a new level, but it's not new
It's definitely been a process over the years. The Regressives really took over the party in 2008. When Obama won, they figured the battle was over and they could be themselves.

They were a little too early.

What I have said all along. They spent years lying about their motives, their means and their hatred for the US. Then they got Obama and assumed that the extra Muslims and illegals they brought in were enough to subdue the American population.
Not quite. They came out in the open just a little too soon.
Insurrection is the Democrats' national sport. And right now, it seems like they're looking to tie the Germans by losing twice at their national sport.

The Democrats don't want a civil war. They want it all. They want to conquer us, not leave us. Their violent rhetoric keeps escalating. Paul is physically attacked by his moonbat leftist neighbor. They openly chant at conservatives and insult Republican children. A gunman shoots at Republicans practicing and almost kills Scalise. And they just get more and more sexually excited. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence against Republicans. Jimmy Fallon had to apologize for talking to Trump on his show. Universities are shutting down all conservative speech.

I always thought the Nazi in politics thing was ridiculous. But Democrats are actually going down that path. And they aren't going to stop. The more they get, the more they want more.
Look, you dumb shit for brains moronic simp....its this type of rhetoric you ingrates are feeding off from that taking this country down this dangerous path of self destruction. You elected a leader that is helping you mentally deranged white bastards believing in this shit....get off the internet, get outside and meet a black neighbor and relax.
People Questioned, Filmed And Called The Police On Black Oakland Firefighter
Kevin Moore was in uniform, with a clipboard and fire truck during a routine inspection. Residents called 911 and videotaped him.
Moore was one of the firefighters honored in 2008 for leaping into a flooded ravine to save passengers in an overturned vehicle.

I live in a nice neighborhood with no black neighbors. Like Obama and Hillary.
What the Regressives are doing is madness, part of their political PTSD, and will damage the party a little. Real Democrats/Liberals are horrified by this behavior. But I'm still guessing they take the House.

I believe this November is going to a nightmare for the progressive voter when it is done.

If they lose in November the progressive will write how their voice was denied and America is lost while not realizing that California, Chicago and New York does not speak for the rest of the Country.
I can't even imagine how the Regressives would react if they don't win back the House.

They? You mean the Democratic party? Are the two terms interchangeable? If not, what percentage of the Dem party is comprised of "regressives"?

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