Dems to ban fracking


it's not just water we're pumping, and we do "Fracture" the land to break it open to get it. i worked for Western Pacesetters on horrible fall in 1988 and this is what we did. i had to drive the liquid nitrogen truck to get it refilled so we could pump that, and a lot of other shit, into the ground.

i'm all for ensuring people get to work and such, but if we kill the planet on the way, then yes i do have some questions. an entire BAN i think is stupid but we need to find way to accomplish what is needed just the same. the dems just want to ban everything and that i am against.

finding better solutions i'm for. but say that and suddenly you're against the environment.
I spent twenty two years in the oil and gas industry. A arge part of it in management and consulting. Not all areas use nitrogen. In fact most areas only use nitrogen to clean wells out after fracking has been done.

Fracking uses water, oil, or diesel under pressure to force open existing fractures in oil bearing rock. Sand or other elements ( man made sand, and others nicknamed prop) are then added to the fluid which is forced into the fractures. Once the pressure is released the prop remains lodged in the fractures to prop the tight formation open. This allows the oil to flow more freely. Years ago the pressure would be allowed to leak off almost instantly. That meant most of the prop was washed out and the fractures would slam shut. Fracking had to be done more often on the same well. The areas that did remain open with this technique would become more and more porous which meant little to no idea where the fluid was going.

The current situation is to allow the pressure to slowly bleed away. In most cases a day or longer. That means more prop left in the fractures. More fractures left open. The number of times a well must be fracked over its lifetime is greatly reduced and a responsible consultant or operator will better understand and be able to control what part of the area around the well and the geological formations are affected.

Lots of people like to think that everyone involved in the oil and gas industry are just interested in killing our environment and the planet. The largest part understand that we have to do things that are environmentally friendly and balance that with our energy needs while making a living for themselves and their families.
you were way more into the details than i ever got to. i was just a pipe beater who had to stand next to the rig while we fracked. one winter it was like -10* F and a runny nose would freeze in minutes. but i did get to see the geologists get in and out of the trucks from time to time. :)

i am *not* for banning fracking. i do believe a lot of it is misunderstood and no one wants to just tear shit up to get to oil. no one i ever met anyway. if we can continue to refine it and make it less harmful, great. and i think we have since then, if even not doing it at the time.

appreciate the info.
No problem. Left out A ton of information. Worked very closely with many geologists when a frack or other operation was being planned or done. Must admit that a large number of the geologists that I delt with understood what the book said but had no idea of practical application.

Fracking been around for about 65 years. When we first started it was just a proposal that worked. It has slowly been refined and is becoming better understood.
Kind of like the wright brothers flight compared to the planes of 20 years ago. I have no doubt in the next few years there will be even better understanding. Unfortunately Warren stated that she would write an EO that would end offshore drilling, drilling in some areas and end fracking.
That kind of thing shows a complete disregard for people's livelihood and the economy.
Unfortunately there are those that will cheer her on and vote for her.
shout SAVE OUR PLANET and the crowd goes wild. devil out there playing in details. :)

what is your take on fracking and minor earthquakes in OK and TX? any real correlation?
I tend to believe that people look for and find a lot of things that do not necessarily correlate.
People find faces on Mars. We believed that Mars had numerous canals. The Loch Ness monster. We actually have no real hard data showing any correlation between fracking and earthquakes. But some are convinced that there is. There have always been small quakes in that area. It is not as well known of an area like San Andreas but it still was active to a small extent.

Most fracking only affects a small area around the well bore. Years ago when fracking was done numerous times during a wells lifetime that area could and did increase but in relation to an area that is effected by an earthquake it is still very small.

My belief is that there is no correlation at all.
on the surface it makes sense. but on the surface, you can make almost anything make sense.

thanks again for the input.

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