denier recants ideology and accepts science

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Confessions of a Former Climate Change Denialist Canadian Science Writers Association
I, a scientist with a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, was a climate change denialist. Wait, let me add, I was an effective climate change denialist: I would throw on a cloak of anecdotal evidence and biased one-sided skepticism and declare myself a skeptic. Good scientists are skeptics, right?I sallied forth and denied every piece of evidence that was presented to me, for a relatively long time.
It feels strange when I look back — I inadvertently fell into almost every pitfall of pseudo-science, shutting my eyes and repeating a series of mantras, such as “I don’t believe it!”“Why does it even matter?” and “I don’t care!”.
Thankfully, those days are over, but the memories linger. Although the evolution of my thought, from ignorance, to denial, to skepticism and finally to acceptance was a continuum, in retrospect I can distinguish certain phases that are worth listing and discussing. I hope my experience encourages others to loosen up some strongly held beliefs and listen to the din of evidence.. Here are the prominent phases of my climate change denialism:

come to the light deniers!!!
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?

Interesting to note who jumped right on his bandwagon and thanked him for the post without the first question as to its authenticity.
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?

Prove it you lying PoS.
For starters, the man's article is published in the Canadian Science Writers Association, not the Canadian Writers Association. Here is the "About Us" page from CSWA:

We are a national alliance of professional science communicators in all media.

Our mission is to cultivate excellence in science writing and science journalism.

Our goal is to increase public awareness of science in Canadian culture.

Specific Goals and Objectives:

  • to promote and reward balanced and accurate science reporting in Canada
  • to create opportunities for members to meet and exchange ideas
  • to initiate educational and training opportunities for science communicators in all regions of Canada
  • to encourage communication between scientists and journalists
  • to encourage greater awareness among editors, producers and other gatekeepers of the need for science coverage
  • to nourish the growth of a membership that reflects Canadian society with respect to gender, race and region

Radical lefties for sure.
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?

Interesting to note who jumped right on his bandwagon and thanked him for the post without the first question as to its authenticity.

I would have thought you'd figured out by now that it's NEVER a good idea to throw your lot in with ol' Billy Bob.
Once again CO2 does NOT drive climate.

No real scientific evidence has been provided to prove that it does.

And, flying in from the fringes of the right wing we have KOSHHHHH, with a comment that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversations already in progress.
Once again CO2 does NOT drive climate.

No real scientific evidence has been provided to prove that it does.

And, flying in from the fringes of the right wing we have KOSHHHHH, with a comment that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversations already in progress.

I am sure that anyone on the far left would see anyone that is not far left as right wing..

Then again we can all be like Crick and add this type of commentary:

"Prove it you lying PoS."

Another looking in the mirror moment for the AGW cult..
If you'd like to stand in for good ol' Billy Bob and provide evidence to support his contentions, I'm perfectly willing to have a look. You're going to have your work cut out for you. He makes it a regular habit to drop claims that you couldn't sell to a six year old and then just walk away. But, hey, it'll out turn out right in the end. You'll come out smelling like a bunch of roses...

rotting in fermented cow shit.
If you'd like to stand in for good ol' Billy Bob and provide evidence to support his contentions, I'm perfectly willing to have a look. You're going to have your work cut out for you. He makes it a regular habit to drop claims that you couldn't sell to a six year old and then just walk away. But, hey, it'll out turn out right in the end. You'll come out smelling like a bunch of roses...

rotting in fermented cow shit.

Is like those that still push the CO2 drives climate dogma that has been debunked over and over..
Was that supposed to be an intelligible sentence? "is like those that..."? Maybe you've just been butt-fucked one too many times. Or... maybe like twenty too many times.
Once again CO2 does NOT drive climate.

No real scientific evidence has been provided to prove that it does.
They dont need no stinking proof... and the Obama white house thinks you dont need to know...
Now, even supporters of this fiction are wondering how the Obama Administration’s top “scientist” has come to the conclusion that global warming spawned severe storms seen in 2014 and, most curiously, why the Obama Administration is simply refusing to release the supposedly scientific data supporting this conclusion...

...However, much of the scientific community as well as even the most-liberal of media outlets, such as The Washington Post, took issue with Holdren’s assertions as not only inherently erroneous, but startling in the fact that he has simply refused to identify the methods by which his department has reached these conclusions.

Lying is in their creed!

Once again CO2 does NOT drive climate.

No real scientific evidence has been provided to prove that it does.
They dont need no stinking proof... and the Obama white house thinks you dont need to know...
Now, even supporters of this fiction are wondering how the Obama Administration’s top “scientist” has come to the conclusion that global warming spawned severe storms seen in 2014 and, most curiously, why the Obama Administration is simply refusing to release the supposedly scientific data supporting this conclusion...

...However, much of the scientific community as well as even the most-liberal of media outlets, such as The Washington Post, took issue with Holdren’s assertions as not only inherently erroneous, but startling in the fact that he has simply refused to identify the methods by which his department has reached these conclusions.

Lying is in their creed!


Yep.......the folks at Duke University would concur after recently completed research found that.........

Socialists Are Cheaters Says New Study - Hit Run

Fucking cowards.......they have as much character as a small soap dish.

What else do you expect though.......dumbass puts a pic of himself in an avatar standing in front of a pyramid with a pose that says, "Of course Im the king of this place.....who else would I be?"
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?

Interesting to note who jumped right on his bandwagon and thanked him for the post without the first question as to its authenticity.

I would have thought you'd figured out by now that it's NEVER a good idea to throw your lot in with ol' Billy Bob.

Sorry guy, but once again you are on the wrong side of the argument...goes back to your inability to differentiate one thing from another....seems to be an ongoing theme with you. What must it be like to look through lenses that skew the entire world so that you find yourself unable to actually understand anything?
So where is the evidence to support Billy Bob's charges about the scientist discussed in the OP? Why... it seems to be lacking. What a fucking surprise.
IT's a known person who has lied previously about his standings and beliefs. This is the third or fourth time this guy has tried this BS... And its on the Canadian Writers Association page a known left wing radical agenda driven whack site.

Cant you guys find something FACTUAL or NEW?
ummm...... yeah. I'm going to have to ask for a link there denier. Thanks.

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