Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake

This baker did nothing wrong. They agreed to make a blank Bible cake, and even offered to provide the customer with a frosting bag and frosting so that he could write his own message on the cake.

Forcing the baker to write something on the cake that the baker didn't think was appropriate is actually a violation of the baker's free speech, because the customer is trying to force the baker to say something that the baker didn't believe.

I hope the baker wins the case and the customer gets sued.

So you would feel the same if a baker refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple?

If the gay couple wanted to put hate speech on their cake, yeah.......I'd support the baker on that one.

HOWEVER.............the baker DID offer to make a Bible shaped cake for the man, and even offered to provide him with frosting and a pastry bag so that he could write those things himself if he still wanted the cake.

The baker didn't refuse the man a cake, they just refused to write hate speech they disagreed with. I don't see this as discrimination, I see this as more of a free speech issue. The baker doesn't have to write things they don't believe in.

And yeah.............if a gay couple wanted a wedding cake that said something like "breeders are unfit for marriage", I'd have an issue with that as well.
If the gay couple wanted to put hate speech on their cake, yeah.......I'd support the baker on that one.

Now you're changing your criteria. Previously, you complained that it would force the baker to violate their beliefs. So which is it?
If the gay couple wanted to put hate speech on their cake, yeah.......I'd support the baker on that one.

Now you're changing your criteria. Previously, you complained that it would force the baker to violate their beliefs. So which is it?

The baker doesn't believe in hate speech, and the baker DID NOT refuse to bake a cake, they objected to the hate speech the person wanted put on it. And, they also offered frosting and a pastry bag so the person could put it on the cake themselves.

What if instead of anti gay slogans, it was a KKK member who wanted a cake with a black man being hung, surrounded by KKK members and it says on the cake "kill all the darkies"? can't force someone to say things they don't believe in.
One was defending his religious beliefs, the latests is a parody of the earlier action and will be thrown by the court.
If the gay couple wanted to put hate speech on their cake, yeah.......I'd support the baker on that one.

Now you're changing your criteria. Previously, you complained that it would force the baker to violate their beliefs. So which is it?

The baker doesn't believe in hate speech, and the baker DID NOT refuse to bake a cake, they objected to the hate speech the person wanted put on it. And, they also offered frosting and a pastry bag so the person could put it on the cake themselves.

What if instead of anti gay slogans, it was a KKK member who wanted a cake with a black man being hung, surrounded by KKK members and it says on the cake "kill all the darkies"? can't force someone to say things they don't believe in.

So if you can't force someone to go against their beliefs, then you can't force someone to accommodate a gay couple if it violates their beliefs.
Someone should put Leviticus 20:13 on the sidewalk outside the bakery.

Oh look at you cherry picking. (Try reading ALL of Leviticus and who you're supposed to be punishing)

These "Christians" would be a lot more believable when they start refusing to bake cakes for single mothers, divorcees, fat people, etc.

Sadly enough, an acquaintance called the school this morning and told them she had been through a divorce because she cheated and that she now lives with her three kids and her boyfriend. The administrator welcomed them with open arms and offered an appointment.

Anti-Gay Tennessee School Denies Admission to Child of Gay Parents Jamie McGonnigal
I just wrote 'I hate gay people' on a cake last night. I'll let you know if I get sued tomorrow.
Actually we believe that your kind is the cause of that. Evil, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
I wonder if you can actually feed yourself, I don't hate anyone. Liberals cannot say that.

So you want to claim you don't hate anyone, but you just hate to see certain types of people have equal rights.

Yes, that's so much nicer...
Who said I hate, I disagree there is a difference. I was wanting to compromise, but you couldn't have that.

No you weren't. Besides, why do we have to 'compromise' when it comes to gay rights?

Are you willing to 'compromise' your own rights?

The Supreme Court has already compromised our rights, so it's not like we have a choice.

I thought God gave you your rights, not the Government.

Maybe you should get God to prove he did in fact give you your rights.

I understand that the law and the liberal judges who interpret it are fucked. They will dream up some utterly hypocritical rational for ruling one way in one case and the opposite way in another case. That's why libturd judges do.

Obviously any judge you disagree with becomes a 'libturd' judge.

Like I said- you just don't understand the law.

Isn't it fascinating how conservatives think that the Constitution was a custom designed document to perfectly coincide with and advance every article of the conservative agenda?
Let us see if liberals extend their tolerance to people they don't agree with.

Let's not forget here that RWnut consensus was to be intolerant of the gay couple who wanted the wedding cake... you want to be tolerant of the anti-gay guy...

...which makes you effectively wrong on both counts.
No actually we just want you to be consistent with your outrage.
this has become the Homophobes last desperate stand.

We will fight them in the bakeries, we will fight them in the photography studios...

setting up twisted legal precedents hoping to cry victim some day...

imagine that. it's all the haters have left. damn shame, and what a waste...
Let us see if liberals extend their tolerance to people they don't agree with.

Let's not forget here that RWnut consensus was to be intolerant of the gay couple who wanted the wedding cake... you want to be tolerant of the anti-gay guy...

...which makes you effectively wrong on both counts.
No actually we just want you to be consistent with your outrage.

I detailed the legal consistency of my stances, and no one has rebutted them.
I don't hate gay people. I think the idea of it is sick, but what people do in their lives is their business. Lately though they want it to be my business. I was for civil unions for gays, give them every right heterosexuals get when they are married. Not good enough, they want to be married. Which is supposed to be between a man and woman under God. I'm tired of it being shoved in my face, that's it. Gays have redefined marriage, now we are fixing to have a blood related father and daughter getting married and they plan to have kids. So congratulations! Liberals are making our society a cess pool.
Actually we believe that your kind is the cause of that. Evil, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
I wonder if you can actually feed yourself, I don't hate anyone. Liberals cannot say that.

So you want to claim you don't hate anyone, but you just hate to see certain types of people have equal rights.

Yes, that's so much nicer...
Who said I hate, I disagree there is a difference. I was wanting to compromise, but you couldn't have that.

No you weren't. Besides, why do we have to 'compromise' when it comes to gay rights?

Are you willing to 'compromise' your own rights?
Well I was forced to, so now we will have kids with blood parents in society as normal. Thanks to liberals.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean I have to transmit your hate speech.

You have the right to say what you want, I don't have to give you air time or cake time.
Yet it is discrimination if a baker doesn't want to place two groom statues in top if a cake he bakes. It doesn't matter what you think. It's a double standard. The customer has a right to the cake he wants.

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