Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake

Let us see if liberals extend their tolerance to people they don't agree with.

Let's not forget here that RWnut consensus was to be intolerant of the gay couple who wanted the wedding cake... you want to be tolerant of the anti-gay guy...

...which makes you effectively wrong on both counts.
Right wing Christians hate best of all.

Gays want the cake to show their love.

Right wing Christians want the cake to show their hate.

In the Christian mind, it's exactly the same thing.
The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:
He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:
Actually he wasn't. He was told to make more cakes, something a reasonable businessman would consider to be a damn good idea if the market will pay but he's not a businessman, he's a zealot and that's were his problems began.
The left's promotion of all things abnormal will surely dictate that this baker be sentenced to 25 years of having to chisel "Gay Is Good" into stones using bronze tools.
You know them well, the pseudo moral right.

He's just a hateful fundie fake christian.

"He is a founder of Worldview Academy, which is a "non-denominational organization dedicated to helping Christians think and live in accord with a Biblical worldview," according to the organization's website."
I think he has to sell them cakes, but I don't know about having to write the messages in frosting the couple wants. This will be a messy fight.

Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake - Yahoo News

from the article

Jack has filed a complaint with the Civil Rights division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies. The bakery is now under investigation for religious discrimination, and if the agency feels discriminatory acts were committed, the case could move forward to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. A decision on the case will not be made for several months.

But Nancy Leong, a University of Denver law professor, said that she does not believe that Silva violated any laws.

"This is not a situation where a business owner denied service to somebody," Ms. Leong told USA Today. "She offered to accommodate him to the extent that she could. In fact, requiring her to write that message would infringe on her own free speech rights.”

The baker clearly didn't refuse to sell a cake to the person because he is a Christian- looks like he had no issue with selling the cake to him. If the baker had refused to sell him a cake simply because the guy was Christian- he would have a strong case.

But was the baker discriminating against the buyer because the buyer is a Christian? I don't think so- if the baker generally reserves the right to not put anything on a cake that the baker finds 'offensive'- such as refusing to write 'Fuck You' on a cake or make an image of two people screwing- I think that he is okay.

However,- the offended party had every right to file a complaint- I have no objection to that at all.
Would I attend a same-sex "wedding"?


If they were serving a friggin' carrot wedding cake, probably not.
The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:

No he wasn't, he's still free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.

The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:

No he wasn't, he's still free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.

Lol forced to sell cakes on the down low. Yea he totally won in the end :rofl:
The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:

No he wasn't, he's still free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.

Lol forced to sell cakes on the down low. Yea he totally won in the end :rofl:

He dosen't have to sell them "on the down low". He is quite free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.


I'm a straight male. But I am not 'anti-gay'. To me, homosexuals pose no threat. If they want to enter a stabilizing institution like marriage, it does not threaten the existence of my marriage at all. Homosexuals do no harm, they commit no crimes by simply being homosexual, they are no more promiscuous than heterosexuals.

Why would anyone think that repressing homosexuals is anywhere close to the right thing to do? Why do you count yourself among the 'anti-gay'?
I don't hate gay people. I think the idea of it is sick, but what people do in their lives is their business. Lately though they want it to be my business. I was for civil unions for gays, give them every right heterosexuals get when they are married. Not good enough, they want to be married. Which is supposed to be between a man and woman under God. I'm tired of it being shoved in my face, that's it. Gays have redefined marriage, now we are fixing to have a blood related father and daughter getting married and they plan to have kids. So congratulations! Liberals are making our society a cess pool.
Actually we believe that your kind is the cause of that. Evil, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
I wonder if you can actually feed yourself, I don't hate anyone. Liberals cannot say that.

So you want to claim you don't hate anyone, but you just hate to see certain types of people have equal rights.

Yes, that's so much nicer...
Who said I hate, I disagree there is a difference. I was wanting to compromise, but you couldn't have that.

No you weren't. Besides, why do we have to 'compromise' when it comes to gay rights?

Are you willing to 'compromise' your own rights?
Oh, and though it's been said before it merits saying again,

There is nothing gayer than a big heterosexual wedding.

I understand that the law and the liberal judges who interpret it are fucked. They will dream up some utterly hypocritical rational for ruling one way in one case and the opposite way in another case. That's why libturd judges do.
I don't hate gay people. I think the idea of it is sick, but what people do in their lives is their business. Lately though they want it to be my business. I was for civil unions for gays, give them every right heterosexuals get when they are married. Not good enough, they want to be married. Which is supposed to be between a man and woman under God. I'm tired of it being shoved in my face, that's it. Gays have redefined marriage, now we are fixing to have a blood related father and daughter getting married and they plan to have kids. So congratulations! Liberals are making our society a cess pool.
Actually we believe that your kind is the cause of that. Evil, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
I wonder if you can actually feed yourself, I don't hate anyone. Liberals cannot say that.

So you want to claim you don't hate anyone, but you just hate to see certain types of people have equal rights.

Yes, that's so much nicer...
Who said I hate, I disagree there is a difference. I was wanting to compromise, but you couldn't have that.

No you weren't. Besides, why do we have to 'compromise' when it comes to gay rights?

Are you willing to 'compromise' your own rights?

The Supreme Court has already compromised our rights, so it's not like we have a choice.
The baker that was forced to bake the gay cake, the cake was offensive to him, but since you disagree with him. He had to do it. You agree with the other baker, so he doesn't have to follow the same guidelines. Your wrong.

You realize that the owner of Masterpiece Cakes in Denver was never forced to bake a cake right?

It takes years for these things to work through the complaint, investigation, hearing, determination, and appeal process and the same-sex couple was married long ago.

Since then Jack Phillips has changed is business offerings and no longer makes wedding cakes as part of the business offerings.

So he was never "forced" to back a cake.

He was forced to stop baking wedding cakes :thup:

No he wasn't, he's still free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.

Lol forced to sell cakes on the down low. Yea he totally won in the end :rofl:

He dosen't have to sell them "on the down low". He is quite free to bake wedding cakes and sell them in a non-discriminatory manner.

Yes. Whether the customer is gay or straight.

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