Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake

Pretty fucking retarded. He pointed out the government provides you rights (though protects is more accurate). Leaving the logical conclusion being the government provides the same protection under the law for everyone, not just heterosexuals.

Where is it written that government must provide the same protection to everyone? If government chooses to give some people more rights than others, how can you claim that is unjust? After all, you deny the proposition that anyone has a natural right to be treated equally.

However, I know I'm wasting my time pointing out the contradiction in your theory of rights because you're just too stupid to get it. The point has already gone over your head once. I know from experience that it you'll respond like a dear caught in the headlights every time I explain it.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

We're in the U.S. ... discussing equal rights for gays in the U.S. ... slavery in the U.S. ... the 14th Amendment in the U.S. .... the Civil war in the U.S. .... equality for all in the U.S, ... rights in the U.S.

.... but after you're made to look like the ass you are .... you're suddenly not talking about the U.S.

Sure, fruitcake. :rolleyes:
Where is it written that government must provide the same protection to everyone? If government chooses to give some people more rights than others, how can you claim that is unjust? After all, you deny the proposition that anyone has a natural right to be treated equally.

However, I know I'm wasting my time pointing out the contradiction in your theory of rights because you're just too stupid to get it. The point has already gone over your head once. I know from experience that it you'll respond like a dear caught in the headlights every time I explain it.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

We're in the U.S. ... equal rights for gays in the U.S. ... slavery in the U.S. ... the 14th Amendment in the U.S. .... the Civil war in the U.S.

.... but after you're made to look like the ass you are .... you're suddenly not talking about the U.S.

Sure, fruitcake. :rolleyes:

Yes the far left loves slavery we know that!

Political slavery is their favorite kind..

Why has Obama not just signed an EO making gay "Marriage" legal everywhere?

or is that because they need the "gay" vote for the far left?
Kosh is finally learning how in to incorporate the OP into his rants. Good on!

This Denver case will allow the courts to splice and dice real cases from political charades.
If government passes laws that are not equal, then no injustice is done. That's your theory.
No, that's my theory because that's utterly idiotic. And they don't have a "right" by God or nature to be treated equally but under our laws granting us rights they are supposed to be unless some compelling reason can be found for them being unequal.

So before the 14th Amendment was passed, no injustice was being done to slaves.

You have to be a major loon to believe that. All the morons who defend Lincoln claim the Civil War was justified because slavery was such a heinous violation of human rights. However, your theory says slavery didn't violate anyone's rights.

Well that may be what the moron's claim- but not the rest of us.

Of course the moron's who attack Lincoln say that slavery had nothing to do with the Confederate slave states attempt to secede from the United States.

No, they say that slavery had nothing to do with Lincoln's decision to invade Virginia. Neither did Ft Sumter, for that matter.

And, yes, the rest of you claim rights are purely a government creation, so you have to concede that slavery didn't violate anyone's rights before 1864.

Is that what the moron's say about Lincoln?

Thanks for clarifying that- I will add it to the list.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

We're in the U.S. ... equal rights for gays in the U.S. ... slavery in the U.S. ... the 14th Amendment in the U.S. .... the Civil war in the U.S.

.... but after you're made to look like the ass you are .... you're suddenly not talking about the U.S.

Sure, fruitcake. :rolleyes:

Yes the far left loves slavery we know that!

Political slavery is their favorite kind..

Why has Obama not just signed an EO making gay "Marriage" legal everywhere?

or is that because they need the "gay" vote for the far left?

LOL- more right wingnuttery. How do you pull yourself away from Free Republic and WND to post here?
I think gay marriage advocates may be overplaying their hand.
Yep. They're desperate to intimidate and punish, and they just don't need to take it this far.

Gay marriage will ultimately be legalized, that's the main thing, but that's just not enough for them.

They're after complete submission and control.


No, they're intent on being treated the same as everyone else. But on this particular issue, the costs outweigh the benefits. Without it, any USSC ruling is pure butter. As it benefits gays and harms no one. With the PA application, Christians with the will to do so could weep and wail and gnash their teeth about how awful it is that they must treat gay customers fairly and equally.

This perceived victimhood will act as a rallying point around which the bigots and homophobes can congregate. Let the PA shit slide, and they've got nothing.

And robbing your opponents of the ability to organize is worth way more than a cake.
I think gay marriage advocates may be overplaying their hand.
Yep. They're desperate to intimidate and punish, and they just don't need to take it this far.

Gay marriage will ultimately be legalized, that's the main thing, but that's just not enough for them.

They're after complete submission and control.


How? By using the law that was democratically enacted by the people of Colorado?

If the voters of Colorado don't want public accommodation laws- they can certainly change the laws.

In the meantime, there is nothing wrong with anybody- gay- Christian- Muslim- black- handicapped- for asking that the law be enforced.
Pretty fucking retarded. He pointed out the government provides you rights (though protects is more accurate). Leaving the logical conclusion being the government provides the same protection under the law for everyone, not just heterosexuals.

Where is it written that government must provide the same protection to everyone? If government chooses to give some people more rights than others, how can you claim that is unjust? After all, you deny the proposition that anyone has a natural right to be treated equally.

However, I know I'm wasting my time pointing out the contradiction in your theory of rights because you're just too stupid to get it. The point has already gone over your head once. I know from experience that it you'll respond like a dear caught in the headlights every time I explain it.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.

You are an idiot.

You asked 'where is it written that government must provide the same protection for everyone'- and he showed you exactly where it is written. Now you do the idiot dance because your question was answered but you are too much of an idiot to accept that you were answered.
This perceived victimhood will act as a rallying point around which the bigots and homophobes can congregate. Let the PA shit slide, and they've got nothing.

I absolutely agree, and that's one of the primary reasons I'm against this behavior.

But that's what happens when we shove issues into the faces of others. It only exacerbates the situation.

I'm more interested in changing hearts & minds than in intimidating & punishing.

If the voters of Colorado don't want public accommodation laws- they can certainly change the laws.
This isn't about laws. That's just a convenient excuse.

This is about intimidation, submission, punishment, control.

If the voters of Colorado don't want public accommodation laws- they can certainly change the laws.
This isn't about laws. That's just a convenient excuse.

This is about intimidation, submission, punishment, control.


If you aren't talking about the law- then please tell me what you think you are talking about- I am no mind reader.
If the voters of Colorado don't want public accommodation laws- they can certainly change the laws.
This isn't about laws. That's just a convenient excuse.

This is about intimidation, submission, punishment, control.


If you aren't talking about the law- then please tell me what you think you are talking about- I am no mind reader.
No mind reading required. Just read the third sentence.

Where is it written that government must provide the same protection to everyone? If government chooses to give some people more rights than others, how can you claim that is unjust? After all, you deny the proposition that anyone has a natural right to be treated equally.

However, I know I'm wasting my time pointing out the contradiction in your theory of rights because you're just too stupid to get it. The point has already gone over your head once. I know from experience that it you'll respond like a dear caught in the headlights every time I explain it.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

We're in the U.S. ... discussing equal rights for gays in the U.S. ... slavery in the U.S. ... the 14th Amendment in the U.S. .... the Civil war in the U.S. .... equality for all in the U.S, ... rights in the U.S.

.... but after you're made to look like the ass you are .... you're suddenly not talking about the U.S.

Sure, fruitcake. :rolleyes:

It's a theoretical proposition, moron. I realize that's a concept your feeble brain power is unable to comprehend.

Tell us, do you think gays in Iran have the right to marry?
If government passes laws that are not equal, then no injustice is done. That's your theory.
No, that's my theory because that's utterly idiotic. And they don't have a "right" by God or nature to be treated equally but under our laws granting us rights they are supposed to be unless some compelling reason can be found for them being unequal.

So before the 14th Amendment was passed, no injustice was being done to slaves.

You have to be a major loon to believe that. All the morons who defend Lincoln claim the Civil War was justified because slavery was such a heinous violation of human rights. However, your theory says slavery didn't violate anyone's rights.

Well that may be what the moron's claim- but not the rest of us.

Of course the moron's who attack Lincoln say that slavery had nothing to do with the Confederate slave states attempt to secede from the United States.

No, they say that slavery had nothing to do with Lincoln's decision to invade Virginia. Neither did Ft Sumter, for that matter.

And, yes, the rest of you claim rights are purely a government creation, so you have to concede that slavery didn't violate anyone's rights before 1864.

Is that what the moron's say about Lincoln?

Thanks for clarifying that- I will add it to the list.
No, that's what people who know the facts say about Lincoln. In fact, that's what Lincoln ways about Lincoln.

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it"

- Abraham Lincoln -​

So who's the moron?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The Constitution is not just a goddamn piece of paper...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

As I indicted previously, my point went right over your head. Those bright things you're looking at is an oncoming car.
You're a raging imbecile. You asked where it's written the government must provide equal protection to all and I showed you where. Your whiney complaints since only reflect on your inability to learn.

I referred to government in general, not our government in particular, moron. If another government decides not to allow gays to marry, who are you to say that their rights are being violated?

You should try to get out of the way of that oncoming car.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

We're in the U.S. ... discussing equal rights for gays in the U.S. ... slavery in the U.S. ... the 14th Amendment in the U.S. .... the Civil war in the U.S. .... equality for all in the U.S, ... rights in the U.S.

.... but after you're made to look like the ass you are .... you're suddenly not talking about the U.S.

Sure, fruitcake. :rolleyes:

It's a theoretical proposition, moron. I realize that's a concept your feeble brain power is unable to comprehend.

Tell us, do you think gays in Iran have the right to marry?
Who the fuck gives a shit? We're talking about the U.S. Every semblance of this conversation revolves around laws and rights in the U.S., not in fucking Iran. And rather than admit I once again proved you are an imbecile, you thought you could change the topic to gay marriage in Iran. :cuckoo:
Wait until some German jerk marrying his boyfriend goes into a Jewish bakery and orders a cake with a Speedo-clad male couple each with prominent Swastika tatoos.

Think it won't happen?

Ask him when he stops by here in 3......2......1...........
Wait until some German jerk marrying his boyfriend goes into a Jewish bakery and orders a cake with a Speedo-clad male couple each with prominent Swastika tatoos.

Think it won't happen?

Ask him when he stops by here in 3......2......1...........

Kindly refrain from describing your porn fantasies, Henry! :eek:
So, let's start from this end:

Does a customer have the right to have 'Death to President Obama' put on his cake?

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