Deported man may be Houston-born citizen

Hey, crap happens. Look at the bright side - he will now sue Texas, get a big bundle of money and be very happy.....ho-hum.

I know you probably hate Texas, but they are not at fault here. If he gets a ton of money out of this, it will be from the Feds.
What would you do if you were locked in a room for 8 hours, accused of being an illegal immigrant, and told that if you signed a paper you could leave, but if you did not you would have to stay in that room with people asking you questions?

I would show them my draft card from the Vietnam Era that says if I so much as tear it, I could spend up to 5 years in jail! Poor Mexican monkey! BOO HOO!
Deported man, possibly American, was halted by Border Patrol | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

I'm sure some of you here don't care, because after all, that's just one less mexican for you to throw out. However, this is a major screwup of epic proportions. Especially since they pressured him to sign these documents despite the fact he had all the legal documents that show he is a citizen. We'll see how this story develops, I could end up being wrong, but it looks like an open and shut case to me.

In order to fix the out of control illegal immigrant problem in this country, we have to accept the fact that some American born citizens will be deported.

I would rather err on the side of being too aggressive and lose some Americans to deportation, than to err on the side of caution and allow this shit to seep into our country from the south.

That's retarded. If you're being serious, please tell me so I can neg you.

It's called satire.
CaféAuLait;2442661 said:
Why would you condemn someone because of something his parents did?

If this guy is an American the cops are in the wrong.

His parents faked a BC to enroll him in school in Mexico. So authorities wondered which papers were fake, the fact his family enrolled him into Mexican school which says he is indeed a Mexican citizen ( via the fake Mexican BC) or the US BC? How are authorities to know which is real? So he is breaking Mexican laws by having a fake Mexican BC and breaking US law by having a fake Mexican BC. How were US authorities to know which was the truth and if the documents were real?
He had enough ID as an American to prove he was one it sounds like. If they were unsure they could have detained him and made sure.

This goes to show you how the Arizona laws will backfire.

One cannot carry with them enough proof to show that one is a citizen.

If I was to show my birth certificate, the inspecting officer has to believe in good faith that the document is legitimate.
Typical Bertie, throw a little tantrum without having all the evidence. Why did this man sign ANYTHING if he didn't understand exactly what the consequences would be? Why didn't he request an attorney? Why is their evidence that this family has used false paperwork in the past? etc etc etc.

BUT most importantly Little Bertie, why are you so quick to condemn LEO in EVERY single situation? Is there some event in your past that so traumatized you that you believe all LEO are evil ALL the time? Come on man, they are people, doing a tough job.

What would you do if you were locked in a room for 8 hours, accused of being an illegal immigrant, and told that if you signed a paper you could leave, but if you did not you would have to stay in that room with people asking you questions?

He signed the paper because the ICE agent lied to him, and gained a confession under false pretenses. As immigration is not a criminal offense, ICE is not required to Mirandize you, or stop questioning you simply because you ask for an attorney. Gives them a lot of leeway to do things like this.

I'd wait them out and then sue their ass off when it was proven that I was detained illegally. If that were the case. What I would NOT do was sign a confession.
CaféAuLait;2442661 said:
His parents faked a BC to enroll him in school in Mexico. So authorities wondered which papers were fake, the fact his family enrolled him into Mexican school which says he is indeed a Mexican citizen ( via the fake Mexican BC) or the US BC? How are authorities to know which is real? So he is breaking Mexican laws by having a fake Mexican BC and breaking US law by having a fake Mexican BC. How were US authorities to know which was the truth and if the documents were real?
He had enough ID as an American to prove he was one it sounds like. If they were unsure they could have detained him and made sure.

This goes to show you how the Arizona laws will backfire.

One cannot carry with them enough proof to show that one is a citizen.

If I was to show my birth certificate, the inspecting officer has to believe in good faith that the document is legitimate.
Yep, and Arizona will be sued.
Yeah, nobody saw THIS coming.


The story has a ring of simplicity well suited to this age of one-dimensional solutions framed by force. The reality of “Operation Wetback” wasn’t so simple. Eisenhower’s sweep was effective because it was mass deportation on the Soviet model, not because it was admirable, let alone fair or, in thousands of cases, legal. Mexicans were especially targeted whether they were legal immigrants or not. Children of Mexican parents, who were American citizens for having been born on American soil, were deported, too. We just learned that Americans by the thousands (and their children) are being denied Medicaid benefits because they can’t produce proof of citizenship under a new law designed to target illegal immigrants. Imagine how many Mexicans were wrongly targeted for deportation in the mid-1950s.
Deported man, possibly American, was halted by Border Patrol | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Immigration officials are reviewing whether a 19-year-old man deported last week from South Texas is actually a U.S. citizen born in Houston

Luis Alberto Delgado said he and his older brother were stopped last Thursday by a Jim Wells County Sheriff captain, who called the U.S. Border Patrol.

Despite carrying a birth certificate showing he was born at Houston's Ben Taub Hospital, a state of Texas ID card and a Social Security card, Delgado said he was taken into Border Patrol custody, questioned for eight hours and pressured into signing paperwork that cleared the way for his removal to Mexico.

When Delgado tried to come back to the U.S. through the port of entry, he said he was told he could face up to 20 years in prison for entering the country after being deported.
I'm sure some of you here don't care, because after all, that's just one less mexican for you to throw out. However, this is a major screwup of epic proportions. Especially since they pressured him to sign these documents despite the fact he had all the legal documents that show he is a citizen. We'll see how this story develops, I could end up being wrong, but it looks like an open and shut case to me.

In order to fix the out of control illegal immigrant problem in this country, we have to accept the fact that some American born citizens will be deported.

I would rather err on the side of being too aggressive and lose some Americans to deportation, than to err on the side of caution and allow this shit to seep into our country from the south.


Exactly....if we ship out a few real Americans cause they look foreign, so what? We need to close our borders to the Great Unwashed...can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, can we?
Typical Bertie, throw a little tantrum without having all the evidence. Why did this man sign ANYTHING if he didn't understand exactly what the consequences would be? Why didn't he request an attorney? Why is their evidence that this family has used false paperwork in the past? etc etc etc.

BUT most importantly Little Bertie, why are you so quick to condemn LEO in EVERY single situation? Is there some event in your past that so traumatized you that you believe all LEO are evil ALL the time? Come on man, they are people, doing a tough job.

What would you do if you were locked in a room for 8 hours, accused of being an illegal immigrant, and told that if you signed a paper you could leave, but if you did not you would have to stay in that room with people asking you questions?

He signed the paper because the ICE agent lied to him, and gained a confession under false pretenses. As immigration is not a criminal offense, ICE is not required to Mirandize you, or stop questioning you simply because you ask for an attorney. Gives them a lot of leeway to do things like this.

I'd wait them out and then sue their ass off when it was proven that I was detained illegally. If that were the case. What I would NOT do was sign a confession.

I sense a pattern.
Typical Bertie, throw a little tantrum without having all the evidence. Why did this man sign ANYTHING if he didn't understand exactly what the consequences would be? Why didn't he request an attorney? Why is their evidence that this family has used false paperwork in the past? etc etc etc.

BUT most importantly Little Bertie, why are you so quick to condemn LEO in EVERY single situation? Is there some event in your past that so traumatized you that you believe all LEO are evil ALL the time? Come on man, they are people, doing a tough job.

What would you do if you were locked in a room for 8 hours, accused of being an illegal immigrant, and told that if you signed a paper you could leave, but if you did not you would have to stay in that room with people asking you questions?

He signed the paper because the ICE agent lied to him, and gained a confession under false pretenses. As immigration is not a criminal offense, ICE is not required to Mirandize you, or stop questioning you simply because you ask for an attorney. Gives them a lot of leeway to do things like this.

I'd wait them out and then sue their ass off when it was proven that I was detained illegally. If that were the case. What I would NOT do was sign a confession.

Until it actually happens to you all you have to back that up is arrogance. ICE has a lot of leeway once they suspect someone of being an illegal immigrant.
My question is: how did they know to deport him to Mexico and not Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador?
didn't the article say he had a Mexican birth certificate? Maybe that's how they knew.. just saying izzz all.. :eusa_whistle:
If we had sealed the borders after Ike shipped so many out of here we wouldn't have this problem. But every administration since then if they did anything they made it worse.
CaféAuLait;2442661 said:
His parents faked a BC to enroll him in school in Mexico. So authorities wondered which papers were fake, the fact his family enrolled him into Mexican school which says he is indeed a Mexican citizen ( via the fake Mexican BC) or the US BC? How are authorities to know which is real? So he is breaking Mexican laws by having a fake Mexican BC and breaking US law by having a fake Mexican BC. How were US authorities to know which was the truth and if the documents were real?
He had enough ID as an American to prove he was one it sounds like. If they were unsure they could have detained him and made sure.

This goes to show you how the Arizona laws will backfire.

One cannot carry with them enough proof to show that one is a citizen.

If I was to show my birth certificate, the inspecting officer has to believe in good faith that the document is legitimate.

That is the problem he had too much proof. Having a birth certificate which states you were born in two different countries is a big problem. I do not understand why anyone would be upset with authorities with the conflicting information and fraud. It matters not that he did not perpetuate the fraud ( he says that it was his parents) and you want that immigration officials should just believe that is why he has two different birth certificates.
What would you do if you were locked in a room for 8 hours, accused of being an illegal immigrant, and told that if you signed a paper you could leave, but if you did not you would have to stay in that room with people asking you questions?

He signed the paper because the ICE agent lied to him, and gained a confession under false pretenses. As immigration is not a criminal offense, ICE is not required to Mirandize you, or stop questioning you simply because you ask for an attorney. Gives them a lot of leeway to do things like this.

I'd wait them out and then sue their ass off when it was proven that I was detained illegally. If that were the case. What I would NOT do was sign a confession.

Until it actually happens to you all you have to back that up is arrogance. ICE has a lot of leeway once they suspect someone of being an illegal immigrant.

I agree, it might also be noted that ICE can racially profile, can inquire about immigration status without probable cause and other things that Arizona law enforcement cannot do. Apparently all those that oppose the Arizona bill hasn't read it.

I might also add that during an interrogation law enforcement agents can lie their ass off. The suspects are all read their miranda rights, so anything that they say is not under false pretenses.

And the dumbass that said he would sue for being detained illegally don't know what the fuck he's talking about. This guy isn't being detained illegally, the agents have every right to detain this individual until his legal status can be determined. If in the course of the investigation it is determined he is a legal citizen, he will be released.
I'd wait them out and then sue their ass off when it was proven that I was detained illegally. If that were the case. What I would NOT do was sign a confession.

Until it actually happens to you all you have to back that up is arrogance. ICE has a lot of leeway once they suspect someone of being an illegal immigrant.

I agree, it might also be noted that ICE can racially profile, can inquire about immigration status without probable cause and other things that Arizona law enforcement cannot do. Apparently all those that oppose the Arizona bill hasn't read it.

I might also add that during an interrogation law enforcement agents can lie their ass off. The suspects are all read their miranda rights, so anything that they say is not under false pretenses.

And the dumbass that said he would sue for being detained illegally don't know what the fuck he's talking about. This guy isn't being detained illegally, the agents have every right to detain this individual until his legal status can be determined. If in the course of the investigation it is determined he is a legal citizen, he will be released.
Immigration violations are a civil no, they are not read miranda rights.
Until it actually happens to you all you have to back that up is arrogance. ICE has a lot of leeway once they suspect someone of being an illegal immigrant.

I agree, it might also be noted that ICE can racially profile, can inquire about immigration status without probable cause and other things that Arizona law enforcement cannot do. Apparently all those that oppose the Arizona bill hasn't read it.

I might also add that during an interrogation law enforcement agents can lie their ass off. The suspects are all read their miranda rights, so anything that they say is not under false pretenses.

And the dumbass that said he would sue for being detained illegally don't know what the fuck he's talking about. This guy isn't being detained illegally, the agents have every right to detain this individual until his legal status can be determined. If in the course of the investigation it is determined he is a legal citizen, he will be released.
Immigration violations are a civil no, they are not read miranda rights.

I was speaking in general terms, not specifically to this case. I should have made myself more clear.

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