Dershowitz: Dems declaring Trump mentally ill straight out of communist playbook


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Harvard law school professor Alan Dershowitz warns that Democrats attempting to declare Trump mentally unfit to hold office is straight out of the Communist playbook of brutal regimes like Soviet Russia, who repressed and imprisoned political dissidents by declaring them to be mentally ill.
Dershowitz: Dems Declaring Trump Mentally Ill Straight Out of Communist Playbook

Problem is you can't tell idiots in the Obama Clinton trance a gawd dam thing they're to fkd up in the head to see what is right in front of them, They are like teenagers in love with a drug addict and mommy keeps telling you he's no good for you but you keep right on going until that final bitch slap wakes you the hell up.


Modern Dems are proto-Communists. Starting in 2016 with Commie Sanders campaign, they began to openly embrace their Inner Mao
Dershowitz is abandoning the Dark Side, day by day. Modern libs are driving away their rational base.
EXCEPT that he is mentally unfit to serve us..... and Ive been saying that for nearly two years now, LONG BEFORE it became POPULAR!!!! :p
Modern Dems are proto-Communists. Starting in 2016 with Commie Sanders campaign, they began to openly embrace their Inner Mao
They became somewhat open when they formed the Congessional Progessive Caucus in ‘91. With Bernie’s run they thought the country was ready to embrace them and fell out of the closet. And fell/fail they did. The country will never be ready, at least in our lifetimes.
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EXCEPT that he is mentally unfit to serve us.... and Ive been saying that for nearly two years now, LONG BEFORE it became POPULAR!!!! :p
And yet EVERYTHING is a step up since the black man left our White House -- including record low unemployment for BLACKS. But we know you measure success by how many use government services.
EXCEPT that he is mentally unfit to serve us..... and Ive been saying that for nearly two years now, LONG BEFORE it became POPULAR!!!! :p

Absolutely correct! There are those among us Trump is mentally ill-equipped to serve. Thank goodness! ;)
You can't even type out a coherent sentence. Who are you to judge anyone's mental capacity?

If that's directed at my post - all I can coherently type is - sometimes pictures speak louder than words. In this case, guess what ';)' means? :)
EXCEPT that he is mentally unfit to serve us..... and Ive been saying that for nearly two years now, LONG BEFORE it became POPULAR!!!! :p

Absolutely correct! There are those among us Trump is mentally ill-equipped to serve. Thank goodness! ;)
You can't even type out a coherent sentence. Who are you to judge anyone's mental capacity?

If that's directed at my post - all I can coherently type is - sometimes pictures speak louder than words. In this case, guess what ';)' means? :)
Dershowitz is abandoning the Dark Side, day by day. Modern libs are driving away their rational base.
It won't be long before the cultural Marxist generation overwhelms sensible liberals in the Democrat Party for good.

the donkey is only TEMPORARILY pixilated
You better hope so. The head of the dnc posting with the antifa manual doesn’t give much hope for any time soon.
Ellison is definitely not fit to serve after that stunt.

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