Dershowitz Is Insane

Dershowitz, already at odds with legal consensus over his view that abuse of power does not fall under the high crimes the U.S. Constitution considers impeachable, earned scorn from both sides of the political spectrum.

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment," he told senatorsWednesday in the question and answer portion of the trial.

Those words stunned at least the Democratic side of the Senate chamber and a good portion of the legal scholars watching and resonated well into Thursday evening.

"Where his definition of impeachable offences would proscribe too little, this argument would protect too much in presidential misconduct," said Jonathan Turley, a legal scholar at George Washington University and the sole expert witness the Republicans called in the House impeachment hearings who has criticized the impeachment as "rushed and slipshod."

The president as king

Dershowitz's claim was "a descent into constitutional madness," the Democrats' lead prosecutor, Adam Schiff, told senators.

Cable news pundits talked of "a march to monarchy."

Dershowitz, already at odds with legal consensus over his view that abuse of power does not fall under the high crimes the U.S. Constitution considers impeachable, earned scorn from both sides of the political spectrum.

Even some of those who think Trump may have had a legitimate reason to hold up military aid to Ukraine and solicit co-operation with investigations into his political opponent fear Dershowitz's defence of the president could pave the way for an expansion of executive power that could allow Trump and future presidents to pursue political opponents with impunity.

"That is an end-will-always-justify the-means argument that I find troubling," said John Malcolm, vice-president of the Institute for Constitutional Government at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.

The problem is with the Democrats' definition of 'Abuse of Power':

Based on their declaring ' The Impeachment of Donald Trump Begins NOW' right after he completed his oath of office, the Democrats believe defeating them / Hillary in an election is an 'ABUSE OF POWER'.

Based on the fact that EVERY DEMOCRAT 'WITNESS' during the House Impeachment hearings testified eliminating Ukraine corruption was Trump's FOREIGN POLICY from the start, that relations between the US and Ukraine are better now than they were under Obama, and that Trump did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power - based on the fact that when asked to name a crime or Impeachable offense committed by the President they could NOT do so....

It is obvious that Democrats / snowflakes believe any opinion on Foreign Policy not their own is an 'ABUSE OF POWER' .


For once, shut up about Dems this Pubs that.

This isn't about partisan shit.

You are setting a precedent (that has already been rolling along a road paved by lots of other similar but ignored precedents) - that not sit well with you when it's a Dem in power doing the same thing.

How much power should the executive have?

How accountable should he be?

Some people are utterly incapable of thinking of the long term effects of actions they are cheering on or of thinking beyond partisan politics here.

Preach Coyote. These idiots seem to think this is some kind of fucking game whereby they can tally up points whenever trump gets to do what he wants. Yep, lets piss off the libs, we won, has been the idiotic mantra of these retards since trump took office. No matter what laws he broke they were happy with him getting away with it just as long as it pisses off the dems. So here we have republicans killing their own congressional check on the president and these guys think its great because a republican stopped the dems from allowing him to do whatever he pleases. Yet let a democrat become president and decide to investigate every republican in America so they can win an election, the hollering, crying, howling and blubbering will be unbearable. This ain't about dem this and dem that. This is about America and the mother fucking republicans voted against America while these guys cheer it on.
Lol.....Dershowitz will forever be remembered as the guy that dropped the final MOAB on the DUMS with the impeachment. Of course, the haters will say he is insane......because they lOsT.:113:
Yep the dershowitz doctrine will be remembered as the beginning of totalitarianism in America.
Lol.....Dershowitz will forever be remembered as the guy that dropped the final MOAB on the DUMS with the impeachment. Of course, the haters will say he is insane......because they lOsT.:113:
Yep the dershowitz doctrine will be remembered as the beginning of totalitarianism in America.

Only by the k00ks.....nobody thinks that except the hyper- haters:113:
dershowitz also defended the likes of mike tyson & jim bakker.

well now, isn't that special? looks like dershowitz is the scum that scum gets when it really gets scummy.
Lol.....Dershowitz will forever be remembered as the guy that dropped the final MOAB on the DUMS with the impeachment. Of course, the haters will say he is insane......because they lOsT.:113:
Yep the dershowitz doctrine will be remembered as the beginning of totalitarianism in America.

Only by the k00ks.....nobody thinks that except the hyper- haters:113:

if trump walked down the middle of 5th ave & shot somebody, would he... SHOULD he be held accountable?
I think the most intriguing ? to be answered today is, will Trump spike a football after the Hannity interview?

I told progressives last week to get out and get some butter while it's still on the shelves.....most didnt and they're now plumb out of luck. Watching the St00pid Bowl today.....a hot and stingy experience for these people!:cul2:
I think the most intriguing ? to be answered today is, will Trump spike a football after the Hannity interview?

I told progressives last week to get out and get some butter while it's still on the shelves.....most didnt and they're now plumb out of luck. Watching the St00pid Bowl today.....a hot and stingy experience for these people!:cul2:

if trump walked down the middle of 5th ave & shot somebody, would he... SHOULD he be held accountable?
Lol.....Dershowitz will forever be remembered as the guy that dropped the final MOAB on the DUMS with the impeachment. Of course, the haters will say he is insane......because they lOsT.:113:
Yep the dershowitz doctrine will be remembered as the beginning of totalitarianism in America.

Only by the k00ks.....nobody thinks that except the hyper- haters:113:
Wrong. Because his claim is that the president can do what he wants if he thinks it's in the best interest of the country. You apparently are too dumb to understand the ramifications of such a belief.
I think the most intriguing ? to be answered today is, will Trump spike a football after the Hannity interview?

I told progressives last week to get out and get some butter while it's still on the shelves.....most didnt and they're now plumb out of luck. Watching the St00pid Bowl today.....a hot and stingy experience for these people!:cul2:
You just don't know.
Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.
Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.

The Democrats:

Rigged their 2016 elrction

Sought help from foreign spies and nations - go include Russia - to help them try to prevent Trump from winning then to affect a coup

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, the USSC, and Trump and his team

Have declared Americans can't be trusted to vote and have / are trying to strip the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders

Have been committing perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, and Treason...have violated the Constitution and broken the law for 4 years attempting this failed Impeachment

Have attempted to change the legal justice foundation of this country for everyone except themselves from 'innocent until proven guilty' to 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'....while elevating themselves above the Constitution and law

And have and still continue to rig their 2020 Primary and steal w elections...

And you are on your knees before the alter of Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremism telling fellow cultists to 'PREACH' THE 'WORD' of proven liars, cheats, criminals, terrorist-sympathizers, and enemies of the state.

Don't look now, 'slave', but you are only 'preaching' to your fellow brainwashed slaves, a MINORITY in this that is thankfully SHRINKING after this FAILED coup attempt.
Lie all you want. Don't change the fact. Clinton broke tha law. He deserved what he got because he was stupid and lied under oath. This is why he got thrown off the Arkansas bar, and the SCOTUS bar, well, he quit the last one before he was booted. This is why he will be remembered as the presidant who got impeached for cheating on his wife, as well as the presidant who diddled little girls on his friends private jet. Trump? He will be remembered as the presidant who killed the DNC and got impeached for it.

trump broke the law per the non partisan GAO. he with held aid without going thru the proper lawful channels.



GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
By Olivia Beavers and Rebecca Klar - 01/16/20 10:06 AM EST
GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?
Oct 23, 2019
Download PDF

What is the Impoundment Control Act?
The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) reasserted Congress’ power of the purse. Specifically, Title X of the Act – “Impoundment Control” – established procedures to prevent the President and other government officials from unilaterally substituting their own funding decisions for those of the Congress. The Act also created the House and Senate Budget Committees and the Congressional Budget Office.

Why was the ICA necessary?
Congress passed the ICA in response to President Nixon’s executive overreach – his Administration refused to release Congressionally appropriated funds for certain programs he opposed. While the U.S. Constitution broadly grants Congress the power of the purse, the President – through the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and executive agencies – is responsible for the actual spending of funds. The ICA created a process the President must follow if he or she seeks to delay or cancel funding that Congress has provided.

What does it mean to ‘impound’ funds?
An “impoundment” is any action – or inaction – by an officer or employee of the federal government that precludes federal funds from being obligated[1] or spent, either temporarily or permanently.

How does the ICA work?
The ICA lays out procedures the President must follow to reduce, delay, or eliminate funding in an account. The Act divides impoundments into two categories: rescissions and deferrals.
The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

donny didn't go thru protocol.

CONCLUSION OMB violated the ICA when it withheld DOD’s USAI funds from obligation for policy reasons. This impoundment of budget authority was not a programmatic delay.

And? Meh, maybe they will impeach the next time on that. But most likely not. The GAO has zero authority on anything and the only thing they have to offer is opinions. The money was allocated for Ukrain aid. That's where the money was spent. Period. Next?

^^^ proof ^^^

It's like trying to explain it to a dumb blond.
I used to respect Alan Dershowitz. Not any more.

He argued that a President can do pretty much ANYTHING to get himself re-elected, as long as he thinks it's for the good of the country. Please tell me: has ANY President or Presidential candidate ever believed that his (or her) election would be bad for the country? Of course not. Therefore, Dershowitz is arguing that any President can do anything to get re-elected (or, perhaps, elected to begin with). This is utter insanity, and inanity.

Bullshit spin. Dimms go into attack mode when they get nailed. So predictable.
Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.

The Democrats:

Rigged their 2016 elrction

Sought help from foreign spies and nations - go include Russia - to help them try to prevent Trump from winning then to affect a coup

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, the USSC, and Trump and his team

Have declared Americans can't be trusted to vote and have / are trying to strip the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders

Have been committing perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, and Treason...have violated the Constitution and broken the law for 4 years attempting this failed Impeachment

Have attempted to change the legal justice foundation of this country for everyone except themselves from 'innocent until proven guilty' to 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'....while elevating themselves above the Constitution and law

And have and still continue to rig their 2020 Primary and steal w elections...

And you are on your knees before the alter of Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremism telling fellow cultists to 'PREACH' THE 'WORD' of proven liars, cheats, criminals, terrorist-sympathizers, and enemies of the state.

Don't look now, 'slave', but you are only 'preaching' to your fellow brainwashed slaves, a MINORITY in this that is thankfully SHRINKING after this FAILED coup attempt.

So I'm assuming you will be fine when a Democrat president withholds aid to other countries and tries to strong arm them into digging up dirt on his political rivals. Am I right?
Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.

The Democrats:

Rigged their 2016 elrction

Sought help from foreign spies and nations - go include Russia - to help them try to prevent Trump from winning then to affect a coup

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, the USSC, and Trump and his team

Have declared Americans can't be trusted to vote and have / are trying to strip the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders

Have been committing perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, and Treason...have violated the Constitution and broken the law for 4 years attempting this failed Impeachment

Have attempted to change the legal justice foundation of this country for everyone except themselves from 'innocent until proven guilty' to 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'....while elevating themselves above the Constitution and law

And have and still continue to rig their 2020 Primary and steal w elections...

And you are on your knees before the alter of Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremism telling fellow cultists to 'PREACH' THE 'WORD' of proven liars, cheats, criminals, terrorist-sympathizers, and enemies of the state.

Don't look now, 'slave', but you are only 'preaching' to your fellow brainwashed slaves, a MINORITY in this that is thankfully SHRINKING after this FAILED coup attempt.

So I'm assuming you will be fine when a Democrat president withholds aid to other countries and tries to strong arm them into digging up dirt on his political rivals. Am I right?

but thats not what trump did,,,
Preach Coyote.


Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.

The Democrats:

Rigged their 2016 elrction

Sought help from foreign spies and nations - go include Russia - to help them try to prevent Trump from winning then to affect a coup

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, the USSC, and Trump and his team

Have declared Americans can't be trusted to vote and have / are trying to strip the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders

Have been committing perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, and Treason...have violated the Constitution and broken the law for 4 years attempting this failed Impeachment

Have attempted to change the legal justice foundation of this country for everyone except themselves from 'innocent until proven guilty' to 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'....while elevating themselves above the Constitution and law

And have and still continue to rig their 2020 Primary and steal w elections...

And you are on your knees before the alter of Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremism telling fellow cultists to 'PREACH' THE 'WORD' of proven liars, cheats, criminals, terrorist-sympathizers, and enemies of the state.

Don't look now, 'slave', but you are only 'preaching' to your fellow brainwashed slaves, a MINORITY in this that is thankfully SHRINKING after this FAILED coup attempt.

So I'm assuming you will be fine when a Democrat president withholds aid to other countries and tries to strong arm them into digging up dirt on his political rivals. Am I right?

but thats not what trump did,,,

But that is what Trump did. And Dershowitz said it's ok.
  • Thanks
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So I'm assuming you will be fine when a Democrat president withholds aid to other countries and tries to strong arm them into digging up dirt on his political rivals. Am I right?

No, but that is not what Trump did.

Would you be fine the next time the House is majority Republican impeaching a Democrat president without evidence...just hearsay? Careful, Obama was accused of much worse and the Republicans didn't impeach him because they couldn't prove the charges. Democrats don't seem to care about proof.

Thank you for demonstrating that the Libtard extremist snowflakes have sunk to e we since Hillary lost is some twisted, treasonous, demented cult.

What has been demonstrated is that you trumpers support totalitarianism because you think it won't affect you.

The Democrats:

Rigged their 2016 elrction

Sought help from foreign spies and nations - go include Russia - to help them try to prevent Trump from winning then to affect a coup

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, the USSC, and Trump and his team

Have declared Americans can't be trusted to vote and have / are trying to strip the American people of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders

Have been committing perjury, Obstruction, Sedition, and Treason...have violated the Constitution and broken the law for 4 years attempting this failed Impeachment

Have attempted to change the legal justice foundation of this country for everyone except themselves from 'innocent until proven guilty' to 'GUILTY until PROVEN innocent'....while elevating themselves above the Constitution and law

And have and still continue to rig their 2020 Primary and steal w elections...

And you are on your knees before the alter of Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremism telling fellow cultists to 'PREACH' THE 'WORD' of proven liars, cheats, criminals, terrorist-sympathizers, and enemies of the state.

Don't look now, 'slave', but you are only 'preaching' to your fellow brainwashed slaves, a MINORITY in this that is thankfully SHRINKING after this FAILED coup attempt.

So I'm assuming you will be fine when a Democrat president withholds aid to other countries and tries to strong arm them into digging up dirt on his political rivals. Am I right?

but thats not what trump did,,,

But that is what Trump did. And Dershowitz said it's ok.

then how do you explain trumps starting his investigation almost 2 yrs before biden started running???
trump broke the law per the non partisan GAO. he with held aid without going thru the proper lawful channels.



GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
By Olivia Beavers and Rebecca Klar - 01/16/20 10:06 AM EST
GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?
Oct 23, 2019
Download PDF

What is the Impoundment Control Act?
The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) reasserted Congress’ power of the purse. Specifically, Title X of the Act – “Impoundment Control” – established procedures to prevent the President and other government officials from unilaterally substituting their own funding decisions for those of the Congress. The Act also created the House and Senate Budget Committees and the Congressional Budget Office.

Why was the ICA necessary?
Congress passed the ICA in response to President Nixon’s executive overreach – his Administration refused to release Congressionally appropriated funds for certain programs he opposed. While the U.S. Constitution broadly grants Congress the power of the purse, the President – through the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and executive agencies – is responsible for the actual spending of funds. The ICA created a process the President must follow if he or she seeks to delay or cancel funding that Congress has provided.

What does it mean to ‘impound’ funds?
An “impoundment” is any action – or inaction – by an officer or employee of the federal government that precludes federal funds from being obligated[1] or spent, either temporarily or permanently.

How does the ICA work?
The ICA lays out procedures the President must follow to reduce, delay, or eliminate funding in an account. The Act divides impoundments into two categories: rescissions and deferrals.
The Impoundment Control Act of 1974: What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

donny didn't go thru protocol.

CONCLUSION OMB violated the ICA when it withheld DOD’s USAI funds from obligation for policy reasons. This impoundment of budget authority was not a programmatic delay.

And? Meh, maybe they will impeach the next time on that. But most likely not. The GAO has zero authority on anything and the only thing they have to offer is opinions. The money was allocated for Ukrain aid. That's where the money was spent. Period. Next?

^^^ proof ^^^

It's like trying to explain it to a dumb blond.

you're blond? is it piss yellow like donny's?

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