DeSantis Announces He Will Send Florida Law Enforcement To Assist At Border, Blasts Biden Admin

This is a great way to get Florida sued but eh, it's not his money.
Yep, I smell an injunction coming..

There would have to be a suit filed first. And news flash, States have all kinds of mutual assistance agreements. There's no legal issues with that.


Immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue.

They will be arresting them on State crimes unrelated to immigration. You just ain't very smart, are ya?


Texas is so incompetent as to not be able to enforce it's own laws?
It would help to not have to do the FedGov's job too.

Just sayin'

Legally they can't.
Legally, the FedGov can try to prevent it.

Please, god, thor, budda, anybody, please LET THEM TRY TO STOP IT. The Optics will be GLORIOUS!!!

That's pretty much all we would need for complete secession and independence.

I'm not really all that interested in your fantasies. All the same, if you have such a problem with our Constitution and it seems you do, leaving would be the thing to do.
It seems you have a problem with it because you support complete dereliction of the Executive Branch, AT OUR EXPENSE, you asshole. We have to live here. YOU DON'T!!!

If you wish to reply like an adult, that would be great.
If somebody is breaking into your house, and I stop the police from helping you and demand that you let the burglars do as they please, would you respond "like an adult"?

You are legally permitted to protect you house. You start cussing and getting all upset because I'm simply discussing the legal realities. They are the legal realities no matter how you wish to reply.

So, one could come up with legal solutions or toss out complete hogwash.
No, the private white-right racist citizen is NOT empowered to go out an enforce laws. Going and looking for immigrants to harass is NOT part of your "freedom". So stay home, and shut up.
hey jackass race is not the issue, immigration is not the issue, poor immigrants are the issue. If they were rich and black or brown and hired employees started businesses there would be no problem letting them all in.
Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.

whoa.... if you see someone climb over the wall and drop down from a rope? you yourself ? would not be able to discern whether that person crossed the border in a legal manner?
are you feeling ok?
i'll bet florida tax payers are pleased as punch their resources being sent to other states.

We are.

Using the National Guard to secure our international border, which is being over run by absolute filth, is a sound use of resources.

Floridians are proud as Hell of our Governor...
This is a great way to get Florida sued but eh, it's not his money.
Yep, I smell an injunction coming..

There would have to be a suit filed first. And news flash, States have all kinds of mutual assistance agreements. There's no legal issues with that.


Immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue.

They will be arresting them on State crimes unrelated to immigration. You just ain't very smart, are ya?


Texas is so incompetent as to not be able to enforce it's own laws?
The more the merrier!
This is a great way to get Florida sued but eh, it's not his money.
Yep, I smell an injunction coming..

There would have to be a suit filed first. And news flash, States have all kinds of mutual assistance agreements. There's no legal issues with that.


Immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue.

They will be arresting them on State crimes unrelated to immigration. You just ain't very smart, are ya?


Texas is so incompetent as to not be able to enforce it's own laws?
It would help to not have to do the FedGov's job too.

Just sayin'

Legally they can't.
Legally, the FedGov can try to prevent it.

Please, god, thor, budda, anybody, please LET THEM TRY TO STOP IT. The Optics will be GLORIOUS!!!

That's pretty much all we would need for complete secession and independence.

I'm not really all that interested in your fantasies. All the same, if you have such a problem with our Constitution and it seems you do, leaving would be the thing to do.
It seems you have a problem with it because you support complete dereliction of the Executive Branch, AT OUR EXPENSE, you asshole. We have to live here. YOU DON'T!!!

If you wish to reply like an adult, that would be great.
If somebody is breaking into your house, and I stop the police from helping you and demand that you let the burglars do as they please, would you respond "like an adult"?

You are legally permitted to protect you house. You start cussing and getting all upset because I'm simply discussing the legal realities. They are the legal realities no matter how you wish to reply.

So, one could come up with legal solutions or toss out complete hogwash.
No, the private white-right racist citizen is NOT empowered to go out an enforce laws. Going and looking for immigrants to harass is NOT part of your "freedom". So stay home, and shut up.

You need to slow down and read a little closer.
That was shown to be false. They are not handing out copies of her book.
Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.

whoa.... if you see someone climb over the wall and drop down from a rope? you yourself ? would not be able to discern whether that person crossed the border in a legal manner?
are you feeling ok?

We were discussing arresting illegals. You would not be able to determine whether or not that person was an illegal.

After the COVID disaster across the nation, DeSantis really did look like a strong contender for 2024. Finally someone that might be willing to actually stand up for rights.

PR stunts like this one and the move against the tech companies make it look more like DeSantis just got lucky trying to do what would make him look good to the republican base. So much for that.
I think those FL law enforcement officers should tell DeSantis to kiss their asses, not just because they didn't sign up for being sent to far away states to do jobs that they weren't trained to do, but also because this 'order' is mostly about a PR campaign and not about LE.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Florida officers knows the crime and destruction the goddamn Illegals bring into Florida and would be very glad to go.
Let's add some national partisan politics reality here. Immigration and illegal immigration have been the third rail of Republican base politics YEARS before Trump came down that escalator six years ago to rail against Mexican rapists. In fact, that's what got Trump the nomination, and it sure as hell galvanizes conservative voters to go to the polls on election day.

DeSantis has been doing everything he can to position himself as the desired GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

I've already come to the conclusion that Democrats are losing the PR war about the border, and I also know that regardless of what the truth about the border is, it's in the interests of the GOP to make the border situation look MUCH worse than it really is, regardless of how good or bad it really is. The calls from the TX and AZ governors for help with their border with Mexico was the latest salvo in that PR war.

Now, DeSantis wants to look like the hero.

Forget the fact that FL police officers are not versed in TX or AZ laws.
We should because this is a silly point, they will be if they are sent as they would be sent with the blessings of TX or not at all. This is not the first time something like this has been done and there is no reason whatsoever to think that they cannot come up with a simple process to make it work.
Forget the fact that DeSantis probably doesn't even have the authority to send FL police out of state.
He likely does so there is nothing to 'forget.'

Forget the fact that the cops aren't going to want to leave their wives and kids and communities for God knows how long.
More silliness. Some will not want to go and they will likely not go as it is very likely there will be more than enough that volunteer for it. Pay is good going out of state and it is essentially a paid vacation. We never had a problem getting people to go to some of the worst shitholes on the planet in the military and the police do not differ much in mentality. Hell, many of the reservists I worked with in Iraq and Afghanistan were also cops or some other civil servant.
Forget the fact the police unions would likely object to the order, in part, because their contract probably has no provision for that kind of order and because they don't want to leave their communities underrepresented with skeleton crews trying to police their cities and towns.
This might be true but I doubt they will engage.
Yeah, forget all of that!

DeSantis just wants to look like he's trying to save the nation because of the PR boost it would give his prospective campaign for the 2024 GOP nomination.
Finally, a good point. The only one you really needed to make IMHO, it is really nothing more than a PR stunt. it will waste money and detract from the security of the state he actually is accountable for in order to shore up one he is not.
Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.

whoa.... if you see someone climb over the wall and drop down from a rope? you yourself ? would not be able to discern whether that person crossed the border in a legal manner?
are you feeling ok?

We were discussing arresting illegals. You would not be able to determine whether or not that person was an illegal.

Well no one can simply look at a person and discern whether or not the person is illegal. SO how do you think every other country in the world is able to enforce their borders and immigration laws. Are they also completely helpless to do so?

And actually what you say is only a part truth. you can determine by someones actions, if you physically see them crossing the border, swimming across the river. Only a moron would not have a suspicion that they were crossing illegaly.
Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.

whoa.... if you see someone climb over the wall and drop down from a rope? you yourself ? would not be able to discern whether that person crossed the border in a legal manner?
are you feeling ok?

We were discussing arresting illegals. You would not be able to determine whether or not that person was an illegal.

Well no one can simply look at a person and discern whether or not the person is illegal. SO how do you think every other country in the world is able to enforce their borders and immigration laws. Are they also completely helpless to do so?

And actually what you say is only a part truth. you can determine by someones actions, if you physically see them crossing the border, swimming across the river. Only a moron would not have a suspicion that they were crossing illegaly.

It's totally irrelevant how other countries do things. Our immigration is laid out in the Constitution. It's up to the Federal government, period.

You can not arrest someone over suspicion but go ahead. If you are wrong they can sue you for everything you own.
I think those FL law enforcement officers should tell DeSantis to kiss their asses, not just because they didn't sign up for being sent to far away states to do jobs that they weren't trained to do, but also because this 'order' is mostly about a PR campaign and not about LE.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Florida officers knows the crime and destruction the goddamn Illegals bring into Florida and would be very glad to go.
More crime is committed, per capita, by citizens, so it is YOU we should be watching, apparently. And since you're white-right, you're likely a potential terrorist insurgent.

FLORIDA govt has no authority whatsoever in Texas. What a joke this is by DeSantis clearly running for President, and what a disaster THAT would be. He's nearly as incompetent as Trumpolini himself.
If it is Trump or Trump part deax, Ron DeSantis, it will rally Democratic voters to come out and vote for any Democratic Party candidate, imho.
I think those FL law enforcement officers should tell DeSantis to kiss their asses, not just because they didn't sign up for being sent to far away states to do jobs that they weren't trained to do, but also because this 'order' is mostly about a PR campaign and not about LE.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Florida officers knows the crime and destruction the goddamn Illegals bring into Florida and would be very glad to go.
More crime is committed, per capita, by citizens, so it is YOU we should be watching, apparently. And since you're white-right, you're likely a potential terrorist insurgent.

FLORIDA govt has no authority whatsoever in Texas. What a joke this is by DeSantis clearly running for President, and what a disaster THAT would be. He's nearly as incompetent as Trumpolini himself.
If it is Trump or Trump part deax, Ron DeSantis, it will rally Democratic voters to come out and vote for any Democratic Party candidate, imho.

You are confused Moon Bat

DeSantis is loved by everybody except the stupid uneducated Libtards.
I think those FL law enforcement officers should tell DeSantis to kiss their asses, not just because they didn't sign up for being sent to far away states to do jobs that they weren't trained to do, but also because this 'order' is mostly about a PR campaign and not about LE.

Are you saying FL police officers aren't trained to arrest people with outstanding warrants, for criminal trespass and destruction of private property? Come on man, are you really that stupid?
Yes, they are, moron.


They don't have any jurisdiction in Texas.

NG troops have the training, they don't have any jurisdiction.

They do if they are deputized in TX, they also likely be paired with a TX officer that is familiar with the area they're working. They'll be used as a force multiplier. I guess you really are that stupid.

Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.

LOL! Around here I can tell in a heartbeat.
Hilarious. Florida law enforcement has no jurisdiction inTexas.

Desantis' caliphate extends only to the border of Florida.
As a Virginian I can serve in Texas in a law enforcement capacity. It’s a simple oath. In the case of National Guard, it’s a simple transfer of command.

And in none of those instances can you arrest someone for being here illegally.
Oh yes I can. A Federal law is enforceable by just a regular citizen. As John Q Citizen I can arrest any illegals.

No you can't. Sheriff Arpaio thought he could also. As a private citizen you have absolutely no way of determining who is here legal and who is not.
“Most states have codified the common law rule that a warrantless arrest may be made by a private person for a felony, misdemeanor or breach of peace. Breach of peace covers a multitude of violations in which the Supreme Court has even included misdemeanor violations such as seatbelt laws.

Only North Carolina and Washington state do not subscribe to Citizen’s Arrest laws, in the strictest sense. Even psychotically liberal California allows their citizens to arrest people and detain them for breaking the law. California Penal Code 837 states that, “A private citizen may arrest another: 1)For a public offense committed or attempted in his/her presence, 2)When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in the citizen’s presence, or 3)When a felony has been, in fact, committed, and he or she has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed said crime.”

“Public Offense” is read similarly as breach of peace in this case, and includes felonies, misdemeanors and infractions. “Holding them until the police, or ICE, get there”, is simply a form of arrest. The officer is accepting the arrest and processing the prisoner on behalf of the private person.”
and crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor, not a felony, so a citizen's arrest would not apply.

in order to be a felony, an illegal immigrant would need to have re-entered this country, after they were denied by a court, refugee status on their first border crossing event. Something an every day citizen, would not readily know?
“Most states have codified the common law rule that a warrantless arrest may be made by a private person for a felony, misdemeanor or breach of peace.


But what is Texas law on it? And does Texas law, apply to only Texas citizens? ??

TX law applies to anyone in the State. Just like federal law applies to anyone in the US.

I think those FL law enforcement officers should tell DeSantis to kiss their asses, not just because they didn't sign up for being sent to far away states to do jobs that they weren't trained to do, but also because this 'order' is mostly about a PR campaign and not about LE.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Florida officers knows the crime and destruction the goddamn Illegals bring into Florida and would be very glad to go.
More crime is committed, per capita, by citizens, so it is YOU we should be watching, apparently. And since you're white-right, you're likely a potential terrorist insurgent.

FLORIDA govt has no authority whatsoever in Texas. What a joke this is by DeSantis clearly running for President, and what a disaster THAT would be. He's nearly as incompetent as Trumpolini himself.
If it is Trump or Trump part deax, Ron DeSantis, it will rally Democratic voters to come out and vote for any Democratic Party candidate, imho.

You are confused Moon Bat

DeSantis is loved by everybody except the stupid uneducated Libtards.
uh, right now everyone in Florida on Unemployment is kinda peeved with him.

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