Desantis bans Paradise Lost by John Milton

we can always count on you to say something stupid,,
Well, if a book isn't available in schools but still available to get -- that isn't a ban, right?

So instead of getting your bitch ass panties in a bunch when you morons are painted as book banners -- just remove all the books and run that same "but but you can still get the books tho" excuse
Well, if a book isn't available in schools but still available to get -- that isn't a ban, right?

So instead of getting your bitch ass panties in a bunch when you morons are painted as book banners -- just remove all the books and run that same "but but you can still get the books tho" excuse
and just like that you dbl down ,on stupid,,,

Over 150 books have been removed from a large, Orlando-area Florida school district, including classics like The Scarlet Letter, Paradise Lost, and The Invisible Man, as school officials review materials for sexual content under the state’s restrictive book ban laws.

I am very rarely lost for words but this act of vandalism takes my breath away. I doubt that Ron Meatball has read it. I doubt that whoever complained about it has read it, much less understood it.

Parts of it are difficult, parts of it require a classical education to understand it. Its not something that you read on the beach or is likely to be made into a film.

For those unfamiliar with the work it is about the fate of Satan after he was cast out of heaven. It runs to 10 books of blank verse and was written by arguably the greatest poet in the English Language. Certainly the greatest Puritan poet.

He wrote it whilst he was blind and under fear of arrest by the restored Charles !!. More than just a poem it is a triumph of christian spirit.

Banning it is a perverse action. Denying people the right to read it is an act of a barbarian. In a better life there is no way the world of John Milton should collide with that of Desantis.

I also believe that it is an act that runs contrary to the American constitution. Paradise Lost is a signiificant christian work of art. If it isnt protected by America then America has no meaning.

The same little weasel has also banned Midummer Nights Dream and earlier this year a principal was fired for showing pix of David to an art class. How long before these people start burning witches ?

Hmmm, this has the scent of the NEA all over it. Some teachers in my district, at other schools, are attending the national conf. Guess what they're doing? Making (physically constructing) those "little libraries" people put in their yard with all the books "DeSantis has banned".

Too on the nose = coordinated. Beyond a doubt.
What are you going to do when you finally realize that your brilliant sarcasm isn't brilliant.....or even close?
When are you going to learn that claiming you can get something elsewhere doesn't make the book any less banned by reactionary right-wingers?

Yall remind me of the folks whining about being censored or banned by one social media platform even tho they can just go to another social media platform....

Yet in this case, the government is literally doing the censoring/banning....yall are clowns
it means exactly that,,
You lost the narrative on that one dunce...

Everyone knows this is about removing books that ruffles the sensitive feathers of Conservatives who are so worried about people learning how often they have been on the wrong side of history....

And to all started with them being triggered by this book...

You lost the narrative on that one dunce...

Everyone knows this is about removing books that ruffles the sensitive feathers of Conservatives who are so worried about people learning how often they have been on the wrong side of history....

And to all started with them being triggered by this book...

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some day you will have to tell us why youre so obsessed with exposing children to adult content,,

if the parents are OK with it they can go to several other places to get it,,

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