DeSantis blames lack of media coverage for resurge of COVID cases

There has been a resurgence! It's something you could see coming a mile off if you gave this some thought! We told healthy young people that they needed to self quarantine to stop the spread of the virus and then shut down virtually all of their favorite places to socialize! After months went by we then told them it was now OK to come out of that self quarantine! So what did they do? They congregated!!! It's what young, healthy people do! So we then saw a spike in positive cases. Deaths continue to decline because the people getting infected now are primarily young and healthy but the main stream media is calling for more shut downs because of the higher number of cases!
As I've said all along...this pandemic SHOULD have been handled as Sweden did...not like New York State did!
Hello no. If we did what Sweden did we would have over run our medical system. What we should ha e done was had a cohesive message about safe practices and not be in a national passing co test about whether to wear a mask or not. If the young people and everybody else would have taken social distancing seriously then we would be spiking right now. We would be like most other major countries that took this thing seriously
Hello no. If we did what Sweden did we would have over run our medical system. What we should ha e done was had a cohesive message about safe practices and not be in a national passing co test about whether to wear a mask or not. If the young people and everybody else would have taken social distancing seriously then we would be spiking right now. We would be like most other major countries that took this thing seriously

Why pray tell wasn't Sweden's medical system "over run"?
I'm curious, Slade...which Governor do you think has handled this pandemic better...DeSantis of Florida or Cuomo of New York?

Florida has a larger population of older people than almost anywhere else on the planet! You would have thought that the State would have been devastated by Covid 19 deaths...yet when you look at the's not even CLOSE to what New York has had! Can you explain that?
Cuomo by a mile. He got hit by a Tsunami with so many unknowns and he handled it like a champ with transparency and based on what the science told us... and look where New York is now... in a better place than most the country. DeSantis has a head start and chose to ignore the science and play Trump politics and he wreckless actions now have him in a pickle.... which could have been avoided
Hello no. If we did what Sweden did we would have over run our medical system. What we should ha e done was had a cohesive message about safe practices and not be in a national passing co test about whether to wear a mask or not. If the young people and everybody else would have taken social distancing seriously then we would be spiking right now. We would be like most other major countries that took this thing seriously
I notice that you didn't seem to want to touch on the topic of which Governor has handled this pandemic better...DeSantis or Cuomo! Can't say as blame you there. Between Cuomo and De Blasio...New Yorkers have been hit with a one - two punch of ineptitude!
Cuomo by a mile. He got hit by a Tsunami with so many unknowns and he handled it like a champ with transparency and based on what the science told us... and look where New York is now... in a better place than most the country. DeSantis has a head start and chose to ignore the science and play Trump politics and he wreckless actions now have him in a pickle.... which could have been avoided
In what way was Cuomo hit by anything that DeSantis wasn't? You think Cuomo handled this "like a champ"? Tell that to the families of the six thousand elderly people who died in New York nursing homes!
You've got 32,000 plus people who have died of Covid in New York State compared to less than 5,000 that have died in Florida but you think that Cuomo's done a better job than DeSantis? That would be amusing if it wasn't for all of the grieving families that Clueless Cuomo has left in the wake of his shoddy response to this!
Why pray tell wasn't Sweden's medical system "over run"?
Because 10 million people live in Sweden and 300 million love in the US. Also did you hear that Sweden’s death rate just passed that of the US
In what way was Cuomo hit by anything that DeSantis wasn't? You think Cuomo handled this "like a champ"? Tell that to the families of the six thousand elderly people who died in New York nursing homes!
Ok. Hey families of the deceased. I’m so very sorry for your loses. I think Cuomo handled the pandemic like a champ
You've got 32,000 plus people who have died of Covid in New York State compared to less than 5,000 that have died in Florida but you think that Cuomo's done a better job than DeSantis? That would be amusing if it wasn't for all of the grieving families that Clueless Cuomo has left in the wake of his shoddy response to this!
You are comparing very different situations. NY was ground zero for outbreaks. You are being dishonest by comparing the two situation as apples to apples
You've got 32,000 plus people who have died of Covid in New York State compared to less than 5,000 that have died in Florida but you think that Cuomo's done a better job than DeSantis? That would be amusing if it wasn't for all of the grieving families that Clueless Cuomo has left in the wake of his shoddy response to this!
Look at the current state of the coronavirus. New York has 23 new deaths in a day, while florida is at 156.
New cases in New York is 1,103, while florida is 13,965
Because 10 million people live in Sweden and 300 million love in the US. Also did you hear that Sweden’s death rate just passed that of the US
One would assume they have fewer hospitals for their 10 still haven't explained why Swedish hospitals weren't over run, Slade!
Look at the current state of the coronavirus. New York has 23 new deaths in a day, while florida is at 156.
New cases in New York is 1,103, while florida is 13,965
Let me know when Florida's death toll even REMOTELY approaches what happened in New York, Gene!
Ok. Hey families of the deceased. I’m so very sorry for your loses. I think Cuomo handled the pandemic like a champ
You think that's going to mollify those who's loved ones died trapped in nursing homes along with the infected patients that Cuomo forced the nursing homes to take in?
One would assume they have fewer hospitals for their 10 still haven't explained why Swedish hospitals weren't over run, Slade!
I don’t see why I need to explain why Sweden didn’t over run their hospitals... because they didn’t. I don’t know what their infrastructure was... I know what our infrastructure was and how Cuomo handled it. We got close to overflow but thank god stopped the growth in time because we took drastic measures. There is no doubt that if NY did nothing we would have been fucked. Even your boy trump says that 2 or 3 Million would have died without prevention measures. What do you think about that?
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Let me know when Florida's death toll even REMOTELY approaches what happened in New York, Gene!

Would you rather travel to Italy or to Florida?
Italy had 35.000 deaths. bit now it's only 20 per day, and 230 new cases each day. Italy has it under control.

Floridas total is 4,677. but daily deaths are 156 a day and 13,965 new cases a day.

Do you want to do where the hospitals are at capacity from 14,000 cases a day, or where it's controlled at 230 new cases a day?

You think that's going to mollify those who's loved ones died trapped in nursing homes along with the infected patients that Cuomo forced the nursing homes to take in?

Yet New York was ranked 46th in nursing home death percentages. Meaning 45 states had a bigger percentage of their deaths in nursing homes. New York is well below the national average. And the cases were traced to the medal staff, not the infected patients. Just like in the rest of the country.
There was no "LUCK" involved in the decisions made by Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.
Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that he had to be persuaded to close schools and restaurants.
Published March 16, 2020Updated June 17, 2020

For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge New Yorkers to mostly go about their daily lives — sending their children to school, frequenting the city’s businesses — some of his top aides were furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak.

There had been arguments and shouting matches between the mayor and some of his advisers; some top health officials had even threatened to resign if he refused to accept the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.

Teachers were threatening not to show up to school on Monday. A growing number of public health experts and politicians were calling for much of the city to be shut down to curb the spread of the virus.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.


Gov. Cuomo can’t dodge accountability for nursing home deaths forever
By Steve Scalise
June 24, 2020 | 2:30pm | Updated
The novel-coronavirus death toll in New York’s nursing homes is tragic. More than 6,000 American seniors died of COVID-19 in nursing homes and long-term-care facilities across the Empire State, yet grieving families have no answers for how this happened or who is responsible.


None of that changes the essential fact here. NY was the first to get hit, before we knew much about the virus. We know a lot more now.

What is DeSantis’ excuse? And why do you keep going back to but but but Cuomo?

This now. In Florida.

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