DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

You still don't get it do you? Why is this so hard to understand? Hint, it isn't.

I directed you bumbles to the link. From that link, anyone with a functioning brain can see what the problem is. It's not our borders, it's theirs. How do we fix theirs? Now read closely, because the rhetorical stupidity from the Right never gets it. Remember that link I showed everyone? Good! Now listen up boys and girls. We have to fix their borders. How? By giving them their countries back. We took over their land and resources, reverted some into crops, where by we hired slave labor. We took over their political power and installed dictators and drug lords. And what happens if the ordinary person in Honduras or El Salvador, or Guatemala won't join a gang? They're murdered. So what do they do? They escape to here as refugees. This is no different than what Putin is doing now, and there are 2 million refugees who escaped Ukraine thus far.

Give them their land, resources, and functioning governments back. Set up real governments with real people, and stop using them and spitting them out.

How fucking hard is this to understand? For a vegetable Right-winger, they don't get it, because it's not convenient to get it.
You are an idiot.

The way to fix the border problem is to de-incentivize the advantage of the shitheads coming here.

We do that by cutting them off on everything. Problem solved.

The fuckers need to go back to their own counties and make economic and social change. Not being here in this country on welfare.

You stupid uneducated confused Libtards never seen to have the capacity to understand things like that, do you?
The way to fix the border problem is to de-incentivize the advantage of the shitheads coming here.

We do that by cutting them off on everything. Problem solved.

And we do that by going after the people paying them to work for them. That is their advantage for coming here.

As long as we keep slapping companies on the wrist for hiring them, they will keep coming
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Isn't this fascinating. You glossed over the actual problem. Who knew you would do that right? Lol, I did. You're a coward. You are too much of a coward to address the problem, so you scapegoat the symptom. The Right are just a bunch of pussy cowards who can't grow a pair by putting blame where the blame is supposed to go.
Glossing over what? Nothing says we have to take in ppl that can’t assimilate.
Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is proposing a program to contract with private companies to transport and remove illegal immigrants from the state.

"In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people here illegally out of the state of Florida," DeSantis said in a Friday press conference.

DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida
Good ! Great ! never been a better plan to eradicate Biden's obvious failure
to do as sworn.To Serve and Protect America and Americans.
Not SWERVE and Protect those like his Family { James and Hunter } and
God knows who else.
At this stage I dont think even God wants to know what's in
Biden's brain.Like the guy was ever capable of making an honest
Confession { Catholic Practice where they enter a Church Confessional
and Tell a Priest behind a black curtain their sins }.
And we do that by going after the people paying them to work for them. That is their advantage for coming here.

As long as we keep slapping companies on the wrist for hiring them, they will keep coming

Yep, come down hard on employers, all the way from corporations, businesses, to two-bit contractors who troll Home Depot parking lots looking for slave labor! At the same time, secure our border, and deport anyone who we legally can, that came here illegally.

And most importantly, stop voting for Dimocrats. Stop electing leaders who publicly tell the third-world to "surge the border", along with wanting to provide them with American taxpayer funded healthcare!
Like these asswipes here who when asked who would be in favor of providing healthcare to illegals all gleefully raised their fucking little hands!!!

Yep, come down hard on employers, all the way from corporations, businesses, to two-bit contractors who troll Home Depot parking lots looking for slave labor! At the same time, secure our border, and deport anyone who we legally can, that came here illegally.

And most importantly, stop voting for Dimocrats. Stop electing leaders who publicly tell the third-world to "surge the border", along with wanting to provide them with American taxpayer funded healthcare!
Like these asswipes here who when asked who would be in favor of providing healthcare to illegals all gleefully raised their fucking little hands!!!

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You really are scared to death to address the truth aren't you? Your distractions and your failure to lock horns with me are abundantly clear;
There is no excuse for this either, but did we stop; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Buddy, you can't shit in one hand, and expect to wash it off with piss in the other and feel emboldened. You are an asshole, racist, piece of shit if you do. Fuck DeSantis. That mfr's going to cost you money dumbass.
You are an idiot.

The way to fix the border problem is to de-incentivize the advantage of the shitheads coming here.

We do that by cutting them off on everything. Problem solved.

The fuckers need to go back to their own counties and make economic and social change. Not being here in this country on welfare.

You stupid uneducated confused Libtards never seen to have the capacity to understand things like that, do you?
No wonder the Right is so lost. They are as ignorant as coots.

Your argument is beyond retarded. It's hard to believe people are this fucking dumb.

This is your argument you vegetable: "shitheads, cutting them off, fuckers. I'm embarrassed at the level of this grotesque stupidity.
No wonder the Right is so lost. They are as ignorant as coots.

Your argument is beyond retarded. It's hard to believe people are this fucking dumb.

This is your argument you vegetable: "shitheads, cutting them off, fuckers. I'm embarrassed at the level of this grotesque stupidity.
Don't worry, 8 million isn't enough to cut anyone off from anything. :p
And we do that by going after the people paying them to work for them. That is their advantage for coming here.

As long as we keep slapping companies on the wrist for hiring them, they will keep coming
Are you implying that sanctuary offered by shithole cities and states doesn’t incentivize the cockroaches…..that free education, free healthcare, food and housing subsidies for their litters of filth doesn’t incentivize them?
Nothing says we should be taking over their countries either, creating a refugee crisis.
Conquering nations can do what they want. Move if you don’t like my power biatch
And Americans have died.. and continue to die because of this immigration.
And when we go there to take over their countries, do we send bouquets of flowers or chocolates?

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