DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

And where does this idiot imagine he is going to take them anyway? He can't deport anyone. To another State?

Which State, Ron?

The best part is the funds they are allocating to track them down. It's such a huge problem, they have to go search for it.

DeSantis knows better. This is theater for the xenophobes and racists.
The hate for the others is over the top.
Yet, they are having troubles paying the National Guardsmen for their services.
"Many Texas National Guard service members assigned to the operation came to recognize it as a disaster plagued by a spate of troop suicides, failure to pay troops, equipment shortages and a belief among some troops that they were hastily assigned to an involuntary mission that left them with little to do."
"In a Texas Tribune article in January, several troops detailed their pay issues, their anger over poor living conditions, their irritation over the operation’s haphazard planning, and their frustration over the little time they were given to prepare before being sent to the U.S.-Mexico border."
Operation Lone Star, Abbott's botched immigration crackdown, is the subject of criticism by both Democrats and Republicans.
Where do those troops get their fruits and vegetables again?
. I know some personally who came here as 8 and 10 year old's. Some of those kids are nurses. Some do other meaningful jobs, and speak fluent English. Next?

How much fucking welfare did those shitheads get? They sure as hell got a free education and free lunches in addition to all the welfare the families soaked up.
Who are you to decide that we have to take in the Worlds illiterate, and put them in poor American neighborhoods? You sick O

If what you said is true we should have taken in millions of nazi Germans and there off spring .. you psycho.

Why should kids in urban areas go to school with kids that can’t speak English but kids in the suburbs have absolutely almost no interaction with refugees?

this is the land of liberty we deserve the same liberty.. what you’re saying is treasonous and I doubt you would back any thing up
Isn't this fascinating. You glossed over the actual problem. Who knew you would do that right? Lol, I did. You're a coward. You are too much of a coward to address the problem, so you scapegoat the symptom. The Right are just a bunch of pussy cowards who can't grow a pair by putting blame where the blame is supposed to go.
So who's gonna pick all those oranges and do all that yard work...and oh yea...don't forget all those green pools they're gonna have...

There is no excuse for being here illegally. If they have a green card, then fine, anything else simply keeps blue collar wages suppressed.
How much fucking welfare did those shitheads get? They sure as hell got a free education and free lunches in addition to all the welfare the families soaked up.
Was it free welfare? If you are asking, that means you don't know. That's your first mistake. Your second mistake is second guessing their value. Has it ever crossed your vegetable mind the cost of those fruits and vegetables when they are in limited supply, because these dick head racists who destroyed their countries to begin with sent them back to where they came from? Thank an illegal every chance you get prick.
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There is no excuse for being here illegally. If they have a green card, then fine, anything else simply keeps blue collar wages suppressed.
There is no excuse for this either, but did we stop; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

Buddy, you can't shit in one hand, and expect to wash it off with piss in the other and feel emboldened. You are an asshole, racist, piece of shit if you do. Fuck DeSantis. That mfr's going to cost you money dumbass.
Was it free welfare? If you are asking, that means you don't know. That's your first mistake. Your second mistake is second guessing their value. Has it ever crossed your vegetable mind the cost of those fruits and vegetables when they are in limited supply, because these dick head racists who destroyed their countries to begin with sent them back to where they came from?
If we are not going to secure the border what is wrong with this?

If you come to the US illegally you cannot get any government service. No food stamps, no free medical, no sending the kids to our schools, no driver license, no nothing?

That is fair to the American taxpayers, isn't it?

Hail Cesar!​

Chavez fought illegal immigration tenaciously. In 1969, he marched to the Mexican border to protest farmers’ use of illegal aliens as strikebreakers. He was joined by Reverend Ralph Abernathy and Senator Walter Mondale.

In the mid 1970s, he conducted the “Illegals Campaign” to identify and report illegal workers, “an effort he deemed second in importance only to the boycott” (of produce from non-unionized farms), according to Pawel. She quotes a memo from Chavez that said, “If we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”
If we are not going to secure the border what is wrong with this?

If you come to the US illegally you cannot get any government service. No food stamps, no free medical, no sending the kids to our schools, no driver license, no nothing?

That is fair to the American taxpayers, isn't it?
You still don't get it do you? Why is this so hard to understand? Hint, it isn't.

I directed you bumbles to the link. From that link, anyone with a functioning brain can see what the problem is. It's not our borders, it's theirs. How do we fix theirs? Now read closely, because the rhetorical stupidity from the Right never gets it. Remember that link I showed everyone? Good! Now listen up boys and girls. We have to fix their borders. How? By giving them their countries back. We took over their land and resources, reverted some into crops, where by we hired slave labor. We took over their political power and installed dictators and drug lords. And what happens if the ordinary person in Honduras or El Salvador, or Guatemala won't join a gang? They're murdered. So what do they do? They escape to here as refugees. This is no different than what Putin is doing now, and there are 2 million refugees who escaped Ukraine thus far.

Give them their land, resources, and functioning governments back. Set up real governments with real people, and stop using them and spitting them out.

How fucking hard is this to understand? For a vegetable Right-winger, they don't get it, because it's not convenient to get it.

Hail Cesar!​

Chavez fought illegal immigration tenaciously. In 1969, he marched to the Mexican border to protest farmers’ use of illegal aliens as strikebreakers. He was joined by Reverend Ralph Abernathy and Senator Walter Mondale.

In the mid 1970s, he conducted the “Illegals Campaign” to identify and report illegal workers, “an effort he deemed second in importance only to the boycott” (of produce from non-unionized farms), according to Pawel. She quotes a memo from Chavez that said, “If we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”
You just don't get it. It's not the illegal immigration you need to be fighting. You need to be fighting to give them their countries back. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPPID?
All those “Real Americans “ (like poster Flash) who live in Florida and love their Disantus should take one for the team and work those jobs.
They're too fucking lazy. And so am I. The difference is, I admit it.

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