DeSantis just dropped out

Not a chance until there is NO HOPE of a Democrat Primary choice.

Democrat elites want to INSTALL a candidate...not elect one.

The unwashed masses of rank and file Democrats can be trusted to choose a candidate.
They’re going to switch Biden out for another Obama puppet at the last minute. Won’t give Trump adequate time to campaign against her.

These are evil, devious America-haters we are dealing with.
I'll catch hell for saying it... but Trump is the best and only chance Biden had to win.
And now it is sealed.
Republicans greatly underestimate the level and purity of hate Democrats have for Trump.
It doesn't matter if Trump was the Son of God himself, they will walk barefoot over broken glass to vote against him.

And another likelihood, is that the Democrats knew this would happen. And left Biden in till others dropped out. And in comes Newsome. Who would have lost against DeSantis. But will beat Trump.

I made this months ago - and I still believe it:

View attachment 891371
Hyper partisans on the far left and the far right can't see past their emotions.
Trump proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was beholden to the DS Establishment with nearly ALL his "successful" appointments and nominations. But just as the far Left buys into the CNN and MSNBC bullshit propaganda, the far right does the exact same from their feeding trough.

I have long predicted that Trump with be a horse of a different feather in his 2nd term, that the DSE wants him back in and that all his freak fans will be astonished at the unlubricated ramming he is going to give them this this last round.

Trump will usher in 2nd Amendment restrictions that the left never could but always dreamed of.
Just as Jim Jones led his worshippers to their demise in Guyana, the MAGA crowd are all blindly on their knees as well.
You simply cannot save fools from themselves.

"RED WAVE !!!" cried all the MAGGETS in 2020. Remember?
DeSantis must be in awe as he realizes just how ignorant people that claim to love freedom really are.
They’re going to switch Biden out for another Obama puppet at the last minute. Won’t give Trump adequate time to campaign against her.

These are evil, devious America-haters we are dealing with.

If Michele Obama runs, she will win.
People have not yet been hurt bad enough to have learned their lesson.
If DeSantis supporters were for Trump they would have been voting for him.

Actually as a former DeSantis voter I can testify that not all of us were against Trump. I just thought that it would be great if I could get Trump without the meanness, but I guess that I was wrong.
Yep! Biden's hurt this economy so bad that I don't even see the democrats voting for him now.
That is the one that really gets me. I mean imagine if Trump were president. The S & P 500 hits a record high, I mean I can hear it now, Donald Trump is the greatest president ever, look how everyone's 401K is doing. But since Biden is president, well the economy is in the shitter.

China has a negative GDP growth for 2023, the US has a positive, probably the largest of any OECD nation. If Trump were president, damn the US is kicking China's ass. But Biden is president, oh hell, he sold his soul to China.

Domestic oil and natural gas production at record levels. The US is actually EXPORTING more oil and natural gas than any country on the planet, outside of Saudi Arabia. I mean can you imagine the accolades that would be coming down for the orange God? Oh, he is the greatest president ever, look at oil and gas production. But it is Biden, so instead it is Biden is out to kill the oil and gas industry. Global warming, we are all going to die.

I mean I got to be honest. You Trump supporters are real pieces of shit. I mean you sorry SOB's actually want things to be bad. You are not Americans, you are a blight on the entire damn nation. You are walking, talking, real pieces of shit. And the Republicans you support, the members of Congress, OMG, they are lower than the knees of a damn slug. A real bipartisan agreement on immigration reform is on the table, but your dumbfawk Congressmen won't support it, cause Trump told them not to. I mean do none of you have any damn balls? You are either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Republicans ARE THE PROBLEM. And yes, their days are numbered because the vast majority of the American population, especially the young people, are NOT THAT STUPID.
^^^ and it’s this attitude that will see Trump elected. Who wants the party who demeans and holds in contempt half of American voters?
First of all, you are not even close to half of American voters. Second of all, you deserve every bit of that contempt.
First of all, you are not even close to half of American voters. Second of all, you deserve every bit of that contempt.
Of course we are about half the country. The vote was 74 million for Trump and 81 million (including the harvested ballots) for Biden. That’s close to half.

And YOU, who wouldn’t take a full-time job so that other people could support your kids is the one who deserves contempt.
What did I say... What did I say? There has NEVER been a President from Florida.
There has NEVER been a President from Florida. There has NEVER been a President from Florida.

Hah Hah Ha!

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