DeSantis or Trump?

Who would you choose? DeSantis or Trump?

  • DeSantis

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters

Trump knew what was going on. . . . and he let it. He can't be trusted. If he let the Deep State rig the election, after telling the nation that it was going to happen, after having intel that they were going to do it to him. . . my confidence in him. . . meh?

I have yet to hear or see him call out the bullshit that is going to enslave the planet. OTH? I do remember when DeSantis having a round-table conference of scientists that were opposing the crap being pushed by the WHO & the WEF.


Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Landmark Legislation to Ban Vaccine Passports and Stem Government Overreach

DeSantis names doctor opposed to mask and vaccine mandates as Florida’s surgeon general​

Btw, for all you people who rip on Trump for being controversial, let me just point out that he single-handedly exposed more corruption in the media and DC beltway than any politician in my lifetime. Trump's presidency was like a flashlight shining into a den of roaches that we never knew to be nearly so infested. He deserves credit for that, not scorn and criticism.
I knew everything Trump was bringing to popular attention. . . it isn't like Trump was the first to tell folks. What he seemed to me. . . was, he brought it to attention, only to do nothing about it, not really. He only brought in more "swamp dwellers," he didn't get rid of any of them.

Honestly? I just won't vote again. I know too much. I can't vote for anyone that supports the evil over at the World Economic Forum.

If they don't denounce the global plans for global enslavement by the technocratic oligarchs? I can't vote for them.

I just uncovered something equally disturbing details about DeSantis though. . . I don't think I could vote for him either.

The Wrap: Is Ron DeSantis a member of Skull and Bones? Is he anti-vax? Is Florida a low vax state?​

"Ron DeSantis (2001), current governor of Florida"

1). Indoctrination like God in the School? CRT in the School?

2). Yes, there are two genders.
Has anyone considered this

We got another poster that posts bullshit like that to defend the woke agenda. . . AND IT IS CRAP.

No sane person has anything wrong with a real medical issue. Be honest. . . which, I have seen your posting, and your partisan proclivities, you rarely are, but what percentage of the population has the issue you just linked?

How about I tell you?

". . . In about 1% of all births, babies have some form of ambiguous genitalia, such as a very large clitoris or very small penis. In more rare cases—between 0.1% and 0.2% of live births—genitalia is so ambiguous that medical specialists are brought in for a consultation. . . . "

Now I once saw a photo of some mom, all three of her kids, she was foisting the brainwashing agenda on, like it was some fad. . .
I like Donald Trump. I think he was an effective President, as I believe DeSantis would be.

Trump was about effective as relying on god to give you eternity.
The difference between the two is that DeSantis would be "presidential". I have a problem with a leader of the free world

Free world my arse. You haven't the guts to stand up to a dictator.
who believes that antagonistic, middle school name calling is an effective tactic. Everything from "Little Marco" to "Rocket Man", it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
You need to remember hes still as educated as a child. No different to lots on here who use childish names as a defence.
Also, if Trump were elected we would be treated to yet another democrat sideshow after democrat sideshow trying to impeach him again (and failing, again)

he was impeached twice so cut your lies. Get some facts.
and we just don't need the distraction. I want a President who can concentrate on governing as opposed to concentrating on defending himself...
Maybe one who isn't intent on publicly enriching himself and family would help. Not wanting to overthrow democracy and stamping his feet would be essential also.
Trump has more baggage than DHL.
The FUCKING 'woke agenda'.

WTF is the WOKE agenda, besides ANOTHER RWI talking point.

This is al you cum stains have^^^^^ talking points.

You MisterBeale JUST posted.
What the fuck is WOKE?

Please answer.
10 minute time limit.
The Woke Agenda:

1. White people are evil
2. Men can be women if they chose, and women can be men
3. Police hate black people and want to murder them
4. Children must be taught LGBT theory in secret from their evil parents
5. People should stay in lockdown to protect the children who don't die from COVID
6. Minimum wage should be $50 an hour
7. Free college
8. Free Health care
9. F*ck the parents and previous generations who are a bunch of A-holes
10. We should hire based on race and gender, not on status or accomplishments

I could go on.
Stop the BS.
What is WOKE?

Just answer for the record.
It is an off-shoot of Post-Modernism and Critical Theory. It stands opposed to Natural Law and Enlightenment Values which are the bedrock of the Constitution, which this nation is founded on. . .

IOW? It is subversive to American culture. It is. . . anti-American.
The Woke Agenda:

1. White people are evil
2. Men can be women if they chose, and women can be men
3. Police hate black people and want to murder them
4. Children must be taught LGBT theory in secret from their evil parents
5. People should stay in lockdown to protect the children who don't die from COVID
6. Minimum wage should be $50 an hour
7. Free college
8. Free Health care
9. F*ck the parents and previous generations who are a bunch of A-holes
10. We should hire based on race and gender, not on status or accomplishments

I could go on.
1. White people are evil.
I'm white, I don't teach this. Who Does? WOKE is BS.

2. Who are you to decide what an individual believes. Yes, I find it weird, but I will NEVER tell an individual what they are, what is the fucking problem?
your answer, bathrooms. Fact. I have NEVER seen a Rape, a visual of another persons genitalia. EVER........

3). This makes ZERO sense, except to the POS supporter.

4_____ you are an idiot.
1. White people are evil.
I'm white, I don't teach this. Who Does? WOKE is BS.

2. Who are you to decide what an individual believes. Yes, I find it weird, but I will NEVER tell an individual what they are, what is the fucking problem?
your answer, bathrooms. Fact. I have NEVER seen a Rape, a visual of another persons genitalia. EVER........

3). This makes ZERO sense, except to the POS supporter.

4_____ you are an idiot.
Um, the left proudly proclaims these messages. I'm not insinuating anything.
WTF is the WOKE agenda, besides ANOTHER RWI talking point.
Men can be women if they chose, and women can be men
I remember I took my kid to University orientation. . . and they had introductions. The person leading it, wanted all the kids to introduce themselves, and tell themselves a little something about themselves, so she started. . . and of course, she led in with her pronouns, indicating that she wanted everyone to follow, doing the same. . . .


Who are you to decide what an individual believes.
It isn't about, "forcing," others to believe. .. they can believe what ever delusions they want about themselves. The issue here? Is forcing society to play along with their delusions, and normalizing pathologies. Soon? All of society will be as pathological as our leaders are. They have world corporations like Disney normalizing pedophilia now. . . :rolleyes: Not that Disney wasn't always doing that, subliminally, but now, they are doing it right out in the open. . .


Just because YOU are on some sort of medication, or probably in therapy, and are in denial about clown world? Does not mean the rest of us have to be. . . things are right fucked up, and they are getting worse, every day, because you are accepting these pathologies and lies as normal.

Hell, most folks can look at Biden and recognize he isn't really the one calling the shots, he is an old man, with dementia, way past his prime. This is nearly as bad as when President Wilson had his stroke, and his wife was running the nation. . .
Currently the RNC has Trump as the number one choice with DeSantis in the number two spot, but as we can't vote for a president here and now, my vote will be based upon who the candidates will be in 2024. While I like Trump, we can't be sure of his mental faculties by the time the 2024 elections are held and frankly, I'm weary of seeing old white men heading things. It's time for fresh blood in the Oval Office. So, my choices for a president and VP running mate would be:
1. Ron DeSantis & Lt. Governor Mark Robinson.
2. Kristi Noem & Larry Elder.
3. Condoleeza Rice & Candace Owens.
4. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Allen West & Thomas Sowell.
If today you were to vote in the republican primaries who would you choose between DeSantis or Trump, and why?
DeSantis is a fighter like Trump but without all the obnoxious tweets and punching down that Trump loves. Trump is extremely polarizing. You either hate him or love him.

DeSantis served in the U.S. Navy on active duty from 2004 to 2010. He has proven to be a flat out excellent Governor of the Free State of Florida. People from New York City are leaving the Big Apple and moving to Florida.

Democrats will of course hate DeSantis but Democrats seem to hate everybody who is not a Democrat. Just about everybody should be sick and tired of Democrats by 2024 if things continue heading downhill as they are today (Including many Democrats).

I would like to see DeSantis as the Republican candidate for President in 2024 but he would also be an excellent VP for Trump if Trump wins the nomination.
The goal of impeachment is removal. Not a single democrat voted to impeach him and didn't want him removed from office.

My facts are fine. Your problem is that you're incapable of posting without a level of emotion which strongly suggests you're on your period...
If that's the case, he shouldn't have survived.
No democrats voted for impeachment???
You are a fucking liar or mentally ill. You are a idiot, period.

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