DeSantis or Trump?

Who would you choose? DeSantis or Trump?

  • DeSantis

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
I think Trump would beat anybody the democrats nominate cuz they've effed up their brand so bad. Losing in 2020 is not a guarantee of losing in 2024; nothing has been shown whatsoever, outside of the voter fraud that can occur if our elections aren't managed properly. Not saying the election was stolen, but an awful lot of people have their doubts about the accuracy and integrity of that election.
You underestimate the left's intense need to virtue signal as well as their hatred of Trump.
I would offer you this... I would say at LEAST 3/4 of all Democrats would rather see the country burn to the ground than swallow the Trump pill. It is not a pill they will be willing to take, no matter if it meant the end of our country as we know it.
With the election of Biden, the United States has lost the trust of the entire world. They have lost faith in the American people to elect reasonable people. We elected a senile old man in OBVIOUS, serious mental decline. We did that.
Who OBVIOUSLY chose a Vice President based on her sex and race, who would be over her head managing a girl scout camp.
That puts the entire world in jeopardy. And the whole world knows it.
You underestimate the left's intense need to virtue signal as well as their hatred of Trump.
I would offer you this... I would say at LEAST 3/4 of all Democrats would rather see the country burn to the ground than swallow the Trump pill.

Yeah, I got that. BUT 3/4 of all democrats is not going to best the rest of us in 2024 if Trump runs. That's JMO of course, and frankly I'd rather see anyone but Trump as the GOP nominee. The good news is that even if Trump wins, he can't serve more than 4 years and after that he's done.
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The FUCKING 'woke agenda'.

WTF is the WOKE agenda, besides ANOTHER RWI talking point.

This is al you cum stains have^^^^^ talking points.

You MisterBeale JUST posted.
What the fuck is WOKE?

Please answer.
10 minute time limit.

"I know what'll be a killer debate point. I'll pretend that I just woke from a 2-year coma and have no idea what's been going on during that time! That'll REALLY work!"
Yes I think that’s why they’re always bringing up Trump but I started the thread because I saw support seemed to be shifting towards DeSantis elsewhere and was curious if it would be the same here.

When Trump was elected before, he provided something unique that we needed and that no one else on the scene could provide. That is not the case this time, and there's no reason for us to saddle ourselves with his negatives. The world and the situation have changed, and we need to look for someone who has the qualities for THIS moment, not live in past glories over different circumstances that don't apply now.
Why do you people keep harping on DeSantis being a candidate in 2024. He has repeatedly said he will not be a candidate for President due to his wife's illness and two very small children at home. He is also running for reelection as governor this year, so he basically doesn't have time to run in 2024. I think the best he can hope for is to be selected as a VP candidate because it is not two years of campaigning. He could probably go for that, depending on his wife's condition.

Because people are hoping that 1) his wife's condition will improve, and 2) that DeSantis will bow to the will of the people if enough of us want him to. That used to be the tradition of public service, that people reluctantly took the lead when their neighbors asked them to.
OK, so eliminating RINOs, Desantis, and Trump, here are a nice GOP group on the 2024 debate stage...
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Dan Crenshaw

Any favs or others to consider?
Pence- No way. Boring, but
Pompeo-Good! Maybe VP.
Cruz- Good.
Halley - No way. Maybe VP.
Cotten - No way. Maybe VP.
Jim Jordan - No way.
Crenshaw - No way.
I will support Desantis, Sen Halley of Mo.(U.S. Senator Josh Hawley) or Sen. Cotton of Arkansas.

Though If Trump is given the nod I will vote for him.

I had rather Trump not run for several reasons.....too old, too much baggage, he would essentially be a lame duck President, he is not a good judge of character demonstrated by his disastrous appointments.

Not even to mention his desire to retreart from Afghanistan.

and how did he allow joe biden to beat him in the debate?...........simply because he was over-confident....actually Trump beat himself by getting angry and when Joe put him down by saying 'shut up man' Trump was stunned....unable to make a good comeback reply.

All great Presidents have a knack for listening to the right people and appointing the right people....Trump did not have those qualities.
Because they are qualified. Haley has already served as a Governor and Scott continues to serve as a US Senator. They are conservative.

Lots of people have those qualifications you seem to think are so special and wonderful. In what way do we need THEM specifically?

Explain to me the benefits that make those particular people the best possible people that the country desperately needs.
Lots of people have those qualifications you seem to think are so special and wonderful. In what way do we need THEM specifically?

Explain to me the benefits that make those particular people the best possible people that the country desperately needs.
The country desperately needs to pursue policies that make US less dependent on foreign oil. Last I checked, the current regime is begging foreign oil to produce more. The country desperately needs policies that will result in them keeping more of the money they have earned. Prove me wrong.
The country desperately needs to pursue policies that make US less dependent on foreign oil. Last I checked, the current regime is begging foreign oil to produce more. The country desperately needs policies that will result in them keeping more of the money they have earned. Prove me wrong.

Excuse me, but why am I obligated to argue for the position you have assigned me to argue for? If you can't answer questions about the candidates you recommended, then own up to it honestly. Don't give me this shit about, "If you don't just agree they're wonderful, then YOU must be a Biden supporter."

I get extremely tired of people trying to force their personal script down my throat to fit the debate they imagined in their heads.
Excuse me, but why am I obligated to argue for the position you have assigned me to argue for? If you can't answer questions about the candidates you recommended, then own up to it honestly. Don't give me this shit about, "If you don't just agree they're wonderful, then YOU must be a Biden supporter."

I get extremely tired of people trying to force their personal script down my throat to fit the debate they imagined in their heads.
You just assigned me to argue. I did. Now you are tired of it because you can’t retort. That’s your problem. The reality is you can’t argue or retort. So much so you made yourself the victim. Give it up.

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