DeSantis says he will not take in Palestinian refugees.

Ok, so the Jews can go visit their holy land, like the rest of us do. I go "home" ever so often. Everything has changed there over the years. But it's nice to go down those country back roads and remember things I've forgotten over the years.

You're not ever going to eliminate one group like Hamas, without another one taking it's place. Wiping them out will only create another. What part of that do you not understand?

The Jews in Israel will never be in peace. What part of that do you not comprehend (understand)?
What part don’t you understand? it’s not just the idea of a Jewish state - it’s THAT particular land, that most believe was Gd-given.

Why do you expect the Jews to make the sacrifice? They just need to eradicate HAMAS, and a Republican president will ensure that there is no money for a replacement Jew-hating group.
What part don’t you understand? it’s not just the idea of a Jewish state - it’s THAT particular land, that most believe was Gd-given.

Why do you expect the Jews to make the sacrifice? They just need to eradicate HAMAS, and a Republican president will ensure that there is no money for a replacement Jew-hating group.

Moving to southern CA isn't a sacrifice, FFS. It's a better opportunity to keep their people safe, to have a place they can grow, where they won't be bombed.
How the hell is that a bad thing?

They can bring some of that sand with them and spread it out on their front lawns.
Moving to southern CA isn't a sacrifice, FFS. It's a better opportunity to keep their people safe, to have a place they can grow, where they won't be bombed.
How the hell is that a bad thing?

They can bring some of that sand with them and spread it out on their front lawns.
You are too naive to discuss this with.
Aren't there enough undoc aliens in Florida? On the other hand it seems that DeSantis is the only governor willing to fly Americans out of Israel while the Biden administration seems paralized.
Don’t be an idiot. Jews have a 3500-year connection to Israel. Wipe out HAMAS, and drive the Palestinians out Instead.

What part don’t you understand? it’s not just the idea of a Jewish state - it’s THAT particular land, that most believe was Gd-given.

It's always religious nutjobs who think they've been ordained by God who advocate for genocide.....

Jesus Christ Lisa, get it together....
What part don’t you understand? it’s not just the idea of a Jewish state - it’s THAT particular land, that most believe was Gd-given.
Do they have a deed to that particular land signed by God. Nope. The land was won by force of arms and men.
I don't think anyone really cares what DeSantis has to say any longer.
Many of the people who live in Florida still like DeSantis. I personally think he is the best governor of Florida in the over 50 years I have lived in this state.

He would make a great President but he lacks the charisma Trump has. DeSantis is a doer not a talker. His campaign speeches are boring compared with Trump‘s at a one of his campaign rallies.
Do they have a deed to that particular land signed by God. Nope. The land was won by force of arms and men.
What about the land and homes of 1 million Jews driven out from countries throughout the Middle East?

Why are liberals only focused on one side - the side that actually PAID Arabs for their land? The Arabs drove Jews out without paying a penny.

The Arabs should have taken the deal giving them their own state. They didn’t because they hate Jews too much.
Do they have a deed to that particular land signed by God. Nope. The land was won by force of arms and men.
And finally, why are you hating on the Jews after the SLAUGHTER the Palestinians just perpetuated on innocent Jewish men, women, and children? They hunted them down like vermin, set houses on fire to drive the ones hiding out, and killed the, in torturous ways.

And THAT is the side you’re on? Of evil? Because what they did - by intent - to innocent people because they are Jews was just as evil as the Holocaust.
What about the land and homes of 1 million Jews driven out from countries throughout the Middle East?

Why are liberals only focused on one side - the side that actually PAID Arabs for their land? The Arabs drove Jews out without paying a penny.

The Arabs should have taken the deal giving them their own state. They didn’t because they hate Jews too much.
What the Arab countries did doesn't change the fact that nobody "gave" the land to the Hebrews. (especially a supernatural being) They won it in a war with weapons and a superior strategy.

Hamas is responsible for everything in their current war. Every civilian death that happens on either side is on them for their military assault on Israeli civilians.

The UK should have never promised the land to both Jews and Muslims. But hindsight is 20/20.
And finally, why are you hating on the Jews after the SLAUGHTER the Palestinians just perpetuated on innocent Jewish men, women, and children? They hunted them down like vermin, set houses on fire to drive the ones hiding out, and killed the, in torturous ways.

And THAT is the side you’re on? Of evil? Because what they did - by intent - to innocent people because they are Jews was just as evil as the Holocaust.
Pretending that I side with Hamas?

What the Arab countries did doesn't change the fact that nobody "gave" the land to the Hebrews. (especially a supernatural being) They won it in a war with weapons and a superior strategy.

Hamas is responsible for everything in their current war. Every civilian death that happens on either side is on them for their military assault on Israeli civilians.

The UK should have never promised the land to both Jews and Muslims. But hindsight is 20/20.
So what antisemitic Arabs did, in driving out 1 million Jews from their homes doesn’t change the “fact” about what Jews did? Why not? Why are you only focused on the wrong, as you see it, of Jews - and not the exact same thing (but worse) that Arabs did?

In hindsight, the Arabs should have accepted the partition plan, and the other offers of land from Jews that came after. They turned all down because they want Israel destroyed,

Now GAZA will be destroyed. It’s way past time.
Pretending that I side with Hamas?

You’re siding with the Jew-hating Palestinians, and complaining about Israel after 1400 innocent Jews were hunted down and tortured to death as if they were cockroaches - or termites, as Farrakhan would say - for the sole reason that they are Jewish.

Do you have children? How would you feel if barbaric Muslims broke into your house, and cut a living fetus out of your pregnant wife’s womb, and then stabbed it to death while your wife was bleeding out in agony? Because this is what these monsters did. As just one example.
So what antisemitic Arabs did, in driving out 1 million Jews from their homes doesn’t change the “fact” about what Jews did? Why not? Why are you only focused on the wrong, as you see it, of Jews - and not the exact same thing (but worse) that Arabs did?

Israelis won their County and protect their land with military force. Like every country in the world. Why do you think that is wrong? Pretending the land was given to them by a deity is insane.

You’re siding with the Jew-hating Palestinians

You're lying, of course. But that is just SOP for the Neo-GOP isn't it? Just like the we've seen historical lies about Jews in the Arab press, and today's quick lie over the Islamic Jihad's errant missile. Proclaim loudly the lie, and hope it spreads around the word twice before the truth has it's morning cup of coffee.
You mean after they conquered the land from the Canaanites?
Of all of the dozens of ethnic and religious and national groups that have fought over the Holy Land in the past 3,000 years...

Only the Jews have maintained a religious, spiritual, and (to a lesser extent) ethnic identity over those long centuries...

Christians and Muslims have been fighting over it for 1300-1400 years...

It's time to let the Jews have it again, as non-Christian, non-Muslim custodians and stewards...

They've got no place else to go as a people after being slaughtered near-to-extinction by Eurotrash in the 1940s...

They were promised a slice of old Ottoman Palestine by the agent (UK) of the League and the United Nations...

And then, after buying-up land and importing scores of thousands of Holocaust survivors, relying on that promise...

The "agent" (UK) tried to renege on the deal, the handful of Arabs on the land revolted, and the Long War was "on"...

The Jews, nearly friendless in the world, fought back, and actually won, against all odds... brave, desperate souls...

The idiot Palestinians, driven-on by Hitler-compatriots like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, chose War over Peace...

Any self-respecting Palestinian with two shekels to rub together would have gotten his family out of there years ago...

These under-performing refugee camp layabouts have been deluding themselves for decades and need to go elsewhere...

Israel is now a regional powerhouse and is a strong ally and bulwark against the barbarians of the region... good friends...

We need to stop trying to hold them back, and let them do what they need to do in Gaza, to secure their southern flank.

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