Desantis stands by his statement suggesting Trump supporters are a cult of personality ("listless vessels)

I really feel like I labeled him appropriately about a year ago when I compared him to Kevin McCarthy.

He doesn’t stand for much. He’s a spineless wimp who will lean whichever way the wind blows. He’s going to say whatever he can to gain power. No convictions whatsoever. He will claim to support anything until the moment it’s not beneficial to him anymore.
What make Trump supporters a cultist and you not a cultist? You parrot what the democrat control cult media says. You defend Jo Biden without any thought to what you're defending. You and those like you are cultists
Please feel free to cling to that illusion if it gives you comfort in the days and weeks and months to come in all of his trials.
People who vote and see the endless lies have to go somewhere. Trump gave direction. It was not even conservative. It was common sense.
It was madness. And everyone he ever worked with is either under criminal investigation, in political exile, or hated by republican and Democrat voters.
There was some backlash after Desantis called out Trump supporters for their sheep-like behavior.
I'm surprised Desantis defended his remarks because I thought he would be afraid of Trump supporters. But at the end this was not the case.
Desantis has nothing to lose because he was extremely far behind Trump in the polls behind the remarks. It's not like he's now "doomed". He always was. I think now he's just speaking his mind:

I listened to this and I agree with DeSantis 100%. I've seen Trump supporters bash some damn fine fiscal conservatives like Thomas Massie and Chip Roy. But praise Trump to no end. Even for the most liberal crap he could've come up with.
Banning bump stocks
Platinum Plan
3 debt ceiling increases
Reauthorizing FISA 702, NDAA and the patriot.

Trump supporter have no idea what a RINO actually is.
There was some backlash after Desantis called out Trump supporters for their sheep-like behavior.
I'm surprised Desantis defended his remarks because I thought he would be afraid of Trump supporters. But at the end this was not the case.
Desantis has nothing to lose because he was extremely far behind Trump in the polls behind the remarks. It's not like he's now "doomed". He always was. I think now he's just speaking his mind:

The moRON obviously doesn't understand that insulting the major voting block he needs to become POTUS is not the best strategy he can use.

DuhSantis is not going to get any fans by insulting them, I guess he has decided to give up.

It worked so well for Trump.

Trump is a talk about and promise to do it. Constantly talking about it.
DeSantis isn't going to entertain you. He's too military for that. He'll just do it.
Sounds like DeSantis has fucked his way out of a cushy ambassadorship to Turks and Caicos in 2025.

Meanwhile, he's been horse-fucking the dims in FL for years now, so we'll show him some love.

While Pelosi was horse fucking Trump, DeSantis was doing his job.

I'm all in for DeSantis. He's got a record twice that of Trump. And doesn't need to embellish it, like Trump does.

We don't need an entertainer. We need a leader. The only thing Trump lead was the 2018 democrat house majority. Then the senate and white house.
The moRON obviously doesn't understand that insulting the major voting block he needs to become POTUS is not the best strategy he can use.


What else can he do? Just sit idly by and let Trump and his minions steam roll him? DeSantis has been overly nice to Trump and his supporters. I'm glad his finally stop playing nice with the norther eastern liberal liar.
Fuck Trump and his endless list of liberal ways.

Betcha DeSantis would've never banned bump stocks or increased the debt ceiling 3 times.
The comment in full.
GOV. RON DESANTIS: We have a strand in our party that views supporting Trump as whether you are a RINO or not. So you could be the most conservative person since sliced bread, unless you are kissing his rear end they will somehow call you a RINO. It has been totally detached from the principle in which you actually believe in results, and it is more about what faction you happen to do.

So there will be people who are huge Trump supporters in Congress who have incredibly liberal, left-wing records that are really just atrocious, and yet they're viewed by some of these folks as like really, really good.

Then you have other people, like Congressman Chip Roy who has endorsed me, and Congressman Thomas Massie, these guys have records of principle, of fighting the swamp, that are second to none, and yet they will be attacked by some of these people and called "RINOs." so it has just been totally detached from any type of substance.

And ultimately, a movement can't be about the personality of one individual. The movement has got to be about what are you trying to achieve on behalf of the American people, and that has got to be based in principle. Because if you're not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that are just supposed to follow whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement.
I really feel like I labeled him appropriately about a year ago when I compared him to Kevin McCarthy.

He doesn’t stand for much. He’s a spineless wimp who will lean whichever way the wind blows. He’s going to say whatever he can to gain power. No convictions whatsoever. He will claim to support anything until the moment it’s not beneficial to him anymore.

You're talking about Trump, right? Trumps sided with Disney, DeSantis opposed. DeSantis sided with 6 week abortion limit, Trump opposed. Trump banned bump stocks. DeSantis opposed.

Trump did all that, because that's the way the wind was blowing a the time.

LMAO.. Come to think of it, Trump ran as a Republican because that's the way the wind blew.

DeSantis is still the same conservative republican he's always been. While Trumps the same ole north eastern liberal, only with a republican badge.

There was some backlash after Desantis called out Trump supporters for their sheep-like behavior.
I'm surprised Desantis defended his remarks because I thought he would be afraid of Trump supporters. But at the end this was not the case.
Desantis has nothing to lose because he was extremely far behind Trump in the polls behind the remarks. It's not like he's now "doomed". He always was. I think now he's just speaking his mind:

That’s not really his statement, it’s just reality

DeSantis isn't going to entertain you. He's not going to fulfill you drama addiction. He's just going to get the job done. No showmanship, fabulous character or great hair. Just a normal military minded individual with a clean record, no hooker, no indictments, only one American wife who never posed nude for all to see. And he only had kids by this one woman.

I know. Boring right?
DeSantis isn't going to entertain you. He's not going to fulfill you drama addiction. He's just going to get the job done. No showmanship, fabulous character or great hair. Just a normal military minded individual with a clean record, no hooker, no indictments, only one American wife who never posed nude for all to see. And he only had kids by this one woman.

I know. Boring right?
Great Governor. He isn't going to catch Trump.

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