Desantis stands by his statement suggesting Trump supporters are a cult of personality ("listless vessels)

Great Governor. He isn't going to catch Trump.

Like that's a good thing? DeSantis's leadership qualities, the policies he supports, and his record of governor should have republicans kicking Trump to the curb. But no matter how bad Trump is, his entertainment value always pulls him above any decent Republican like DeSantis.

Operation warp speed.
Platinum plan
Bump stocks
Ridiculous trade deals with China
Getting US oil companies to DECREASE oil production (April 2020)
Saying he'd be OK with a tranny Miss America contestant
Bashing DeSantis for stopping women & doctors from killing babies before they have a heartbeat

Trump is a damn democrat with a great sales pitch.
What's the point? MAGAs didn't like the Meatball before he called em listless vessel and now they really don't like him. He needs to go home.
What's the point? MAGAs didn't like the Meatball before he called em listless vessel and now they really don't like him. He needs to go home.

It wasn't 4 months ago they was wanting him to be Trumps VP so he could take the White house in 2028. Now, because Trumps ego was bruised, suddenly they don't like him? LMAO.. Trumpbots are owned and don't care how great DeSantis is. They don't care that DeSantis is to the right of Trump on almost every issue.
It wasn't 4 months ago they was wanting him to be Trumps VP so he could take the White house in 2028. Now, because Trumps ego was bruised, suddenly they don't like him? LMAO.. Trumpbots are owned and don't care how great DeSantis is. They don't care that DeSantis is to the right of Trump on almost every issue.
It's their call. But the Meatball is done
It's their call. But the Meatball is done

It's just the first debate. It's not even really started. Asa Hutchison is done. And those other two or 3 unknowns. There's still plenty of time for DeSantis to rise in the polls. And plenty of time for Trump to screw up again. He'll probably flip flop several times. Make promises that even his supporters know is a lie. He's already told a few.
Like how he's going to build 22nd century like towns. Big beautiful ones, with rainbow farting unicorns.
It's just the first debate. It's not even really started. Asa Hutchison is done. And those other two or 3 unknowns. There's still plenty of time for DeSantis to rise in the polls. And plenty of time for Trump to screw up again. He'll probably flip flop several times. Make promises that even his supporters know is a lie. He's already told a few.
Like how he's going to build 22nd century like towns. Big beautiful ones, with rainbow farting unicorns.
Unless Trump really fucks up and Fani Willis puts him in the Fulton county jail, Trump is gonna dominate and give his supporters no reason to look for anybody else. He can say and promise anything that pops into his head, they will rationalize it somehow. It's a cult. You are dealing with a cult.
DeSantis says this but he only wishes he had his own cult following of sheep like Trump
Please feel free to cling to that illusion if it gives you comfort in the days and weeks and months to come in all of his trials.
Projection and dodging is what you just did. Your surrender is not accepted. Your destruction is what's is warranted
You're talking about Trump, right? Trumps sided with Disney, DeSantis opposed. DeSantis sided with 6 week abortion limit, Trump opposed. Trump banned bump stocks. DeSantis opposed.

Trump did all that, because that's the way the wind was blowing a the time.

LMAO.. Come to think of it, Trump ran as a Republican because that's the way the wind blew.

DeSantis is still the same conservative republican he's always been. While Trumps the same ole north eastern liberal, only with a republican badge.

I don’t see Trump the same way.

McCarthy and DeSantis (and Haley) are deliberate in the way they stand for little. Nearly everything they claim to “believe in” is calculated to serve their own desires to gain more power.

Trump isn’t smart enough to think that far ahead. That’s for losers.

The only thing DeSantis is actually authentic about is his war against Disney and the woke. Everything else is just artificial from some algorithm.
There was some backlash after Desantis called out Trump supporters for their sheep-like behavior.
I'm surprised Desantis defended his remarks because I thought he would be afraid of Trump supporters. But at the end this was not the case.
Desantis has nothing to lose because he was extremely far behind Trump in the polls behind the remarks. It's not like he's now "doomed". He always was. I think now he's just speaking his mind:

Meanwhile DeSantis is worst than Trump in many ways. Guess he is tired of licking Trump wants licked himself. Both are bad for Americans.
DeSantis has chosen to do what Hillary set the precedent of...instead of "attacking" the nominee, he chose to attack his supporters.
This "listless vessels" is his equivalent of "basket of deplorables".
He just CAPSIZED his political career.
Oh well, see ya!!! :rolleyes:
From what I have observed, the people who are die-hard Trumpers know less about poilitics, to say nothing of the world, than any other voting base in the United States. I wouldn't so much call them "listless vessels", as I believe the fuedal term "vassals" to be more appropriate.
The far left is no brighter and much less mentally stable then the trump base

Libs want radical social change that will destroy America
trump steering.jpg

Trump hitler.jpg

There was some backlash after Desantis called out Trump supporters for their sheep-like behavior.
I'm surprised Desantis defended his remarks because I thought he would be afraid of Trump supporters. But at the end this was not the case.
Desantis has nothing to lose because he was extremely far behind Trump in the polls behind the remarks. It's not like he's now "doomed". He always was. I think now he's just speaking his mind:

Pence/DeSantis because WTF
DeSantis has chosen to do what Hillary set the precedent of...instead of "attacking" the nominee, he chose to attack his supporters.
This "listless vessels" is his equivalent of "basket of deplorables".
He just CAPSIZED his political career.
Oh well, see ya!!! :rolleyes:
DeSantis ended his political career last week.

---DeSantis Dismisses Trump’s 2020 Election Theories as False---

What's the point? MAGAs didn't like the Meatball before he called em listless vessel and now they really don't like him. He needs to go home.
Imagine how many Republican politicians and politicos are thanking DeSantis, under their breath, for saying this.

A vast majority, I suspect.
Incorrect. Truth-telling is what I just did. Your inability to recognize that is your cross to bear, not mine.

Quarter is neither asked nor given.

Please try... you tell 'em, Princess... :laughing0301:
Incorrect opinion you have simp

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