DeSantis suspends Democrat "Soros-backed" state attorney Andrew Warren for refusing to enforce state laws, including recent restrictions to abortion

Abortion is not really my issue, at 67 (68 next month). I would rather they left those mostly young women alone, I know they cannot and will not be able to get rid of abortion, but it really does not affect me.
I laughed like hell, when deep red state Kansas, voted to keep their state constitutional right to abortion, day before yesterday, when Republican leadership, slipped it onto the primary ballot, thinking (and rightfully so), that Republicans would be predominant in the primary and rubber stamp the goals of the Republican elites, only to find out Kansans are not to quick to give up individual rights under their state constitution, whether it is a popular right wing niche, line of thought or not.
You see, that is both the trouble and the beauty of our system and part of the reason is self corrects in the long term.
I have no interest in discussing abortion with you. I'm quite sure you got the message on what is happening. That's obvious from your comment on how you have faith in your system self-correcting,

I find it very unlikely that Trump or Trumpism (fascism) can be stopped now.
Of course you can ignore that if your confidence is still holding strong.
I decided nothing, the OP decided, Don. Just stay in the parameters of the thread topic and don't derail it.
I haven't deleted any post
I have stayed within the parameters of the thread topic and so far i've heard no accusations against what I've said, from you.
Perhaps your comment was directed at somebody else? Is that settled now to your satisfaction?
The two things that bother me about all of this is DeSantis and his antics of having to call this attorney a boogeyman Soros backed attorney..... I mean, come on....does he really need to do that division political shit in his announcement? Seriously?

And the other thing that bothers me is that the people of Hillsborough county voted for this man to be their county attorney, and DeSantis voiding their removing their choice without any due process.... Like he alone is king, and gets to decide all by himself to remove the voter's choice for their county.....

You would think there would be some sort of impeachment type procedure, where the attorney is removed or the voters do not feel they were robbed of their choice by a single partisan prick, but he was removed thru a fair, legal process.
There has been referendums by voters overturned. One of them was in California. The citizens voted against gay marriage about 15 years ago. A lower court insane Prog judge overruled that.
I have stayed within the parameters of the thread topic and so far i've heard no accusations against what I've said, from you.
Perhaps your comment was directed at somebody else? Is that settled now to your satisfaction?
The question is, has it settled to your satisfaction?
LOL. In other words, DeSantis believes he knows better than the electorate!

DeSantis is ensuring people do their job, that they are not allowed to put their own agendas ahead of the legislators, laws, and Florida.

People don't get hired in positions like this to do what THEY want to do. This clown was not hired to carry out HIS own personal agenda.

Again, good on DeSantis.
Yes. For these folks if they disagree with the law they are 100% fine with it being ignored and if they think it i a good law it is the end of the world when it is ignored.

And the worst part is they think being that way is a good hting
i think it sucks it's come to this. i just don't see another way out at this point.
How can you tell? In watching the Governor speak on stage with local Hillsboro County, Fl., law enforcement on the OP thread post link, the Governor did not mention Abortion or Soros. What is Soros connection, anyway, just something to tar the asshole with. The Sherriff or Chief did not mention abortion or Soros either.
So is the story trumped up bullsh%t, with a catch phrase headline to attract attention, or is there something the Governors office does not want to talk about in public, and neither does local law enforcement? What is the real story here, and does it actually have anything to do with abortion or with Soros. If so, what? Where is that article? It is like reading the Drudge Report from a few years back, where often the headline had little or nothing to do with the actual story on the linke page, sometimes not even same title, yet people responding, were responding to the unsupported headline, that grabbed their interest.
While I am glad of a Governor forcing a State's Attorney to do his job or get out, if that is what he is doing (as I do not agree with DA or State Attorney selective enforcement) there is just no way to tell if that is the real story here, or if this is a political grandstand play by the Governor of Florida.

you can pretend soros is just a boogie man name used for click bait, i'll watch what he does and make my own determination.

he's funding DA's and far too much media for 1 person to be funding. but hey, lets say he's not and pretend. as for grandstanding, you're glad a gov did it, but it's just grandstanding.

interesting take. like "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" - making sure your bases are covered.
i think it sucks it's come to this. i just don't see another way out at this point.

There is not. People are proud to be this way.

Back to my clerk in KY examples, she was a hero to the right and a villain to the left.

Now the roles are reversed.
Because we support civil rights, unlike you.

This is a different situation. DeSantis got rid of a leftist, pro-crime (but I repeat myself) DA who posed a public safety threat due to his malicious actions.
You mean the elected representative... So it is alright to refuse to deal with elected officials now...
There is not. People are proud to be this way.

Back to my clerk in KY examples, she was a hero to the right and a villain to the left.

Now the roles are reversed.
There’s a big difference between making prosecution decisions and refusing to give people benefits that they are entitled to.
Back during the BLM Insurrection we had a couple of dozen of the little Negro shits arrested for attacking the Tampa police and doing property damage. Nothing like what was going on in the Democrat big city shitholes but criminal none the less.

This asshole Soros backed piece of libtard shit refused to prosecute the Insurrectionist Negros.

He also refused to enforce state laws against abortion, which is despicable.

This is addition to letting many of the inner city criminals back on the streets.

He deserved to be removed from office.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the country. He is not afraid to take on the Liberal filth in this country.

We want him as our Governor here in Florida but he will make a great President.
Back during the BLM Insurrection we had a couple of dozen of the little Negro shits arrested for attacking the Tampa police and doing property damage. Nothing like what was going on in the Democrat big city shitholes but criminal none the less.

This asshole Soros backed piece of libtard shit refused to prosecute the Insurrectionist Negros.

He also refused to enforce state laws against abortion, which is despicable.

This is addition to letting many of the inner city criminals back on the streets.

He deserved to be removed from office.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the country. He is not afraid to take on the Liberal filth in this country.

We want him as our Governor here in Florida but he will make a great President.
Racists would have all black people removed from office.
Hitler effectively did the same with the people he demonized.

You're making a racist statement with your avatar and you don't intend it to be ignored.
LOL. In other words, DeSantis believes he knows better than the electorate!
Warren publicly announced that he would not do the job that he was elected to do and that gives DeSantis the right to fire his ass.

Warren was dishonest while running for office. All his campaigning was that of a moderate, which what the people of Central Florida thought they were getting. I remember his campaign. The lying asshole never mentioned that he would not enforce the laws of the state. If he had he most likely would not have been elected.

DeSantis did the right thing by firing the sonofabitch. He did the legal thing because he has the authority (and responsibility) to do it under Florida law.

He has the courage to do what other Governors are too chickenshit to do. That is a good thing.
Racists would have all black people removed from office.
Hitler effectively did the same with the people he demonized.

You're making a racist statement with your avatar and you don't intend it to be ignored.
Warren is White you dumbass!
A Governor taking away the authority of any elected official is a big deal. But when a public prosecutor assumes the role of the legislature in unilaterally deciding which laws he will simply refuse to enforce, then the use of such gubernatorial authority is perfectly justified.

Bravo for DeSantis.
This was the statement....It's ridiculous for someone connected with the law to determine on their own which laws they will enforce and which ones they won't.

No qualifiers mentioned

Then there was the clerk in KY that refused to give same sex couples marriage license and she was hailed as a hero by the right. But I know, that is different also.
Pharmacy clerks are not law enforcement officers.
Warren publicly announced that he would not do the job that he was elected to do and that gives DeSantis the right to fire his ass.

Warren was dishonest while running for office. All his campaigning was that of a moderate, which what the people of Central Florida thought they were getting. I remember his campaign. The lying asshole never mentioned that he would not enforce the laws of the state. If he had he most likely would not have been elected.

DeSantis did the right thing by firing the sonofabitch. He did the legal thing because he has the authority (and responsibility) to do it under Florida law.

He has the courage to do what other Governors are too chickenshit to do. That is a good thing.
Idiot. Warren ran for office and was overwhelmingly elected in 2020. DeSantis came out with his abortion mandate in 2022.

How the hell can Warren claim he will or will not honor a law in the future? Did DeSantis claim that he will ban abortion in his campaigns?
This was the statement....It's ridiculous for someone connected with the law to determine on their own which laws they will enforce and which ones they won't.

No qualifiers mentioned

Then there was the clerk in KY that refused to give same sex couples marriage license and she was hailed as a hero by the right. But I know, that is different also.
I suppose you are claiming that nothing like this pappens on your side of the fence

IAW only conservatives do that but never libs?
Idiot. Warren ran for office and was overwhelmingly elected in 2020. DeSantis came out with his abortion mandate in 2022.

How the hell can Warren claim he will or will not honor a law in the future? Did DeSantis claim that he will ban abortion in his campaigns?
He's obligated to enforce all the laws on he book, moron. If he can't say he will do that, then he should be kicked out.

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