Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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Something to ponder in all this:
There's about a 33% chance of it being a counter their own violence image Dem tactic so they can deflect and point back saying : "they do it too".
33% chance it was a disgruntled Bernie fan/independent /libertarian.
33% chance it was a far right patriot who saw it's target as the
treasonous ones to our nation which message to action was boasted ironically by the left when they talked about pushing back said Maxine Waters, going low said Obama and Clinton, "collateral damage whatever it takes" said Pelosi, and Obama's own indoctrination & pardon of a terrorist he claimed was justified for his cause thus the left is giving this violent actor(s) his/her /their
green light by their own standard and opened can of worms.
So even if it is a libertarian or Republican the Dems still are the ones who claimed his act is acceptable and part of the tactics they have oromoted recently thus are EQUALLY if not more to blame. They set the rule that if they complain about have to immediately ask those instigators (Maxine and Pelosi) to resign.
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I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless

Ok, you have an issue with blind people...good to know.
Why would you think I have an issue with blind people? Don’t go all snowflake on me now. Rise above

Well you seem to feel a blind guy throwing darts is clueless. Perhaps you should read some of your own posts....dumbass.
No a blind guy throwing darts goes to accuracy because the guy I was responding to constantly makes wrong assertions and is completely off the mark. Then I called him clueless. Sad I have to explain this to you. If I hurt your feelings with the comment I’ll apologize and say it was in poor taste. I somehow doubt that you were much offended though. Just trying to make me look bad with off topic insults like usual.

Really!? Certainly doesn't look or read like an apology. As far as trying to make you look bad, when you make comments like that, who needs to try.
Did I hurt your feelings?
Since the bombs were designed not to go off it was hardly a mass suicide plot. Or even a mass attack of any kind. What is really interesting is that two of the packages contained white powder. Is it the same white powder sent to Republicans. If they tell us and it is, then it's certain to be a democrat operation.

Will they tell us when they know?
Trump's coke dealer?
"If anger drives you to do some disloyal shit, you was never loyal." - Soulja Boy

Democrats are being disloyal to America with their tactics
You went out of your way to make a public hypocrite of yourself, dumbass. Don't be whining now. Too late.
Dude. Nothing about the OP was unfair. I simply made an observarion and showed how it could support a certain conclusion. You came in pretty hot for someone trying to expose hypocrites.


and, say it back.

I find it very suspicious that James Comey hasn't received a package. I can just see that weasely fuck, sending off these packages to get back at everyone who threw him under the bus.
All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.
lol troll.

Scalise shot - GOP pols harassed - Holder say "kick 'em" - Obama say "throw them out" - Hillary say only civility if Dems win - Waters say harrass Trump supporters - Antifa beating people It's only logical to question who actually sent the bombs.
Who attacked Ted Cruz at a restaurant?
Who cares? Didn't his father help JFK's killer? Or are you calling Trump a liar?

Even his father did why would you take it out on the son? For example you’re a moron but that doesn’t mean your kids are. See how that works.
So I guess kids insult other kids' moms not to piss them off? Trump even called his wife ugly and he didn't care.

During a debate or on Twitter he didn’t interrupt him and get in his face while he was eating. False equivalency. Please stop eating those retard sandwiches you sound dumb and really reaching.
Who attacked Ted Cruz at a restaurant?
Who cares? Didn't his father help JFK's killer? Or are you calling Trump a liar?

Even his father did why would you take it out on the son? For example you’re a moron but that doesn’t mean your kids are. See how that works.
So I guess kids insult other kids' moms not to piss them off? Trump even called his wife ugly and he didn't care.

During a debate or on Twitter he didn’t interrupt him and get in his face while he was eating. False equivalency. Please stop eating those retard sandwiches you sound dumb and really reaching.
You should hate Ted Cruz because Trump called his wife ugly.
Who attacked Ted Cruz at a restaurant?
Who cares? Didn't his father help JFK's killer? Or are you calling Trump a liar?

Even his father did why would you take it out on the son? For example you’re a moron but that doesn’t mean your kids are. See how that works.
So I guess kids insult other kids' moms not to piss them off? Trump even called his wife ugly and he didn't care.

During a debate or on Twitter he didn’t interrupt him and get in his face while he was eating. False equivalency. Please stop eating those retard sandwiches you sound dumb and really reaching.
You should hate Ted Cruz because Trump called his wife ugly.

I should? LOL. I am not a sensitive snowflake like you. Sissy boy.
An NYPD official says the “suspicious package” at Cuomo’s office was in fact just an informational package containing literature
trump: caravan sent the bombs
kelly: no
trump: hillary sent the bombs
kelly: no
trump: obama sent the bombs
kelly: no
trump: john mccain
kelly: hes not alive
trump: kaepernick
kelly: no t
rump: aquaman
kelly: not a real person
trump: mueller
kelly: let's let melania handle this
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


Speaking of desperation...have you ever read your own posts?
Yah they are pretty fucking good. I am one of the highest rated posters in this joint.

I am so good at this, I am thinking of starting a new business selling Democrats Sofas made from the tears of illegals being deported back their their homelands.

I'm going to call myself the Sofa King. And my Business is going to be called......

Sofa King Good!
Put the elections on hold until the FBI can investigate this.
LOL yah, Losing Dems in Losing Races, want the FBI to put the election on hold....until they can find a way to rig the election, then the election will be back on again.

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