Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.

We shall see, but very doubtful!
Let's restate the observation and plausible conclusion, shall we?

All persons targeted had some roll in Hillary winning the DNC nod. All recent anger is at Frankenstein, Harris, and Gay Cory for the Kavanaugh fiasco, but so far, no bombs to them.

The identity of the targets tends to support a conclusion that the perp is a pissed Bern Bot.

It is in no way sufficient proof of anything, but could be the basis of the FBI's profiling.

That is all I am saying. I am not pointing the finger at democrats and will not do so.
Trump goes off his prepared remarks to say he is “extremely angry, upset and unhappy” with the violent acts today. Standing ovation in room as he issues condemnation
Ok, you have an issue with blind people...good to know.
Why would you think I have an issue with blind people? Don’t go all snowflake on me now. Rise above

Well you seem to feel a blind guy throwing darts is clueless. Perhaps you should read some of your own posts....dumbass.
No a blind guy throwing darts goes to accuracy because the guy I was responding to constantly makes wrong assertions and is completely off the mark. Then I called him clueless. Sad I have to explain this to you. If I hurt your feelings with the comment I’ll apologize and say it was in poor taste. I somehow doubt that you were much offended though. Just trying to make me look bad with off topic insults like usual.

Really!? Certainly doesn't look or read like an apology. As far as trying to make you look bad, when you make comments like that, who needs to try.
Did I hurt your feelings?

All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.
could be anyone at this point.

pointing to a single source like "trumpies" is just asinine and agenda driven.
Everything I've seen and heard point to the Possibility that this is something that was intended to cause a crisis. The fact that the packages appear to bear every sign that they were meant to be discovered and not to explode is very suspicious to me. Anyone who intended to harm would not place so many alert signals into their packaging. Just saying
All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.

At this point it could be you! Keep your trap closed until there is at least an investigation . I'm thinking Ted Kazynski did it from Prison
All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.
could be anyone at this point.

pointing to a single source like "trumpies" is just asinine and agenda driven.
Everything I've seen and heard point to the Possibility that this is something that was intended to cause a crisis. The fact that the packages appear to bear every sign that they were meant to be discovered and not to explode is very suspicious to me. Anyone who intended to harm would not place so many alert signals into their packaging. Just saying
That observation could lead to the conclusion that the perp is:

A. a right-winger who is inflamed to terrorism and "white nationalism" (think racism) by Trump rhetoric, but said perp is too motherfucking stupid and careless to make it work


B. a Dem supporter who wants people to believe Dems were being targeted by hateful right wingers to prove that Trump's rhetoric is causing extreme violence and white national racism (think Nazis), ut said perp does not want to actually harm the leftists he/she loves.

I will let all decide on their own.

All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Desperate Dems trying to stir up sympathy in the face of bad pre midterm election poll numbers. Trying to scare voters away from the GOP, because everything else has failed. Now this scare tactic has failed too... I suspect outright killing is the only way to ratchet it up from here. These fuckers are scary desperate...
Anyone else notice Blassio and Cuomo
Admitted inadvertently that the Dems were always involved in terrorism by calling on scare tactics, harrassing, and creating violence. Now that they defined it as Terrorism half the posts sent to the conspiracy and rubber room gor saying the same need to be placed back and returned to their proper forum. :p
Who cares? Didn't his father help JFK's killer? Or are you calling Trump a liar?

Even his father did why would you take it out on the son? For example you’re a moron but that doesn’t mean your kids are. See how that works.
So I guess kids insult other kids' moms not to piss them off? Trump even called his wife ugly and he didn't care.

During a debate or on Twitter he didn’t interrupt him and get in his face while he was eating. False equivalency. Please stop eating those retard sandwiches you sound dumb and really reaching.
You should hate Ted Cruz because Trump called his wife ugly.

I should? LOL. I am not a sensitive snowflake like you. Sissy boy.
All the more, you're man enough to be a misogynist. So you can hate women and be proud of it.
Even his father did why would you take it out on the son? For example you’re a moron but that doesn’t mean your kids are. See how that works.
So I guess kids insult other kids' moms not to piss them off? Trump even called his wife ugly and he didn't care.

During a debate or on Twitter he didn’t interrupt him and get in his face while he was eating. False equivalency. Please stop eating those retard sandwiches you sound dumb and really reaching.
You should hate Ted Cruz because Trump called his wife ugly.

I should? LOL. I am not a sensitive snowflake like you. Sissy boy.
All the more, you're man enough to be a misogynist. So you can hate women and be proud of it.

Resorting to video clips. Yep you lost.
All the more, you're man enough to be a misogynist. So you can hate women and be proud of it.
Aren't you sick of throwing around these bullshit lables? They have been so overused that they mean nothing now. They don't have the power they had in past decades. Nobody is affected by them.

If you know so much about what is happening right now with these bombs, why aren't you with the FBI right now?

And yet in another thread related to the Democrat witch hunt on NOW JUSTICE KAVANAUGH YOU SAID.......

So you admit that this guy is one of the cult guys and you want him on the Supreme Court no wonder what sort of sex freak he is because you are in the same cult? We already have sex freaks in the presidency and the vice-presidency.

If you knew so much about Kavanaugh and the President and VP, why didn't YOU go to the FBI over Kavanaugh?

Let's restate the observation and plausible conclusion, shall we?

All persons targeted had some roll in Hillary winning the DNC nod. All recent anger is at Frankenstein, Harris, and Gay Cory for the Kavanaugh fiasco, but so far, no bombs to them.

The identity of the targets tends to support a conclusion that the perp is a pissed Bern Bot.

It is in no way sufficient proof of anything, but could be the basis of the FBI's profiling.

That is all I am saying. I am not pointing the finger at democrats and will not do so.

Not the craziest theory. If I had to lay money on the politics of the culprits, I would put my money on someone not in the political mainstream before Id bet on a left wing or right wing nut job.

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