Desperate Dems Try to Smear Moore, But O.K. With This...

Prove he did it first, douchebag.

So, you're saying you don't think Moore had any contact with these girls? But you also say that a 32 year old man being romantically involved with a 14 year old girl is the parents' fault.

Well, if it didn't happen then you can't say what didn't happen was the fault of the parents. You get that, right? You get how your argument contradicts itself, right?
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.

Yes you are. You've gone from denying anything even happened, to excusing it by blaming the girl's parents. So how are you able to blame the girl's parents for something you think never happened?

That's why you're a propagandist...and not a very good one.
So the fact that you can't prove it means you get to say whatever you like and make things up?

So you're arguing two contradicting points:

1. You argue that these women are lying, impugning the good name of Judge Roy Moore who never had any contact with these girls.

But you also argue

2. There's nothing wrong with a 32 year old man seducing a 14 year old girl and it's the parents' fault for letting it happen.

So...those two arguments of yours directly contradict one another.

Which makes me think you're just a propagandist paid to spread this bullshit.
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.

So then what are the women lying about? Are they lying about having contact with Moore, or are they lying about having sexual contact with him? Because in either case, Moore had contact with underage girls.
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.

That is precisely what you're saying. You say it's "not true"...what's "not true"? Is the allegation that he had any contact with them what's "not true", or is the allegation that he had sexual contact with them what's "not true"? What is it you think the women are lying about?
Alabama The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent, parties can marry at age fourteen. However, this parental consent is not required if the minor has already been married. (Other statutory laws apply.) Common law marriage is recognized.

State-by-State Marriage

Democrats say nothing when Muslims marry child brides much younger. Apparently, if the parents knew Moore was there or the girl was sixteen he broke 0 laws.
Why is it legal? Not Moore's problem.

So wait a second...did Moore have contact with these girls or didn't he? Because you are saying these women are lying, yet here you are saying there's nothing wrong with what Moore did.

So what are they lying about, then?
No, I'm not saying that, asshole.

Yes you are. You've gone from denying anything even happened, to excusing it by blaming the girl's parents. So how are you able to blame the girl's parents for something you think never happened?

That's why you're a propagandist...and not a very good one.

Where did I blame the girl's parents? You just can't stop lying, can you?
Alabama The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent, parties can marry at age fourteen. However, this parental consent is not required if the minor has already been married. (Other statutory laws apply.) Common law marriage is recognized.

State-by-State Marriage

Democrats say nothing when Muslims marry child brides much younger. Apparently, if the parents knew Moore was there or the girl was sixteen he broke 0 laws.

When Obama was president, US troops in Afghanistan were ordered not to interfere when adult male Afghanis sexually molested young boys.
Why is it legal? Not Moore's problem.

Here's the problem:

You all say the women are lying. About what, you don't say. You just say they are lying...but then you also say there was nothing wrong with what Moore did by having this inappropriate contact. So what are the women lying about, according to you? Because you've justified Moore being with an underage girl...which was the accusation. So you're admitting that he had contact with the underage girls. Are you accusing the women of lying about having contact at all, or that the contact was sexual? Because you just admitted he had "romantic" (re: sexual) contact with these underage girls.
Where did I blame the girl's parents? You just can't stop lying, can you?

Apologies, I'm getting my Russian trolls all mixed up.

So you don't blame the girl's parents for Moore having contact with underage girls?

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