Desperate Dems Try to Smear Moore, But O.K. With This...

The real sick thing about this entire thread is how you Looney liberals, don't see a problem. With a half naked boy dancing in the middle of the street. While adults are cheering him on. I'd say they are all pedophiles and people on here are defending them. Get this through your head, the boy is half fucking naked, you all are sick individuals. The boy should be playing with his friends and having fun, not dancing in the street while grown ups are getting their jollies off on him.

Um, okay, the only thing that is exposed are his head and arms. That's "half-naked" by you?

Look, you aren't upset about how much skin is exposed, you are upset he's wearing a dress.
He’s 8 you sick bastard!
If the kid was black there would be thousands of black activists accusing the parade organizers of racism and pedophillia and claiming that the white power structure is feminizing black males, and all the shitstains defending this would be nodding their heads.
I don't know liberals love them queers, I believe more than blacks. Heck the blacks are even less on their radar than the Hispanics. Liberals know they own the black vote so they don't care about them anymore. We just had a black president and they are worse off now than before he was elected.
Black churches haven’t stopped preaching extremely socially conservative views, and “liberals” still defend them when someone attempts to point out the massive double standard.

That is all they have ever done for black people, and that is all they ever need to do.

Maybe Republicans should take a hint concerning their own constituencies.....
Democrats keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote.
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

there is no basis for your loony lies.

but nice try....

Liberal have aligned with Islam. Face it your party not only protects and placated Islam, but all but assured that Islam will make the US a hostile place for Jews to life. Just like they do in Europe!

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Pretend "conservatives" have aligned with white supremacists. whose killed more people in this country since 9/11 sweetie pie?

and who is more dangerous to you and your family?
This shit doesn't work any's a desperation move by Bezos and left wing nut jobs....Hey libs!!!! you have worn this one out get a new playbook!
When 4 women have the same scenario it’s not a smear job.
Moore picked up the underage girls around the corner so their parents wouldn’t see it, like a typical pedo and took them to his cabin for inappropriate behavior.
And you stick with this pervert.
Well you ignored Trump being a serial sex offender and voted for him so it’s understandable to stick by this pervert Moore too.
Um, okay, the only thing that is exposed are his head and arms. That's "half-naked" by you?

Look, you aren't upset about how much skin is exposed, you are upset he's wearing a dress.
He’s 8 you sick bastard!
If the kid was black there would be thousands of black activists accusing the parade organizers of racism and pedophillia and claiming that the white power structure is feminizing black males, and all the shitstains defending this would be nodding their heads.
I don't know liberals love them queers, I believe more than blacks. Heck the blacks are even less on their radar than the Hispanics. Liberals know they own the black vote so they don't care about them anymore. We just had a black president and they are worse off now than before he was elected.
Black churches haven’t stopped preaching extremely socially conservative views, and “liberals” still defend them when someone attempts to point out the massive double standard.

That is all they have ever done for black people, and that is all they ever need to do.

Maybe Republicans should take a hint concerning their own constituencies.....
Democrats keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote.
Republicans cut funding for education. Democrats understand schools need money. So your lies wil be trashed
He’s 8 you sick bastard!
If the kid was black there would be thousands of black activists accusing the parade organizers of racism and pedophillia and claiming that the white power structure is feminizing black males, and all the shitstains defending this would be nodding their heads.
I don't know liberals love them queers, I believe more than blacks. Heck the blacks are even less on their radar than the Hispanics. Liberals know they own the black vote so they don't care about them anymore. We just had a black president and they are worse off now than before he was elected.
Black churches haven’t stopped preaching extremely socially conservative views, and “liberals” still defend them when someone attempts to point out the massive double standard.

That is all they have ever done for black people, and that is all they ever need to do.

Maybe Republicans should take a hint concerning their own constituencies.....
Democrats keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote.
Republicans cut funding for education. Democrats understand schools need money. So your lies wil be trashed
Then why did Obama cut funding to a charter school in Washington, then had to reverse it because of the outrage? Your lies are also trashed. Anyway how much more money do you want to put into a failed school system. Public schools are liberal indoctrination centers, that are producing snowflakes.
Here's the thing...if the guy is guilty Conservatives across the board will demand his incarceration.
Liberals on the other hand will defend the likes of Roman Polanski till the bitter end and actually promote the behavior of these idiots.


seen it over and over

The con that you're playing is that there is any way to prove this exists. So since no way to prove it exists of course you ask that it gets proven while defending him with all your might.

None of you are defending Weinstein or Spacey or Cosby. Hell you guys even defended O'Reilly and he didnt believe it himself and paid out 30 million.

i am not defending anyone

i am however pointing out what kind of hypocrites you and yours are
Here it is again. Seven pages of the 2 primitive tribes squaring off defending the indefensible just to achieve political power in America. It's 7 pages of "they did it first" or "they did it worse Mommy"..

What's happening as seen from the "Big Middle" is that any sin -- no matter how heinous is now completely atoned for if the other does it. So how much more of this do you think it will take to TANK this country without any further help from the Russians or the now defunct media?

Only one direction it's heading. And one of 2 things is gonna happen. The "Big Middle" which is growing while your 2 adolescent tribes are shrinking is gonna put you all in "time out" so far away from Leadership and power, that you'll need binoculars to see watch the politics of humility, leadership and ability. OR you'll destroy this country by all your focus on WINNING.. All this WINNING is now just America losing it's mind..
I would like to see some proof first before letting unsubstantiated lies bump off a legitimately nominated conservative Senate candidate.

Of course. Where did all these Trump groped women go after election night? Or the women who smeared Herman Cain when he was running out front for the RNC nomination?

Right now -- you've got any number of awful inexcusable allegations. Including the ones in the Menedez trial. Should ANY of those be credible -- they need to leave political leadership.. It's that simple.
If the kid was black there would be thousands of black activists accusing the parade organizers of racism and pedophillia and claiming that the white power structure is feminizing black males, and all the shitstains defending this would be nodding their heads.
I don't know liberals love them queers, I believe more than blacks. Heck the blacks are even less on their radar than the Hispanics. Liberals know they own the black vote so they don't care about them anymore. We just had a black president and they are worse off now than before he was elected.
Black churches haven’t stopped preaching extremely socially conservative views, and “liberals” still defend them when someone attempts to point out the massive double standard.

That is all they have ever done for black people, and that is all they ever need to do.

Maybe Republicans should take a hint concerning their own constituencies.....
Democrats keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote.
Republicans cut funding for education. Democrats understand schools need money. So your lies wil be trashed
Then why did Obama cut funding to a charter school in Washington, then had to reverse it because of the outrage? Your lies are also trashed. Anyway how much more money do you want to put into a failed school system. Public schools are liberal indoctrination centers, that are producing snowflakes.
Just because you’re a HS dropout doesn’t mean you can keep the electorate as ignorant as you.
“My lies.”

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to prove you’re the liar.
The Republican tax plan could financially devastate graduate students

GOP Tax Bill: What Will Change for Students
It happens every election. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who should be immediately slapped with a lawsuit seeking large damages.
Of course! :rolleyes:
the women are ALWAYS

In these cases, yes.

They come from out of nowhere on the eve of elections, decades after the alleged act, and disappear back into the fog as soon as the election is over.

Paid accusers all.
They are coming out in a climate of people discussing being molested in their past

What office was Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacy running for?

Those guys are competing for the Culture War League. The line-up for the Political Wars League are a different roster. Get a freaking program bud...
Here it is again. Seven pages of the 2 primitive tribes squaring off defending the indefensible just to achieve political power in America. It's 7 pages of "they did it first" or "they did it worse Mommy"..

What's happening as seen from the "Big Middle" is that any sin -- no matter how heinous is now completely atoned for if the other does it. So how much more of this do you think it will take to TANK this country without any further help from the Russians or the now defunct media?

Only one direction it's heading. And one of 2 things is gonna happen. The "Big Middle" which is growing while your 2 adolescent tribes are shrinking is gonna put you all in "time out" so far away from Leadership and power, that you'll need binoculars to see watch the politics of humility, leadership and ability. OR you'll destroy this country by all your focus on WINNING.. All this WINNING is now just America losing it's mind..
I would like to see some proof first before letting unsubstantiated lies bump off a legitimately nominated conservative Senate candidate.

Of course. Where did all these Trump groped women go after election night? Or the women who smeared Herman Cain when he was running out front for the RNC nomination?

Right now -- you've got any number of awful inexcusable allegations. Including the ones in the Menedez trial. Should ANY of those be credible -- they need to leave political leadership.. It's that simple.
You’re not very bright are you. You can spot someone from a mile away when they’re off topic but you can’t spot the countless times people have answered your first question.
What happened to the women trump molested?
They went back living their lives. They spoke clearly and eloquently why they came out against Trump assaulting them. When they heard the serial sex offender say to America at the debate,” I never assaulted any women”
they were so outraged by that lie they felt it their duty to tell the truth in public.

Your assertion that you don’t pick sides is a joke by your own posts..
Are you smoking weed ? I poor a meteick ton monthly. I’m slow at times, but here your just being a dense mother fucker.

Question one, if he is lying about having had sex and fooled around with the kid. If he is lyin about any aspect of that it WILL come out.

Question two, don’t know. There is always something. All polititions always get cought lying and it’s the end of them when they do.

There is also the fact that these woman followed this guy through all his elections upuntil this one. This whole story stinks of mukraking.
Well dont you find it a problem that the one solution you can find is one you dont know HOW it can be done?

Now if the words of 30 different people doesnt sway you and the word of 4 different women confirming it doesnt sway you then lets be honest here.

You've already determined with no evidence that its muck raking because of who the person is. Thats all. Its like the people who defend any celeb...they love the celeb and believe they shouldnt have to play by the same laws

Your in imagination land dude. There is no help for you. Your lost.

So because I believe 30 people over 1 that shows that I have a problem? But you not being able to explain how to reach the solution you presented is totally normal?

No man, it’s the fact that you can’t see that all’s the sex stuff doesn’t matter a bit. It’s the lying. It’s that simple. I understand you need selatious sex and all that, but sorry man, if this sticks, it will be for lying. Nothing else.

If we are in a time where a 30 year old tries to fuck a 14 year old isnt a problem. We have a problem. Again YES the lying is the problem, we both agree with that. But when I asked HOW DO YOU PROVE HE IS LYING?

You have no answer. I have one. Offer both of them a lie detector test since the stakes and the allegation is terrible. Voila, anyone who tries to sidestep loses credibility and cant complain anymore and whoever tries to belittle the process preemptively is also suspect. Easy. Either that or keep crying in the press and hope the child fucker label doesnt stick...but why gamble with that shit?
Best solution but the old judge would never do it
While he was in a position of power, Moore kept a young female intern in the office to suck his cock -- in the office!!! And used her vagina as a humidor
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

They are OK with raising boys as girls, giving them hormones to ruin the rest of their lives and etc.

Rising boys as gays is not so bad in comparison, I think this to them would be a notch up from raising boys as boys.
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

I don't care if some kid is gay. Why do you care? Obviously because seeing gay people awakens the sexual insecurity you have.

Get over yourself.
It happens every election. The burden of proof is on the accuser, who should be immediately slapped with a lawsuit seeking large damages.

I would love nothing more than for Moore to try to sue these women for defamation.

Then he will have to go on the stand and testify why he thinks it was OK for a 32 year old man to be with a 14 year old girl.
Vote for Doug Jones - a guy who puts the murderers of underage girls in prison, whereas Moore tries to pick them up for dates.

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