Desperate Dems Try to Smear Moore, But O.K. With This...

Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

So, just to review, a little boy is more dangerous than an adult making moves on a 14 year old girl. A little boy in a parade is more despicable than a sexual predator. Others who have been alleged to commit sexual harassment have been roundly condemned on those allegations. But someone with whom you agree politically does not suffer that same fate, but is defended and the messengers attacked.

And you think allegations against Roy Moore are politically motivated. But your "morality" compels you to condemn others who have nothingness no but allegations leveled against them. And your "morality" compels you to condemn a little boy in a parade.

With such flexibility in your "morality", how can you stand so firmly on it?
It' nit a smear. Trying to bang a 14 year old is generally objected to no matter what party you belong to
Gerry Lee Lewis maried his 14 year old cousin. In some parts of the country that kind of thing was not considered abnormal.

Why would pedophilia be considered normal in any part of the country? If some parts of the country accept this sort of behavior, the whole population is perverted. What kind of "marriage" is it that a 14-year-old would be allowed to engage in? At least the Brits called this Lewis pervert out on it. we now are confronted with an accusation that Kevin Spacey tried to do the same with another 14-year-old and an accusation that Moore did the same thing. I think it's disgusting.

Twelve has been the age of majority in many societies in the past. Prolonged childhood came about due to extended lifespans and increased educational opportunities, and the moral structures and culture changed in tandem.

Now we have this floating system that varies from 18-21. Wacky Barry moved adolescence to age 26. A bit extreme, eh?
The age of consent is 16 in most states, and it used to be 14 in a lot of them until quite recently.

If you think it's OK to bang a 14 year old let' hear it. Until then your game of footsy with child fucking is a new low.
No one said it's OK, douchebag.
Gerry Lee Lewis maried his 14 year old cousin. In some parts of the country that kind of thing was not considered abnormal.

Why would pedophilia be considered normal in any part of the country? If some parts of the country accept this sort of behavior, the whole population is perverted. What kind of "marriage" is it that a 14-year-old would be allowed to engage in? At least the Brits called this Lewis pervert out on it. we now are confronted with an accusation that Kevin Spacey tried to do the same with another 14-year-old and an accusation that Moore did the same thing. I think it's disgusting.

And you won't find one person defending Spacey.
Or Weinstein or Bill Cosby

Yet Republicans flock to defend their heroes
Almost all of Weinstein and Spacey's accusers are leftwingers, and they aren't running for office.

They all had jobs. And you won't defend them unless for office?

How about just right and wrong. There are no left wing and right wing vaginas.
Having a job isn't a motive for the left to destroy you. Running for office is. And, yes, there are leftwing and rightwing vaginas. According to the left, rightwing vaginas are bimbos that can be used and destroyed.
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

We can see where the desperation lies alright.
He is innocent, that's the way it works in this country.

Who, Moore? So I'm confused on this because we have you people saying he didn't do anything at all and that the women are just making this up, while also saying that there was nothing wrong with what he did, and 32 year olds having romantic relationships with 14 year olds is normal.

So which is it? Did he go after these girls or didn't he?
Gerry Lee Lewis maried his 14 year old cousin. In some parts of the country that kind of thing was not considered abnormal.

Why would pedophilia be considered normal in any part of the country? If some parts of the country accept this sort of behavior, the whole population is perverted. What kind of "marriage" is it that a 14-year-old would be allowed to engage in? At least the Brits called this Lewis pervert out on it. we now are confronted with an accusation that Kevin Spacey tried to do the same with another 14-year-old and an accusation that Moore did the same thing. I think it's disgusting.

And you won't find one person defending Spacey.
Or Weinstein or Bill Cosby

Yet Republicans flock to defend their heroes
Almost all of Weinstein and Spacey's accusers are leftwingers, and they aren't running for office.
Very true....they just want their story heard

Just like Moore
You mean they want to destroy Moore. Who do you think you're fooling.
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

Conservatives love their child beauty pageants.
Here's the thing...if the guy is guilty Conservatives across the board will demand his incarceration.
Liberals on the other hand will defend the likes of Roman Polanski till the bitter end and actually promote the behavior of these idiots.


seen it over and over

The con that you're playing is that there is any way to prove this exists. So since no way to prove it exists of course you ask that it gets proven while defending him with all your might.

None of you are defending Weinstein or Spacey or Cosby. Hell you guys even defended O'Reilly and he didnt believe it himself and paid out 30 million.
So the fact that you can't prove it means you get to say whatever you like and make things up?
Democrats believe you're innocent until you're proven Republican.

So help me understand what's happening here:

Are you saying that Moore didn't have any contact with these girls, and they're all making it all up?


Are you saying that Moore did have contact with these girls, and it's not inappropriate and you're OK with a 32 year old seducing a 14 year old?

Because you've argued both those points in this thread, FYI.
So the fact that you can't prove it means you get to say whatever you like and make things up?

So you're arguing two contradicting points:

1. You argue that these women are lying, impugning the good name of Judge Roy Moore who never had any contact with these girls.

But you also argue

2. There's nothing wrong with a 32 year old man seducing a 14 year old girl and it's the parents' fault for letting it happen.

So...those two arguments of yours directly contradict one another.

Which makes me think you're just a propagandist paid to spread this bullshit.
Prove he did it first, douchebag.

So, you're saying you don't think Moore had any contact with these girls? But you also say that a 32 year old man being romantically involved with a 14 year old girl is the parents' fault.

Well, if it didn't happen then you can't say what didn't happen was the fault of the parents. You get that, right? You get how your argument contradicts itself, right?
Desperate Democrats are trying every last lowlife trick in the book to smear Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore...but liberals alright with this...

Um, I think it’s you republicans who are trying to take Moore out. It’s typically republicans eating their own when things like this come out 4 weeks from an election.

Wrong. Democrats are always behind it, and they are behind this. Which is another reason not to believe it.

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