Desperate Dems Try to Smear Moore, But O.K. With This...

You mean 40 years later. Yet, all you douchebags claim Jaunita Brodderick can't be believed for the very same reason.

So what it is you think the women are actually lying about? I'm not clear on that. Because you jump from accusing them of lying (of what, you don't say), but then you turn right around and defend Moore's actions at the time.

So help me understand your point. Because it just looks like you're spreading propaganda.
Automatic as opposed to over 30 years?

What difference does the amount of time make? You all had no problem believing Anthony Rapp when he accused Kevin Spacey of abuse that happened 30 years ago because Spacey is a liberal Democrat, yet when four women -who don't know each other- accuse Roy Moore of something that happened 38 years ago, you refuse to accept it.

So you're either a monstrous hypocrite, or you just hate women. So which is it?
Here's the thing...if the guy is guilty Conservatives across the board will demand his incarceration.
Liberals on the other hand will defend the likes of Roman Polanski till the bitter end and actually promote the behavior of these idiots.
Nope...they'll elect him like they elected a pussy grabber president.

Which of course was never proven and they all magically disappeared once the election was over,imagine that.
Automatic as opposed to over 30 years?

People have their reasons for not coming forward with sexual abuse. Some people, like Terry Crews, keep it to themselves for years. Particularly when the abuser is in a position of power and works closely with the authorities (Moore's job was prosecutor, so he was already buddy-buddy with the cops). Maybe the women didn't think they'd get a fair shake and that people would doubt them, just as you're doubting them now, because the authorities would be biased in favor of the prosecutor they work with regularly.
One thing that I find very disturbing is that the reactions to these stories of sexual harassment/molestation of children seems to depend on the sex/gender of the victim. A 14-teen year old is a 14-teen year old. An adult is an adult. Period. If Moore's accusers were male, would this make a difference in the reactions to this controversy"?
Here's the thing...if the guy is guilty Conservatives across the board will demand his incarceration.
Liberals on the other hand will defend the likes of Roman Polanski till the bitter end and actually promote the behavior of these idiots.


seen it over and over

The con that you're playing is that there is any way to prove this exists. So since no way to prove it exists of course you ask that it gets proven while defending him with all your might.

None of you are defending Weinstein or Spacey or Cosby. Hell you guys even defended O'Reilly and he didnt believe it himself and paid out 30 million.

i am not defending anyone

i am however pointing out what kind of hypocrites you and yours are

Thats your way of defending it and not a very original way at that. You turn a blind eye to trying to bang a 14 year old to focus on me not approving of that? Be serious.
Go ahead and tell everyone what do you find attractive about year olds or cut the shit hypocrite
Technically nothing until convicted, but Hollywood has known all about it for years, by admission.

And the Washington post quoted 30 different people to confirm Moore.

So The Washington Post has a conviction with evidence. Make me laugh again.

No, I said they quoted 30 different people.


30 different people vs 1 Molester.

Who you got?

What I've got is one accuser who pops up after decades just prior to an election, and one accused who denies the accusation. Pushme-Pullyu.

What you have is 30 unnamed (therefore fictional until identified) supposed "confirmers" allegedly interviewed by a reporter from a premier Democratic Party newsletter.

Let's see what shakes out, eh?
So because I believe 30 people over 1 that shows that I have a problem? But you not being able to explain how to reach the solution you presented is totally normal?

No man, it’s the fact that you can’t see that all’s the sex stuff doesn’t matter a bit. It’s the lying. It’s that simple. I understand you need selatious sex and all that, but sorry man, if this sticks, it will be for lying. Nothing else.

If we are in a time where a 30 year old tries to fuck a 14 year old isnt a problem. We have a problem. Again YES the lying is the problem, we both agree with that. But when I asked HOW DO YOU PROVE HE IS LYING?

You have no answer. I have one. Offer both of them a lie detector test since the stakes and the allegation is terrible. Voila, anyone who tries to sidestep loses credibility and cant complain anymore and whoever tries to belittle the process preemptively is also suspect. Easy. Either that or keep crying in the press and hope the child fucker label doesnt stick...but why gamble with that shit?

Take that up with the woman mom. Aperantly she was cool with it.

See? Here you believe the word of the victim but only if you can blame the mother for leaving her daughter with someone in a courthouse for a minute but Moore asking and picking her up isnt his fault? Is Moore at fault for anything?

Right here you admit it’s all likely a McConnel hit job, and here you are jacking off and lapping it up like a dog. You are more excited about 14 year olds having sex then heading the story. That and you are to stupid to see it for what it is. It’s pointless to go on with you. Stick with Alex Jones.

If Moore did it is the issue. Why are you going after everyone EXCEPT the accused child molester? Is Moore at fault for at least getting the phone number of a 14 year old girl?

Any mother that would let an adult man screw their daughter should be in prision with the dude that did the screwing. But it’s a question that will be asked. See, you are blinded by your team not winning allot, so you idiots gobble it all up. 4 weeks out of an election and all you want to talk about is sex with children, or murdering them in the womb.

You do know that no one is talking about anyone screwing let alone someones mom letting them right?

I mean, ok....Lets go easy. Is finding a 14 year old attractive when you're 30 something ok in your opinion?

If you refuse to answer that question then why are you attempting to defend that action?
And the Washington post quoted 30 different people to confirm Moore.

So The Washington Post has a conviction with evidence. Make me laugh again.

No, I said they quoted 30 different people.


30 different people vs 1 Molester.

Who you got?

What I've got is one accuser who pops up after decades just prior to an election, and one accused who denies the accusation. Pushme-Pullyu.

What you have is 30 unnamed (therefore fictional until identified) supposed "confirmers" allegedly interviewed by a reporter from a premier Democratic Party newsletter.

Let's see what shakes out, eh?

How can we "lets see" when you've dismissed everything outright? ROFL...The people dont count cause you say. The accusation doesnt count because something about an election erases it cause you say.

Let me ask you. If Roy Moore asked the 14 year old for her phone number was that a decision you can understand in anyway?

If not, then what are you trying to defend?
So The Washington Post has a conviction with evidence. Make me laugh again.

No, I said they quoted 30 different people.


30 different people vs 1 Molester.

Who you got?

What I've got is one accuser who pops up after decades just prior to an election, and one accused who denies the accusation. Pushme-Pullyu.

What you have is 30 unnamed (therefore fictional until identified) supposed "confirmers" allegedly interviewed by a reporter from a premier Democratic Party newsletter.

Let's see what shakes out, eh?

How can we "lets see" when you've dismissed everything outright?

How dense are you, anyway? There's nothing to dismiss. Word against word with decades in between and no substantiation.

The special circumstances of the accusation bear common sense observance, considering this MO was most recently and famously tried on Herman Cain and Donald Trump.

All the accusers faded away immediately following Cain's dropout and Trump's victory.
Word against word with decades in between and no substantiation.
Except there are 30 other people who confirmed it indepently. Oh right, but in order to make it fair you throw all their words out the window because you need names. Oh, but the 4 names you do have those memories are thrown out too so the only persons word being considered is whose?
Word against word with decades in between and no substantiation.
Except there are 30 other people who confirmed it indepently. Oh right, but in order to make it fair you throw all their words out the window because you need names. Oh, but the 4 names you do have those memories are thrown out too so the only persons word being considered is whose?

I would hit the accuser with a massive law suit and drag the bugs through the screen door.
Word against word with decades in between and no substantiation.
Except there are 30 other people who confirmed it indepently. Oh right, but in order to make it fair you throw all their words out the window because you need names. Oh, but the 4 names you do have those memories are thrown out too so the only persons word being considered is whose?

I would hit the accuser with a massive law suit and drag the bugs through the screen door.

Why? Better yet...How? Like you said its word against word unless someone wants to agree to a lie detector.

But there are 30 people who knew and 4 names. Who are you going to believe? One person over everyone else? Well why?
Bullshit. If what these women say is true, Moore should spend time behind bars. If not, then they should.

But to dismiss it out of hand, is tacit approval of it, if he did it.

And if you want to talk about desperate and sick, how about Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler and his comments?
He said, "Even if you accept the Washington Post’s report as being completely true, it’s much ado about very little. "
Thats right, a fellow republican thinks a sitting judge kissing and fondling a 14 year old girl is "...much ado about very little".

Of course, Zeigler didn't stop there.
“He’s clean as a hound’s tooth,” Ziegler claimed, before relying on Scripture to defend Moore.

“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler says choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”

“There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”

1. More was not a sitting judge at the time this was said to have happened.

2. The lying little whore has zero proof to support her accusations.

3. Why wait till it is most convenient for the Democrats to try to dry up funding for Moore among donors without him having any time to disprove the slander? Oh, wait, because it is all a pack of lies, and smear from the usual suspects who accuse the GOP of being KKK every election and of wanting to run down little minority children while flying a Confederate Battle Flag.

Seriously, if you think these charges have any merit at all you are an idiot.
Jim....did Moore have a penchant for very young girls when he was in his 30's?

Why does it matter whether Moore was a judge or a prosecutor or asst prosecutor or an intern to a judge or what ever??? Did he work at the courthouse?

The issue is whether he was 32 and she was 14...isn't it?

Why are you calling her a whore?

If we are going to go with unsubstantiated rumor.... It's not the Democrats doing this, it's McConnell from what I heard....

The woman is a REPUBLICAN and voted for Trump.

Lol, prove she voted for Trump, lol.

This woman is an obvious smear operative being played by the Dems and that makes her a whore.

Anyone that will lie for cash is a whore and a slanderer.
What cash???
What's the difference between what Roy Moore allegedly did and Anthony Weiner? :dunno: except allegedly Moore actually touched this younger girl....and Weiner was more of a cyber sex thing?

Weiner was in real time, and convicted on evidence. Moore's accusers appeared suddenly after decades have passed, sans anything but a story.

I suppose it is possible that this woman is making this up, but WHY go through all of this victim bashing, and being called a whore, and being accused of taking money, and come out and talk about it, if it were really all fake?
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