Desperate Trump asks Congress for "help" against the Kahn family


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
U.S. Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign appealed to Capitol Hill for support on Monday as his attacks on the Muslim parents of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq drew sharp rebukes from fellow party members.

Trump’s criticism of Khizr Khan and Ghazala Khan, who took the stage at last week’s Democratic convention, sparked growing concern and dismay from Republican lawmakers responding to the latest Trump outburst to blindside his party colleagues.

Rob Wasinger, a onetime congressional candidate who has been working for the Trump camp on congressional outreach, sent an email to senior Senate aides saying, “We want to get several member statements out today on this, and would really appreciate your help.”


A similar appeal was made to Republicans in the House of Representatives, according to a senior aide.

Attached to the appeal were talking points lawmakers could use to try to tamp down the controversy growing since last week’s appearance at the Democratic convention by the Khans, the parents of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed by a bomb in Iraq 12 years ago.

Desperate Trump Campaign Turns To Congress For Support In Attacks Against Khan Family

What a bunch of crybabies. Trump can't even fight his own battles without begging for help. Trump is like an arsonist who wants Congress to put out his fires. Sadly hilarious...
That's a good strategy. Why not? The D's put their new Cindy Sheehan out there so it's war with the D's full tilt.
I see nothing wrong with the request for support against the rude and vulgar KHANS
I wonder if Mrs. Clinton sent out similar request for help regarding Mrs. Smiths speech at the GOP convention?
I see nothing wrong with the request for support against the rude and vulgar KHANS
crude and vulgar? in what way?

the KHANS are strangers to Donald Trump----Mr Khan accosted him ----in a surprise attack,
PUBLICALLY----with an assertion that amounted
attack was rude and crude because he PINNED
Trump down with his own maudlin hysteria, publically. He could have written a letter----his behavior was a purposeful attention grabbing STUNT. How would you feel if Mrs Khan were standing in a very public forum (on TV no less) and some mother of a victim of the bitch
--Pakistani TAFSHEEN MALIK and her Pakistani husband---and yelled-----"YOU FILTHY PAKISTANI PIGS-- KILLED MY BABY----you will and your filthy pakistani sons will never know the suffering I have endured----BITCH"!!!!!<<< would
that be ok with you?
That mean ole Kahn family is picking on baby Trump.


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