DESPICABLE: Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

You lost kid, you don't get to choose which sources are "good" and which ones are "bas". It irks yu that me, just some schmuck on the internet bitch slaps you every time we engage.

She is a Dem, she indeed posted the tweet and you (as usual) are scrambling to save face.

It ain't the "source", Schmuck. It's the complete total lack of either evidence or point. Here you are dragging it out and you STILL have none of either.

LOL, you're such an idiot kid. She is a Dem and she did it. I sourced it and you said "nuh-uh". That the entirety of you argument. You aren't in my league kid.

NO STUPID, YOU DIDN'T. You went right back to another fake headline that can't substantiate itself.

There it is again, "nuh-uh". Tell me what party would a Democratic Socialist vote with?

Binary-bots. Continuously addicted to dichotomy. SMFH

Read back in the thread, Binary-bot. I exposed the weasel wording in the OP's article back at the beginning. NOWHERE does it claim a political party for the subject. NOWHERE. Because it can't.

You should know now that semantics and word games will not work with me. I'll rub your nose in the truth and you'll respond "nuh-uh". You look bad.
It ain't the "source", Schmuck. It's the complete total lack of either evidence or point. Here you are dragging it out and you STILL have none of either.

LOL, you're such an idiot kid. She is a Dem and she did it. I sourced it and you said "nuh-uh". That the entirety of you argument. You aren't in my league kid.

NO STUPID, YOU DIDN'T. You went right back to another fake headline that can't substantiate itself.

There it is again, "nuh-uh". Tell me what party would a Democratic Socialist vote with?

Binary-bots. Continuously addicted to dichotomy. SMFH

Read back in the thread, Binary-bot. I exposed the weasel wording in the OP's article back at the beginning. NOWHERE does it claim a political party for the subject. NOWHERE. Because it can't.

The self-described Democratic socialist said her Feb. 28 tweet was instead meant to call attention to the president’s downplaying of the virus

Yes, "Democratic Socialist" (both words in a compound noun are capitalized) is not a political party. I winnowed out the weasel wording back in post 14. Basically it went "Democrats blah blah blah" and then immediately went to the subject, inviting the reader to make a leap of equation which the article itself would not make. I then pointed out that Denver doesn't use political parties in its elections anyway, hence --- weasel wording.

>> A weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. Examples include the phrases "some people say", "most people think”, and "researchers believe". Using weasel words may allow the audience to later deny any specific meaning if the statement is challenged, because the statement was never specific in the first place. Weasel words can be a form of tergiversation, and may be used in advertising and political statements to mislead or disguise a biased view. << (Wiki)​

Finally I didn't point out, but could have, that the Councilwoman didn't write the tweet anyway. And I never did get anyone to venture an answer as to why a political party, if she had one, would matter. They don't dare go there.
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It ain't the "source", Schmuck. It's the complete total lack of either evidence or point. Here you are dragging it out and you STILL have none of either.

LOL, you're such an idiot kid. She is a Dem and she did it. I sourced it and you said "nuh-uh". That the entirety of you argument. You aren't in my league kid.

NO STUPID, YOU DIDN'T. You went right back to another fake headline that can't substantiate itself.

There it is again, "nuh-uh". Tell me what party would a Democratic Socialist vote with?

Binary-bots. Continuously addicted to dichotomy. SMFH

Read back in the thread, Binary-bot. I exposed the weasel wording in the OP's article back at the beginning. NOWHERE does it claim a political party for the subject. NOWHERE. Because it can't.

The self-described Democratic socialist said her Feb. 28 tweet was instead meant to call attention to the president’s downplaying of the virus
Oh it was my right foot in my mouth and not my left
Firing her for this should be a 'no-brainer'.....

But the problem is that she is not alone thinking like that.....we are talking the DemonCrat party here.....thousands upon thousands think exactly like her... and yes, it's a horrible thought...

Many people in the twisted demonCrat party are sick.....very very sick .

You would have to fire the entire Party.
Firing her for this should be a 'no-brainer'.....

But the problem is that she is not alone thinking like that.....we are talking the DemonCrat party here.....thousands upon thousands think exactly like her... and yes, it's a horrible thought...

Many people in the twisted demonCrat party are sick.....very very sick .

You would have to fire the entire Party.
Pardon me in advance for saying so but the pictures you include are attractive.
I say that to this end-how did you avoid becoming a man hating feminazi?
Firing her for this should be a 'no-brainer'.....

But the problem is that she is not alone thinking like that.....we are talking the DemonCrat party here.....thousands upon thousands think exactly like her... and yes, it's a horrible thought...

Many people in the twisted demonCrat party are sick.....very very sick .

You would have to fire the entire Party.
Pardon me in advance for saying so but the pictures you include are attractive.
I say that to this end-how did you avoid becoming a man hating feminazi?

What pictures I include? don't understand
Firing her for this should be a 'no-brainer'.....

But the problem is that she is not alone thinking like that.....we are talking the DemonCrat party here.....thousands upon thousands think exactly like her... and yes, it's a horrible thought...

Many people in the twisted demonCrat party are sick.....very very sick .

You would have to fire the entire Party.
Pardon me in advance for saying so but the pictures you include are attractive.
I say that to this end-how did you avoid becoming a man hating feminazi?

What pictures I include? don't understand
My bad. Upper left next to screen name is where it appears
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'she's getting raked over the coals...'

Good. 9 pages later & snowflakes are actually defending this TDS-Suffering loser....

"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus
What's the problem? It's just a hoax....
the virus wasn't what trump was referring to. don't you feel ashamed to lie like a leftist?

you all don't know what inner balance is. your gyro's are all out of whack.
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus
What's the problem? It's just a hoax....
Demoncraps are a hoax.
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and say the Councilwoman *IS* a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to make that leap. And fools rush in.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


We are all dumber for having read that.....

Of course the Democrats who perpetrated THIS.....

View attachment 310094

would NEVER joke about infecting Trump supporters with Corona Virus....


Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

I'd say she deserves the rabid dog treatment, shoot the bitch before she spreads the disease.
The inherent violence of the trumpanzee.

The inherent racism of the Obamanzee.
A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and say the Councilwoman *IS* a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to make that leap. And fools rush in.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


We are all dumber for having read that.....

Of course the Democrats who perpetrated THIS.....

View attachment 310094

would NEVER joke about infecting Trump supporters with Corona Virus....


Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.
We are all dumber for having read that.....

Of course the Democrats who perpetrated THIS.....

View attachment 310094

would NEVER joke about infecting Trump supporters with Corona Virus....


Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.
Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

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